May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

My hair didn't grow until I was two either, my sons hair took ages to grow but then he had a head full of ringlets, my goodness, he looked cute.

Period cramps are quite intense tonight, no contraction feelings or tightenings, just that heavy, dull ache xx
Ooh lisey hopefully you're close!
I was born with black hair son long it could be tied in a pony tail then it fell out i went bald then it grew back white and overtime it's settled as as dark ash blonde lol
oh laughs at me when i get out of breath even getting dressed or undressed leaves me out of breath lol
No action here. Still very heavy and dull ache and is getting worse but that's it.
Nikki, I get out of breath trying to put my shoes on and getting dressed xx
I've got nothing to report here either.

My anxiety has gone through the roof today though and I'm obsessed with movements. Really frightened I'm not monitoring them properly and she's going to die (she literally just kicked and wiggled as I wrote that!) I really can't wait until she's here safe and sound on my arms

You can still put shoes on?! I have to wear my boots unlaced so I can slip them on!

Had lots of bh last night but I think I had over done it a bit yesterday and when I relaxed they went. I keep wondering if this will just be the pattern for weeks to come or whether this could mean something might happen earlier for me. I've got my consultant appointment today and I'm really nervous! Xx
It takes me quite a bit longer to get ready in the mornings. Drying off and getting out of the shower if very slow and uncomfortable. I hate when it comes time to put on socks and shoes. I wish it were warmer so I could wear flip-flops. I only have one pair of shoes I can still wear, my wide converse, and I have those laced in a way to be slide-ons, sort of. My walk to the bus stop is also taking longer now.

So tired and have a slight sore throat that I'm afraid may just get worse. I really just want to be at home in the peace and quiet with my feet up, sleeping.
I actually dread bath time now as I'm so slow and cumbersome. How you are still working let alone commuting kabuk is beyond me! Xx
oh has to help me out the bath im like a beached whale lol

only an hour till i see this consultant i feel so nervous!
I'm not monitoring them at all. Is that bad? Im not counting kicks. I'm just going by what I feel is right. Most days he moves frequently. I'll notice if he has a quiet day and worry that I should tell someone. Then he's back to normal. I think that's his pattern unfortunately - a few days good then a day of worry!

Has she been quiet Emily?
my little ones been quiet today so ive been worrying all morning
Oh Emily, I have felt a bit more anxious lately too, think it's the anticipation. If you get too anxious, give them a ring, I am sure they will put you on monitor xx
I've been doubting myself about movements a bit recently. I think I'm preoccupied with everything I need to do before baby comes so then when I think about movements I have to think really hard about what I've felt that day.

So the midwives arrived yesterday although it was a bit hairy as most of the ferries were cancelled! Luckily the last couple ran so they made it only to discover the place they are staying had no mobile reception... The mat unit ended up calling me and giving me an address so if I'd gone into labour last night I would have been able to get someone to fetch them! Anyway, they are hoping to be in contact today to sort something...I think they have Internet so can maybe use WhatsApp or something!

I am so knackered just now. Actually cracked on and had the cleaning all done by 10am for a change but now all I wanna do is sleep! Xx
im exhausted :( another month left at work for me

i dont kick count either i just go by what feels normal to me, yesterday he was quiet, Midwife said his back was against my stomach so movements would be duller which they were, i still felt him so i wasnt worried and today he hasnt stopped wiggling i think he does have quieter days but i still feel him just more like tickles xx
I'm not sure how I'm still commuting either. Being at work is easier to manage as I can sit down, and Tues/Thurs are quiet days as I only teach one lesson, although I have lots of other things to do. But generally, I can just have a seat during lessons. It does make dealing with behaviour a little more challenging, but with exams coming up, there is less silliness. The person who is covering me for Mat leave can start as early as Thursday, so if I feel I just can't or if luck is on my side and he arrives early, I'm covered. I just have a few more things to finish up today and tomorrow.

I don't know how Ery is managing. I couldn't imagine having a job that requires me to be on my feet. I worked retail for a while and I really couldn't imagine doing that now. It makes me wonder how doctors, nurses and midwives manage it, epsecially if they work in a busy area.

I have never kick counted. I just got a feel for him and understood that it's how often and have a patern of time rather than how active in each go. There are days that seem quieter, but that's because his movement is different. Today it's been all on the middle front, stratching and pushin his head down into the pelvic area that I'm feeling. Yesterday was a combo with some strong movement of his feet pushing our on my right side. Some days the movement is much lighter, but I notice it and the timing pattern is the same.
She had moved this morning but they were a lot more muted and gentle than usual. In the last couple of hours or so I've had some really good movements from her which have moved my whole tummy enough so that it can be seen from the other side of the room. Plus as I'm writing this she's got hiccups!

It's just my anxiety rearing it's ugly head. It just feels like such an overwhelming responsibility sometimes as there's nobody else who can say she's moving as normal except me so if anything happens in respect to that, it's totally my fault.

I just really hope that she isn't late! Not sure how I'll cope!! Lol!!

well they are fully booked till the 11th so ive got 16 days to struggle through doesnt sound alot but feels it :(
So are you booked in for a c section on 11th?

At least you have a date to work towards now and just try and take each day one at a time. Have the crutches from your friend helped at all?

thats the date i was given last week i was seeing if they could bring it forward. crutches are impossible with 2 children lol she did give me codeine tho so going to take those when i really need them to take the edge off of the pain
At least the end is in sight though hun.

It's definitely more difficult being pregnant with other children to look after isn't it? Just try and rest when you can, use your crutches when you can and take your pain killers.

Really hope it doesn't drag too much for you and that it goes quickly once she's here.


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