yes my son is enjoying school, we had a few tears toward the end of the week, but think he was tired after a few days of full days there, friday was his worst, he said he wanted me to stay with him or he didnt want to go as he didnt want to forget me

bless him. i told him even if he forgot about me i wouldnt forget about him and would be waiting outside for him when he finished. he seemed much happier when i collected him, he developed quite a cough overnght friday to saturday so not sure if he was also feeling under the weather.
I'm looking forward to properly weaning, once she hits 6 months officially i will start properly, Lucy that was lilys first sign f being ready to wean, they watch you constantly until they start eating then wont leave you alone if you have food lol, i remember when my son was a baby, i would have a muller corners and he used to follow me around in his baby walker t get a mouthful so in the end i had to have 2 lol. he was around 7 months old then, its still the same now, if i have something, he asks if he can ave some ( even if hes eating what he chose lol).
Ive noticed lilys grabbing has all of a sudden gotten much better, she can now grab something on her playgym and put it to her mouth and shes been trying to hold her bottle when im feeding her and i out it on the bumbo tray yesterday and she grabbed it and tried to put the teat in her mouth but it was too heavy! We've nearly mastered rolling over to our front, she gets her whole body over but cant pull her arm out to be completely on her belly.
Ive had a productive day today ive been up since 7 as both children decided that was a good time to wake up and not cuddle with mummy and have an extra half hour to an hour this morning. Why is it when you need to get up they dont want to get up, i have to wake them both but when we dont they both get up of their own accord!!??!!. I've got half of the housework done, just got bedrooms and utility to do after dropping my son off tomorrow!