May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Our local shop sells frozen hot chocolate fudge cake (and it's only £2 for a massive cake lol) try teach they do frozen hot chocolate fudge cake and ice cream.... I'm addicted to the chocolate cake that only kebab shops seems to sell..... so like..... you have to buy the kebab too lol I really want rum and and raisin ice cream now lol

He has to fill the form out online tonight and hand it in tomorrow. So now I not sure if I want Lil miss to arrive until this is sorted now! So much paperwork involved in procreation lol
Nikki they are adorable!!!!! I want a set lol (don't think they will fit me though ;) lol)
aww so cute Nikki.

Lisey i hope everything goes well and quickly for you :) <3

i just want cake and custard and everything sugary - i ate two french fancies before i left for work at 7am lol

extreme lower back pain today and his movements have changed i think he is lying back to back which is why his movements feel softer hes just hitting my placenta x
I just can't stop eating! Don't know what's wrong with me!!!!

I'm glad I've been pretty restrained up until now with what I've eaten and weight gained as all my willpower has just gone out of the window!!

Will be taking the dogs out for a walk in a but. Hopefully a good walk will get things started?! Wishful thinking I'll bet! Lol!

I may have just eaten my dinner at work also...

ive not changed my diet one bit this pregnancy just been going with it and enjoying what i wanted i am trying to hold back on the crap now tho.

get cleaning the floor and up and down the stairs :) xx
To be fair I've not made any major changes to my diet. The biggest thing was I started eating breakfast! My diet isn't the best in the world but it's by no means the worst either.

This week though my appetite seems insatiable!! I just want to eat everything!!!

I thought I was eating more but the portions I'm eating are smaller just more often. I'm always on the lookout for food though lo
massive change for me was breakfast to and dinner, normally i would just have one meal. im not eating huge amounts but i have found im grazing a lot more just to feel him move.
I used to have just the one meal too. Hubby still does. It's the roman diet apparently. Admittedly the one meal was huge lol
I feel like I'm eating all the time. This last month my diet has changed. I'm usually a healthy eater, but I've been having treats here and there. I'm also not usually a chocolate person, but I've been eating it this last month. I'm still not big on cake, and that's why the hot fudge sundae I had the other day was over the top for me. It was a combination of warm Fudge pieces, Chocolate, fresh Vanilla Ice cream, and Belgian Chocolate sauce- I just ant the last two bits. Everything else makes it too much for me, but like I said, I'm not usually big on chocolate or cake/fudge.
I never used to eat brekkie, I'd just have a cup of coffee. In first tri I went right off coffee and had morning sickness from eight weeks and eating helped me feel less sick (sometimes!) and I then just got in the habit of eating breakfast from then, even if it was just a little something.

i eat constantly lol im always hungry after the school run so i end up at the shops buying chocolate and cakes and scoffing the lot!
I want to eat all the time too, esp choc and cakes. I am in the hospital now and just sent OH down to the shops.
We haven't seen anyone, just laying in the bed bored!! Xx
i think the nausea helped me to start eating, i was nibbling plain crisps 24/7 and then moved to crumpets for brekkie, i have just gone back to crumpets.

i never wanted anything sweet until recently and now i just want sweets and chocolate and cake

aww lisey i hope they dont keep you waiting too long! cant believe your so close to meeting your little girl :)xx
I hope not too. Although, I really want her bday to be the 4th so the longer they leave me, the more chance of that. We have only been here an hour but feels longer xx
Exciting times lisey!
I was similar to you two. The nausea made me eat lol think I should have that on a t-shirt
"The nausea made me do it!"
Yeah I was hoping for may 4th too a) for star wars day but also my son is 4th Dec and I thought it would be cute. But I think she has other plans.
i was hoping my little lady would come this week but i cant see that happening lol got my pre op appointment at the hospital tomorrow to go through everything for next week

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