~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Ahh hope he's ok babyscotcher! The things I done were, I propped his sleepy head mattress on an angle, saline drops for his nose, snuffle baby rub on his neck chest and feet and then baby olbas drops around his sleep head. There isn't really much else you can do and most of that probably didn't even work! Hayden did love the olbas though, we also had the drops on a tissue and just put it near Him in his pram/car seat etc. I think the main thing is that they are propped up to help them breathe tho. Hope you managed to get some sleep!
Hayden just slept 9.5 hours so I'm wide awake! Haha xx
He slept in bed with me last night but woke up at least every hour all snuffly wanting cuddles. He might feel horrible but still got lovely smiles this morning.

Yay for Hayden sleeping 9.5 hrs. I am very jealous. Even before the cold we seemed to have hit the 4 month sleep regression so not getting much sleep. X
Ahh bless him! It's horrible for them and us, I couldn't sleep when Hayden had his cold because of his breathing problems. I just wanted to keep an eye on him all the time. Hope he's feeling better soon! Xx
Babyscotcher have you got one of those nasal sucker things to clear his nose?
No but might have to get one. He had a fight with me earlier while I was trying to extract a bogey, lol.

He has had his meningitis jab today too so not expecting a lot of sleep tonight. X
The nasal suckers are a godsend for a snotty baby! We've got the dreaded cold here. A little chesty cough with it but no temp and she's fine in herself so I'm not too worried as I think it's just what her big brothers passed on! Still a little anxious as my son was older when he got his first cold. I had an awful night last night. My oh is on afternoons so didn't get to bed til 12am then lily woke at 3 for a bottle and my son then cake in our bed at 5am I woke at 6 with a sharp pain in my kidneys as I needed the loo, think I may have a water infection then at 6 30 my son threw up all over my bed then pooped himself, so he's had the day off school today but think it's something he's eaten as he's been fine since. I'm super tired but waiting for my oh to get home as I've missed him! Xxx
Alex's cold has gone on for 2weeks! Finally seeing the back of it now but baby neuorfen is good and better than calpol and we have a nasal spray, can remember it's name but it from boots and was much better than the drops.

Caseysmummy oh my what a night!! I'm not looking forward to having to deal with middle of the night sickness!

Since we've come back from our 4nights away we've put LO in his own room. His sleep routine was really ruined due to his cold and being away so we thought a fresh start was best for back home. It's so nice to have our bedroom back and being able to watch TV in bed.

My MIL and I used to get on well but I'm never going on holiday with just my inlaws again! She was constantly telling me how my SIL's are raising their kids (ie the perfect way) and trying to "help" me loose weight (she must weigh 7.5stone which she struggles to maintain so what does she know! Also they booked a babysitter and didn't tell me as I just assumed we'd be taking LO to the restaurant whilst he slept in his pram like we do here x
Omg Belfa. Booking a babysitter without asking you. I would have refused to go out or still take LO out. I only leave our LO with who I choose and when I choose. Eg 2 hours with my mum for date night curry.
How is slimming world going? It took me a while to get back into it but lost 10lbs on top of the 16lbs I lost before I rejoined. There is no rush to lose it quickly really.

I want to do the next sale on sat but trying to work out what to do as hubby doing overtime sat so he can't have our girly and I might not be home in time. Feel a bit mean Dragging her out of bed first thing. Might gt my mum to stay over.
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Emilie May Grace Britten born 4th of may (star wars day) at 19.44pm weighing 7lb.12 oz - dd was 14th of may xxx
Oh dear Caseysmummy 2 poorly 'babies' at the same time must have been tiring for you.

OH was on the sofa for 2 nights so we could Co sleep. Meant I didn't have to get up to settle him. Back to normal tonight though put him in his crib instead of his big cot so at least he is in the same room.

Belfa that's very presumptuous of your in laws. I agree that I wouldn't leave my Lo with someone I didn't know, at this age especially. How did you handle that?

Welcome to our little group Becky. We are probably not the most active of the mummy groups but someone will always offer advice or be up for a chat if you need one. X
Also has anyone else noticed that there is a May 2016 thread and I don't think it will be long before the June one appears. That is quite scary to think that most of us were finding out we were pregnant a year ago and now they are a few months old. X
Yeah scary how fast it goes! I had my IVF embryo transfer on 28th September last year and my bfp on the 2nd October so defo will be June 2016 thread soon! Crazy!

Hayden has really progressed the last few days he now takes his teddy off me and holds it with both hands together. I got him a teething ring yesterday and straight away he held it with both hands and straight in his mouth! :) love seeing him progress, proud mummy moments! Xx
It's mad isn't it. I hadn't quite found out this time last yr but out little girly was brewing nicely. I have jyst found out my friend got her bfp this week on their 5th ivf cycle and have been ttc 6 years. She will be due just a few days before my girlie's 1st birthday so exactly where I was last year. Its amazing watching them progress isn't it Charlie.
Well I managed the next sale, my mum stayed over and babysat as hubby had to work this morning, well my girly has a wardrobe to last her until she is about 1 lol. I can't believe the bargains I got.
It's fab isn't it, we went the last one and spent £150 but got £300 worth of things! I got stuff right up to 12-18months :)

We went again today and spent another £60 on Hayden getting summer stuff because we are go grab canaria on Thursday!

I do love next, that's all I ever seem to buy!
Glad you got some bargains! Xx
Love next clothes. Haven't made it to one of the sales first thing though but will hopefully get some stuff in the winter sale after Xmas. Got Lo Christmas jumpers from last year's one before he was even born.

I have been second hand shopping this weekend. Seem to buy lots of his clothes second hand though usually off people I know or friends of friends. Now seem to have most of his wardrobe up to 6-9 and he is still in his 0-3 stuff at the minute. X
Money is tight here so my little guy has got a few packs of Tesco clothes, a couple of outfits that were gifts, a few knitted cardigans and hats from my mum, and that's it really. He's now in 6-9M! I'll buy him a proper coat when it gets cold.

Can't afford to buy him anything he doesn't need atm
Look on local baby facebook selling groups Orion. I get loads of bargains which is lovely stuff only been worn once or twice or sometimes with tags for a fraction of the price. X
I also hunt out the real bargains, I always trawl the mothercare pre sales, got t shirts for our holiday at about £1 each. Also in the next sale got a 3 pack of lovely sleep suits for £5.50. Some of the bits were too good to refuse. My brother and his wife go to loads of nearly new sales to get their bits for their girls.
I agree with baby scotcher get on th Facebook groups. There can be some right bargains on there and most baby stuff is hardly worn as they grow so quickly. Were border line in sizes now. Most 0-3 still fit but 3-6 are starting to fit so I think another week or so we will be in 3-6. I kept alot of my sons neutral up to 3-6 so I'm still alright for clothes and my sister kept her youngest clothes incase I had a girl which I did so I have them too. Just got to ask her for them she's got up to 3 years for me. I do buy her the occasional thing when I'm out if I see it and it's a good price. I did the same for my son as my cousin had had a little boy a year before I did so she gave me alot of his stuff. I tend to buy throughout the year for him now. Now if I could just be as prepared for Christmas that would be great. It's started to get expensive now as my son asks for things. But it will be down to what we can afford. Xxx

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