~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

He has everything he needs so...

I appreciate the tip. But I think it's easy to get carried away buying little outfits they don't need. He needs a coat, but there's no way he needs £150 worth of clothes, even on sale! Lol
Well that's all that matters. This is the best age in a way as even though they grow fast they don't need much xxx
I love bargains myself and still hunt them down in charity shops. I didn't buy £150 of one size in the sale, I bought right up to 12-18months so isn't actually a lot when it's over a year and a half, certainly doesn't look much at all for that amount of time. I had the money at the time so thought I'd plan in advance while I could. :)

Ah well! Year ago today I had my little Hayden embryo popped in my womb! So wonderful now he's here :) can't believe that was a year ago.

So I've been advised over and over to invest in a jumperoo, I tried him in one in mothercare and he loved it! So we decided to get him one. Not used it at home yet but looking forward to putting him in it tomorrow! He's always in his mamaroo so will be nice to have him sat up :) think I read a few others on here are getting them, does anyone else have one :) how does your little one like it? Xx
I don't see the harm in buying nice little outfits if you can afford to ! I think "lol"ing at the thought of someone spending £150 on clothes is a little harsh, it clearly brought enjoyment to a mum wanting to get nice things for her baby.
We don't NEED make up, or chocolate but we still buy it what's wrong with spoiling our babies! :)
Charlie our shopping was exactly the same, various sizes and items, not all one size., I refuse to pay full price apart from a couple of nice bits I bought in jojo's for Christmas, Tbh the prices I paid in next are cheaper and way better quality than some supermarket items we have had. I have also take a liking to h and m clothes. Get dresses for just £6, where you could get the same equivalent in sainsburys for twice the price. I want my girly to look nice and I buy myself nothing these days too.haha.

We have a jumperoo and our girly loves it, only pop her in a short time with a cushion under her feet as she is so short still. I think I might have just about found out this time last year, was so amazing x
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I'm still umming and Arrington about a jumperoo we've not much space. I was thinking about one for Christmas as she doesn't like being on her feet at all. Just wants to sit up. She's really unsettled atm not sure what's up I think it may be teeth but still no sign of them and not much dribble. She's the complete opposite to my son in every way bless her.

I agree with next quality I love their clothes. I'd go to the sales but I'm not very good at getting up early and I know at our local store people start queuing between 3 and 4. I could get up at that time but I'd be like a zombie and not get what I need lol. I'm back to work at the beginning of December so should be better 9ff money wise. May go to the boxing day sale with my sil and give it ago for my son. The clothes we've bought from next for him have lasted and washed well. Xxx
We have a jumperoo that was donated by some friends. Really must get it out and give him a go in it.

I might go to the after Xmas next sale even if it is mainly to get some winter clothes for next year. I don't go back to work until Jan but my maternity ends in December as I have some annual leave to use up. Couldn't use it before I had Lo as my maternity leave started when I was admitted to hospital at 36 weeks. Means I get a better month's pay in December though which will be handy.

I am buying some lovely personalised stuff for Lo for Xmas (stocking, comforter & tree decoration) and my grandparent have bought him an elephant made out of his first babygrows. Can't wait till they arrive.

On a different note I would recommend these bottles if you Lo likes to try holding on at feeding time. My Lo held his bottle himself for the first time today-


I don't see the harm in buying nice little outfits if you can afford to ! I think "lol"ing at the thought of someone spending £150 on clothes is a little harsh, it clearly brought enjoyment to a mum wanting to get nice things for her baby.
We don't NEED make up, or chocolate but we still buy it what's wrong with spoiling our babies! :)

It's not harsh imo. I never said they should or shouldn't spend on/spoil their baby, I just said baby doesn't NEED that much spent on them. The lol was to show it was a lighthearted comment, not a judgement. To avoid posts exactly like yours.

And I don't buy make up or expensive chocolates I can't afford either.

We're kind of an ALDI for almost everything family here as our budget is tight.
No need to get offended by anything girls. We are all from different walks of life on here which makes it such a great place for advice and opinions. People were only trying to help others looking for a good bargain.

We are on a pretty tight budget too as my OH is self employed and I am on maternity pay. I love Aldi, especially their baby stuff. X
I don't see the harm in buying nice little outfits if you can afford to ! I think "lol"ing at the thought of someone spending £150 on clothes is a little harsh, it clearly brought enjoyment to a mum wanting to get nice things for her baby.
We don't NEED make up, or chocolate but we still buy it what's wrong with spoiling our babies! :)

To be honest I took it that way too, I was a bit shocked, and didn't really know how to respond. Hayden is spoilt when it comes to things and I'm first to admit it, I do have a clothes obsession haha! I think it's after dreaming for 4 years about having our own baby, now he's finally here I'm able to go and do the things I thought I'd never get the chance to do! I still can't quite believe I got my miracle baba! :)

I'm glad it was said light hearted Orion because after us all supporting each other through everything I would hate there to be sly comments over what people choose to buy their children. We are lucky enough to be able to afford it and who knows when we decide to use our frozen embryos we may have another boy and he will already have a beautiful wardrobe :) haha!
But I too am an aldi shopper :) love their things!

Well I'm off to attempt to pack our cases! We are off to gran canaria in 2 days and I'm so stressed about everything i need to take! Argh! Xx
Ooo have fun Charlie. Bet Hayden will need more space in the suitcase than you. X
Oh god I'm just staring at everything haha not getting very far! Luckily he has been given luggage allowance too haha xx
You should spoil him too if you can charlie. Why not? Also even if you were to have a girl next time and had to sell them. People will buy them and usually for good money. I sold all of my sons clothes he had as a baby when I was pregnant with lily and zara except the neutral and got 100 pound for it all. The next stuff sold the best!

I hope you have a good holiday.

I bought one of those bottles last Friday baby scotcher and lily loves it!

I have images of you sitting in the middle of a sea of clothes Charlie. I was surrounded by clothes while sorting out Lo's stuff the other day.

I have sold lots on facebook and just started selling on ebay. I find it quite fun. We are keeping the neutral stuff and bits we really like for baby no. 2 in a few years time but selling everything else to make space and make money to get new stuff. X
Oh I just wanted to share this picture as it's so cute. Lily was listening to her big brother talk and this was the face she pulled this morning.


She does love him after all. Made my heart melt xxx
Cute piccies babyscotcher and caseysmummy.

Have an amazing first holiday Charlie. Can't wait until our holiday next May. Been collecting little bits as my girly will be almost 11 months when we go. Got some cute little pool shoes for £3 in the sale.

I think my reasons for buying my girly are the same as Charlie. We almost thought it would never happen for us and don't know if we will be able to give our girly a brother or sister. If we do will be so lucky as it's amazing just to have the one, We just want the best for her and I guess are quite lucky hubby has a good job with loads of overtime. Again I love an Aldi bargain. I think the best way to get anything is to collect throughout the year. We've just stocked up for now as the sizes change so much until she reaches a year. Half her Christmas presents will be her 6 month onwards clothes haha... I'll be filling her stocking with baby food items too to bulk it out,:)
Didn't mean to offend or upset anyone with my comments. Just as I'm sure all of you talking about the hundreds of pounds you've spent, you didn't mean to upset me, or others, who can only afford the bare essentials. We can't tiptoe around each other. I was just saying a different point of view that it's ok to just buy the essentials, like I do, just as its ok to spoil them rotten if you can afford to.
Does anyone have a highchair yet? Looking for recommendations as I think I'll put that on his Xmas list.

Slimming world is going okay Lucy, I enjoying but keep falling off the wagon. Have lost half a stone so far but just need to stop eating out.

Sorry to bring the tone down but I found out yesterday that my husband has a tinder profile and has been talking to women. He was caught out so girl sent me his messages. I have put the full story in the relationships section if anyone wants to read it as I didn't want to big this thread down! x
Have commented on your other post Belfa.

I have been trying to diet the last few weeks with only a tiny bit of success. Lost about 1kg but I have put on 4.5kg since I had Lo. Annoying that I lost 11kg while pregnant but can't keep it off now. Unfortunately chocolate is my go to when I am having a bad day.

I haven't bought at highchair yet though seen a few I like. I want plastic ad it is easier to clean and also need one that folds away as we have limited space. I find with bug purchases (pram for e.g.) I write a list of what I need and want for the item and choose based on that. I didn't know whether putting it on the Xmas list would make it too late for my Lo as he will be 7 months old. He is already trying a little bit of solids so should be eating at least 2 meals a day by then. X
That's awful Belfa. Not sure I could forgive and forget.

We bought a highchair in the argos event. Was half price. Got it now so we will hopefully have our girly using it comfortably by xmas. We got mamas and papas pesto pear.

Got a grizzler today. Gave her her second bottle early as it seems to have calmed her down. We've just upped her to 6oz but she isn't finishing her 10pm feed. Even though a week ago she was finishing 5oz she is leaving around 2oz now.

I've signed us up for a 4 week baby massage course. Starts tomorrow quite looking forward to it.
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