May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

37+3 naked bump :)


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The list of pregnancy aches, pains and ailments just goes on and on doesn't it?!

I always said I wanted to make the most of this pregnancy and savour every moment but I think I'm just about done now and want her here and to allow my body to recover. And I've had it easy in comparison to so many of you!

It seems like the babies will come out just before we crumble into a heap on the floor....

I finally got my pram sorted. Getting the car seat tomorrow. There's always something to do, it's never ending!
Betty my spd is usually massive pain in one hip. I've had more pain in my pelvis and groin this time but my previous two babies was all centred around my right hip.

So exciting all these induction dates!! And I soo hope that snowbee is having cuddles with her little one xx
Really? Ok maybe spd then. God I can't take much more! It's literally been one thing after another and I can safely say I have not enjoyed the physical side of pregnancy one bit! Xx
Any tips for a bit of relief? I'm currently sobbing in bed with a hot water bottle on the offending hip :(
I've put on just short of 3 stone. I did the last time to and managed to lose it again. It's best not to worry about it really because a lot of the weight we carry is baby, fluid, uterus etc and all goes back to normal. It's not like putting on fat.

Exciting that some of you have the end in sight with induction dates and things. I'm pretty sure I'll be going overdue. Especially since I'm 40 weeks on Monday!
Apart from physio no! Hoovering is just about the worst thing you can do for it so if you can avoid that...also anything one sided so carrying a washing basket that side or a child etc are pretty terrible ideas. A pillow between your legs when you sleep if you're not already doing that might help and painkillers. That's all I can really think of! Mine flares up after more active days so taking it as easy as possible is probably the best thing you can do for it. Ah also try keep your legs together when getting in and out a car (a plastic bag on the seat can help with swivelling) and try not to sit with your legs crossed. Xx
Thank you xx how does anyone ever end up doing this more than once?!
Legs crossed???? Is that even possible :rofl: my knees have been apart so long they have become strangers lol.
I've got a resurgence of my pgp my whole pelvis is tender. I too am trying to savour the last moments of pregnancy but I won't be missing the reflux and heartburn. I'm enjoying the kicks but can't wait for cuddles. It's starting to sink in there is a baby that's going to live with us lol.

I can't wait to add on more birth announcements at the start page though!!!!!
Thank you xx how does anyone ever end up doing this more than once?!

You forget and think oh it's would be nice to have another small thing in the house ....... (next time I'm buying a cat lol)
I just can't believe there's a baby in there. Also that I only have a few weeks left of this, pretty much, care-free life I've had for the last 35 years. It'll be a completely different life, but hopefully nice to not be thinking of myself all of the time.

Can't decide - Mammy or Mummy?!!
Did I say I've put on two stone? I haven't - just one, and a bit! Hopefully that's normal. Seeing the midwife this morning and will hopefully find out which way up baby is.
I've not dared weigh myself lol I put on 3 stone with my son but lost most if it within a month of him being born
I can't wait to hear from snowbee. Bubs must be here by now.

I have some pains yesterday eve for a couple of hours. It eased off and then starred again around midnight. Came downstairs as couldn't get comfy and didn't want to disturb OH. Was on and off all night, each pain woke me up. Very tired today. Still cramping but no contractions since waking up xx
i wish snowbee would post so we know everything's ok lol oh came home with 2 bags of spicy food and pineapple last night to try and get the baby out lol
I know Ihope snowbee is OK!

I've got like a permanent tummy and/or back pain now but nothing contraction type. I'm hoping I go into labour before into have to go back to work lol I can't be arsed with bank holiday customers they always seem to be tons of arseholes lmao. But just gotta think.... only 4 more work days left.......

Lol nikki we are having curry and sex with a bit of nipple stimulation thrown in for good luck tomorrow hahaha
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we had curry last night plus pineapple and sex lol no news here yet tho! is anyone taking raspberry leaf tea? thinking of getting somr
I've got a steady back pain that worsens at times. Bowel movements are more frequent and easier. The pressure and pain in my cervix is much more frequent, almost everytime I'm up walking around.

Just waiting for confirmation on Tuesday being my last day. I'm sure it'll be fine, but I want the confirmation.

I've been eating spicy food a lot, actualy craving it. I made burritos last night and have leftovers for lunch. Lunch and dinner have been a little spicy for at least the last 2 weeks.
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