May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

thanks hun im literally counting the days lol got midwife and my pre op appointment next week and then will meet her the week after :)
I hope the time goes quickly for you Nikki and that the codeine helps.
I can't remember how old your little ones are? Do they understand that you need to rest and can't do as much?
That's what I find hard with my son, even though he is older, he doesn't have the the understanding of when people are not well, tired, unable to do things etc. I imagine I will be in labour and he will be asking me for toast lol xx
Emily - I know, I hate being the one that has to make the decisions about it. It's never easy, always torn!

My Mam is determined to buy stuff I don't want! I've let her buy about 5 knitted cardigans, now she wants to get this frilly pom pom pram set thing, which I've told her I don't want. I said I want something colourful/hippy and she just put her head in her hands!
Oh dovekie, it's hard when people want to get you things that you don't like or want. Luckily both sets of parents have good taste but a friend of mine got a dress for baby that just wasn't my style. The bottom was a tutu with layers and layers of the stuff. I don't like fussy things. I felt terrible that I didn't like it. I was polite of course and didn't let on xx
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mine are 4 and 8 lisey. my 8 year old is ok but my 4 year old is very high maintenance and doesn't understand at all. he needs entertaining 24/7 or he starts being naughty
Best get tweaking then eh?! Lol!

I thought sex helped too as there's prostaglandins (?) In sperm the same as they use in the pessaries during induction?

yeah i thought that too lol. i think sex, orgasms and nipple stimulation altogether is the best way lol
So basically you need to do what you did to get them in, to get them out?! Although in my case it was a little (a lot) different xx
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my nipples are too sensitive to let anyone near them at the moment lol
I don't really like nipple action. Hopefully I'll feel differently about breastfeeding!
nobody is touching my nipples!! the OH tries to grab them when DTD and im like stop!!! they are leaking you doughnut haha xx
I don't like nipple action either, I find it annoying!! Xx
I don't really care either way. Right now my sensitivity levels are up and down. But I have no sex drive at the moment. I'm in too much discomfort. He's bum wiggling again, but this is in addition to attempting to stretch my stomach further. My stomach feels like it's going to burst, then my back aches and so much pressure low with movement there too. I really hope he's preparing for an early arrival!
My bump actually hurts now. Not having contractions or anything, just hurts and I feel sick. Well and truly miserable today xx
aw lisey your nearly at 39 weeks! not long at all whens your appointment to see if you will be induced early?
It's on Thursday. Has settled a little now but v achey still. Can't wait for long soak in the bath xx
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