~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

She does have big eyes, strangers always comment on them lol. No idea what colour hair she'll have, sometimes looks mousey, then blonde and sometimes red! Keeping us guessing!

My hair malts loads, but doesn't come in clumps or anything x
Lily's got big eyes too. She looks like her daddy where as my little boy looks like me. I thought when lily started loosing her hair it would come back blonde but it's staying dark. I really want her to have dark curly hair like that baby on the Johnsons baby advert! It won't be that curly though I don't think xxxx
Aw I remember she had loads of hair when she was born didn't she Karen?

My hairdresser said most mums loose their hair when baby is 6months but move hasn't yet. I've always lost loads at a time but since giving birth it's never been thicker! I think it's because I don't have time to straighten it anymore.

Alex's hair either looks very blonde or very ginger depending on the light and what he's wearing. Still amazes me how people like me I say "oh my look at the colour of his hair" when he's having a ginger day!x
Aww gorgeous babies, We still got a little baldy and cannot tell what colour hair she will have, I'm quite dark, hubby dark blonde but was as white as the milky bar kid when he was small. Looks different in certain lights.

My hair still coming out loads, had about 6 inches chopped off as was fed up as its so thick.

We have the pesto pear high chair, our girly loves it and have to have her upright now otherwise she just pulls herself upright. I can't believe how our babies are all growing up, 5 months old... Eek!! Went to see the ducks today. She loved them, everyone says our little monkey is such a happy girl. She smiles at everyone.

Finally getting somewhere sorting my part time pattern at work, not going back until July but I'm going 50% on my hours just trying to sort out other lifestyle options so I hopefully don't have to do too many on the trot, or be away too long.
I need my hair cut so badly my layers have grown out completely. I just haven't had any motivation to go and get it cut, I always think of something else to spend the money on usually clothes for lily or my son ! I've had to stop myself buying anymore as my sons wardrobe is bursting at the seams and lily has 4 drawers rammed with clothes they don't need any I just can't help myself and I've found myself spending to try and make me happy it literally lasts a couple hours so I've put a ban on myself. I will get my hair cut before I go back to work. Mine wasn't bad when I had my son but I was in hairdressing school so was having it done constantly! But it blocks the plug everytime I wash my hair which in fairness isn't every couple of days as I would usually do its more like twice a week. Ive been shoving it up in a ponytail more than I ever have in my life as I just don't have time to do anything else with it.

Have you ladies got any weaning recipes. I want to start looking into different meals for lily now as I'm pretty sure she's getting bored with carrot puree and potato puree and I'm not sure how to do fruit ones from scratch so end up buying jars but I want to do more variety with her now as she's really starting to love food ( finally at 7 months old) I'm still terrified of doing blw even though I did it with my son. I'm very overly anxious about any sort of risk to them at the moment.im terrified about them dying or getting seriously hurt as I've lost all trust in hospitals . I am waiting on going back to councilling to help with this but need to do something in the mean time for lily's weaning to make it more fun for her. She does love carrots though! ! Xxxx
I had loads of my hair chopped. Much easier to manage as it is very curly and it doesn't fall out so much now. My hair is quite a lot thinner now though.

I am only just branching into my own food now as been using Ella's kitchen stuff up until now. Tonight he has mashed potatoes left over from last night and peas. We shall see how that goes. X
Mash and peas was not a success. Not sure if it was the texture as he has had puree up till now or the taste. Went with a bit of apple puree and yoghurt instead.

At the moment he just has dinner at about 5pm. Going to start lunch next week (he is not a morning baby) but going to give him sticks of soft fruit and veg BLW style and see how that goes. X
We've been introducing stuff as she has been leaving her milk. Didn't have much success on orange foods and was going to try again in a week or 2 if today didn't work but she loved avocado. Our grocers sell them cheap when a bit squishy so perfect for purees.
I've bit the bullet tonight after thinking earlier about blw I thought I'm just going to try tonight so I built myself up a bit and I did some porridge sticks. It was a huge success and she seemed to know what she was doing a gummed it lots before swallowing so it's eased a bit of my anxiety. My sisters dug out some weaning books for me which she will give me when I see her next. For the time being I found netmum quite good for homemade puree recipes and some other websites for baby led weaning. Ive dug my old high chair out to use temporarily til we get a new one as I'm fed up of using the bumbo all the time. She didn't eat too much tonight but I'm proud of myself for just doing it she was obviously ready for it. Going to do a meal plan for next week so I can buy what I need with my shopping Monday and ice got the annabell karmel freezer tray to bulk prepare so I've filled my Monday up with food shopping and cooking! Xxxx
Sounds like a great plan Caseysmummy. I need to start making more of my own stuff but the first couple of times haven't been too successful. Gonna try the BLW approach with lunch next week and go from there. X
It's funny, Alex loved pea purée last week, hated it today! Can you only do blw from 6months? x
I started my son on blw from 6 months but I had being doing puree from 5 months as he was ready for food lol! I used to go to a baby group at my local children's centre with my son which provided lunch and there would be 2 health visitor and midwives there. And they encouraged me to do it as I was unsure and never heard from it and they recommended 6 months. How old is Alex now? You could start with something soft on small sizes like buttery toast, porridge sticks. Lily's been grabbing things out of my sons hands at times she close to him and sticking the straight into her mouth so the ques have been there I've just let my anxiety get the best of me but I've got to stop it as it's not fair to lily. Ive got my gp appointment Tuesday but I know my anxiety is getting worse as I'm waking up most days feeling very anxious about my children. This week my sons been off ill so that hasn't helped as I've been worried about him.

My sister told me about a puree recipes last night if anyone else wants to try it its super simple and fruit so a winner in mine and lily's eyes as fruit is her favourite.
Blueberry and banana puree.
Boil blueberries for 2 minutes until berries start to burst. Drain water add chopped banana and blend and if your little one likes yoghurt add some natural yoghurt to it. I'm going to try that today! Xxxx
That sounds yummy Caseysmummy. I am going to look in the reduced section today at tesco for some overripe fruit then going to do a little batch and freeze in some ice cube trays for next week.

May I ask what a porridge stick is? X
Porridge sticks are also easy blw recipe I found last night. I'll link it for you hun xxx
Right I'm not sure if our girly is starting teething or going off her milk in general and showing signs of being ready for food but she is chewing on everything, including the teats on her bottles, leaves around 2oz, so is taking an average of 5oz so has actually dropped about 6oz a day, we upped her to 7 but is now taking less than before, can't see any teeth btw. I've tried introducing puréed veg and yesterday she was loving her avocado, today spat it all out again, now worried she isn't getting enough, not pushing the food on her as She's only 5 months so don't really want to try BLW for at least 2/3 more weeks at he earliest, anyone else had this?
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Yes lily went through this I think it's her teeth moving in her gums as we've still had no teeth through yet. I was worried too but hv reassured me to feed through it as it helps l. She picked back up again after a couple of days hun xxxx
We have had similar issues. He chews a lot and dribbles a lot. Has done for about 6 weeks and still no teeth. The milk picks up again though I found.

Will try them Caseysmummy. Bought a soft avocado today and some ripe bananas. Gonna have a cook and blitz party over the weekend. X
Ah thanks ladies, that's good to know that hopefully it won't last too long. She's prob been dropping her feeding amounts since around Monday so will give it a bit longer. Just hope it doesn't affect her weight gain as she finally crept up to the 25th percentile from the 9th x
Having the same issue here Lucy. Nearly called HV yday as my girl had only taken 10oz all day by 6pm! She was very agitated. She's eaten better today but still only around 20-22oz versus the norm of 30-35oz last few weeks for example. Is so frustrating not being able to help them or work out what's wrong so you can make it better.

Loving all the baby photos. Gorg wee ones!

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