~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

It's a pretty nasty jab :(
I imagine you're both having rough nights? We saw every hour, I was terrified of continuing to rise through the night as well which meant I was awake when he wasn't.
But yes just remember you've done a good thing by giving them this, even though it doesn't feel like it at the time.
Yeah I'm still here hun. Been busy since my son started school. I'm shattered atm as lily's has a few nights of bad teething where she screams til 11pm and I've been up at 5 everyday with oh for work and getting stuff ready for school run. Think lily may have conjunctivitis. I initially thought it was a blocked tear duct but it's now in both eyes as of this morning and were bathing them after every sleep to get them open now so booking her into the gp today. Sges a happy girl this morning though.

We started weaning lily a couple of weeks ago. We've started slow. She was giving lots of signs of being ready and I was told to wean on her actual age rather than adjusted and she's 5 months old almost 6 now! ( wow where did that go) she's really loving it though and it's helped her poo more regularly so less constipation too. She's much happier for it aside from her teething!

We had our investigation meeting last week. Was very hard and were unsure what to do next as some things have been highlighted to us that cause alarm bells to ring for example. They suspected at first zara was in distress and they continued to scan me for one hour before ringing a senior Dr who told them to get me to theatre and delivered right away. There was also nobody there experienced enough to tell me she was passed away so I had to go through thinking everything was fine and would meet my babies to hearing awful things in theatre which was very traumatic. They were more concerned about my care during my pregnancy though as I was never referred to a specialist even though it was brought up repeatedly. I needed to be scanned by a consultant 2 weekly and was scanned but hardly saw my consultant and was put with registrars who answered I don't know to most questions I asked. I'm not sure what to do. Since the meeting it's like being back in square 1. I get triggered by lots. Yesterday I saw someone that looked like the lady who scanned me before my section and and I felt like crying. I'm just hoping I can get back to where I was before the meeting as right now it's worse and harder xxx
That doesn't sound like the meeting was helpful enough to let you move on :(. Is there a next step? What foods are you trying Lily on? For some reason I'm looking forward to weaning!

I got a letter through to attend a weaning workshop at the health centre next month which I'm glad about as I have no idea about it.

Sorry Hayden is poorly after the jab. Alex was okay but he did have a swelling on his leg after his.

Alex has his first proper cold, thank goodness for saline drops as they really help to clear the snot! He also slept until 7.15am this morning which was magical. He still stirred at 4am but I held his hand until he drifted back off x
Oh sweetie :(
So you don't know why they continues to scan for an hour before alerting someone that something was wrong? I can't even imagine it. Thy handled the whole thing so badly, sounds like they've got a lot of learning to so. Whatever you chose to do I hope you'll be supported by supportive loved ones and whether you take it further of not I hope the hospital will put corrective measures in place as no one else has to suffer your heartache. Thinking of you xx
Sorry to hear that your meeting didn't put your mind at rest like you hoped Caseysmummy. Not an excuse for them but our NHS is so understaffed sometimes that by the sounds of things the right people were not there at the right time to help you and your babies. Hope you can work through those hard feelings and find peace with it all again. You know we are all here if you need to rant or let it all out.

Poor Hayden after his jabs. Hope he starts to feel better today. Not heard about ours yet so will ask again at his final lot of jabs next week. X
Thanks ladies. I'm thinking it's best to just leave it. I don't want to keep dragging it up and having to relive it over again. They said they were going to give more training for it. I work for the NHS as a house keeper in my local hospital where I received my antenatal care and I delivered at the bigger hospital which runs my local hospital ( integrated trust) I don't really want to take them to court over it. There was nothing they could have done, she was passed away before I got there. It was more the fact that had she been alive and in distress they would have killed her by waiting so long, I just don't want any other parents to lose a baby that could have been saved if they were more experienced. So I hope they learn from it. That's another thing I go back to work in Dec and I'm starting to dread it as I work all over the hospital. I don't want to be near the ultrasound depth at all as the thought of being near the room I last saw her heart beating kills me. I'm going give it a try as I've got to work 12 weeks after I go back to keep my mat pay from them. I'm going to speak to my manager and see what she says.

Ive been giving her the odd jar after a feed of Milk to just start her off. I plan on making my own puree from 6 months and doing a combination of baby led and puree. I'm mainly just topping her up if she wants it atm. She's enjoying all the flavours. Ive been using hipp organic as that's what used with my son to start with xxx
I think it's best to leave it too. If I went through my experience, despite the positive outcome, I'm sure I could find faults of the hospital and staff. Yes they're professionals dealing with life and death, but they're not perfect. You just have to trust they do the best they can.

I was left contracting as if I were about to need to push for almost 24 hours before the decision to offer a c section was made. Looking back, I'm sure they could have predicted that I wasn't progressing before that. Saving me a lot of pain, and possibly recovery time.

I can't even imagine how hard it must be not to have both your babies delivered safely, but I think dropping it and trying to focus on lily is very sensible.
Yeah I agree I'm going to leave it. It won't bring her back as much as I wish it would. They're good people who looked after me it was only the one unit. I will just add though. I was the only person there when I went in and it wasn't that they weren't looking me just that they didn't have the experience to scan me and waited an hour before phoning someone who was to come in by which time he said it was safest just to deliver me as they had already wasted an hour. From him saying that to lily being born was 20 mins so they acted quickly from that. I just don't want any other parents to go through what we went through. It was too late by the time I got there for zara but it might not be for another baby so I just hope they act quicker in that situation if it happens again. Which I'm sure they will. They have offered to monitor Me very closely should I have another baby, but we have said we won't have anymore. But if I were i would trust them to look after me again. Xxx
In case anyone has missed and got a local one the Aldi baby event is on. Got loads of good stuff today for weaning my LO, a new toy and 6x260ml TT bottles (bargain at £7.99.) Also went into Sainsbury's today and they seem to be having a baby event too. X
Ahh I haven't been! I'm wanting to start get some weaning things in too.

We booked a holiday yesterday, off to gran canaria a week on Thursday!! So excited but also dreading everything I need to take haha xx
In our local Aldi it was all Nuby stuff so good quality but really cheap.

Holiday sounds awesome Charlie. Have a great time. X
TK Maxx always had Nuby weaning stuff too.

Enjoy your holiday Charlie, we came up north today for a few nights and the amount if stuff we had to bring is scary! I also forgot his bottles :doh: so had to stop at a supermarket where baby pink avent bottles were my best choice lol x
Ahh pink bottles haha!

Might head to aldi tomorrow or Monday and see what's left. I want to get some weaning things. Hayden just wants everything in his mouth now, grabs his teddys and shoves them in, it's amazing because a week ago he wouldn't hold onto anything other than my hair and top when I'm holding him! They advance so quickly!

Looks forward to seeing his little face covered in slop!

Is anyone sticking to a weaning plan, I've had a nosey today, don't know where to start xx
Hi everyone, haven't been on here much, it's so busy with a 3 month old, lol.

My mum has an Aldi on her doorstep so got her to get me a couple of bits.

I'm quite looking forward to weaning, yesterday we treated ourselves to a Mr whippy and our girly got upset, lol. Defo showing interest in food.

We are going away to Dorset and Devon end of November, I've started a list, it's as long as my arm lol. We are going to take our own travel cot this time, wasn't sure about the mattress situation, what does everyone else do? I think I'll take our own cot for UK holidays at least. It will be a dry run for our holiday to Greece next May. If anyone has any pointers on what to take? We are defo taking our perfect prep but going to make do with Milton tablets for sterilising. Not going to have much room in the car, luckily we only have the one. Will defo be investing in a stroller in a few months for our holiday abroad.

caseysmummy it is prob for the best leaving it, but true they need to make sure the same doesn't happen again to someone else. Hope your son is enjoying school? My niece has just started and loves it.

Hope everyone else ok? . X
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yes my son is enjoying school, we had a few tears toward the end of the week, but think he was tired after a few days of full days there, friday was his worst, he said he wanted me to stay with him or he didnt want to go as he didnt want to forget me :( bless him. i told him even if he forgot about me i wouldnt forget about him and would be waiting outside for him when he finished. he seemed much happier when i collected him, he developed quite a cough overnght friday to saturday so not sure if he was also feeling under the weather.

I'm looking forward to properly weaning, once she hits 6 months officially i will start properly, Lucy that was lilys first sign f being ready to wean, they watch you constantly until they start eating then wont leave you alone if you have food lol, i remember when my son was a baby, i would have a muller corners and he used to follow me around in his baby walker t get a mouthful so in the end i had to have 2 lol. he was around 7 months old then, its still the same now, if i have something, he asks if he can ave some ( even if hes eating what he chose lol).

Ive noticed lilys grabbing has all of a sudden gotten much better, she can now grab something on her playgym and put it to her mouth and shes been trying to hold her bottle when im feeding her and i out it on the bumbo tray yesterday and she grabbed it and tried to put the teat in her mouth but it was too heavy! We've nearly mastered rolling over to our front, she gets her whole body over but cant pull her arm out to be completely on her belly.

Ive had a productive day today ive been up since 7 as both children decided that was a good time to wake up and not cuddle with mummy and have an extra half hour to an hour this morning. Why is it when you need to get up they dont want to get up, i have to wake them both but when we dont they both get up of their own accord!!??!!. I've got half of the housework done, just got bedrooms and utility to do after dropping my son off tomorrow!

My little man is in his big cot for the first time tonight. Although he has got plenty of room length wise in his crib he keeps waking himself up by putting his arms through the bars. Put him in his own room with the monitor when I put him down but will probably put him back in the crib tonight after he wakes up in the night.

Feels like such a huge step in him growing up... not sure I like it. He has learnt to roll and shout at me this week too. My little boy is getting too big. X
I know. Knowing this is my last baby too, makes it quite sad. I don't want her to grow up.

Lily is still in her carrycot in the crib.she will have to be in a cot in my room when we get there as we only have 2 bed bungalow currently and my little boys room only really fits him in there xxx
Little man has his first cold. He is currently in bed with me and OH is asleep on the sofa as he keeps waking himself up with all his snuffling.

Any tips from anyone who has gone thru the first cold? Bless him has his 3rd lot of jabs tomorrow too. X

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