~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

I am not a good swimmer either but loved taking Lo swimming. Gives you an excuse just to bob around in baby pool. Oh came with us first time but he then went off for a proper swim for a bit. We put him on his back and let him float and kick his legs just supporting his head. We made sure he got splashed too so he got used to it. We have said we will take him and at least once per month.

My only tip would be to check the temp of your local pool. We picked a pool a little bit further away as it was warmer for Lo. Though he did have a swim nappy on and an all in one swim suit anyway. X
Thank you guys! I'm so nervous at the prospect of it but I really want him to be happy in the pool unlike me! Might take a swimmer relative with me the first time! I'll also need to buy a bathing suit that will fit this post preggers bod! Eek!
You'll be fine I'm sure. The kids pools are so shallow, you won't be swimming. And at this stage, baby will just float and splash. We took J the other day and it was great.
I am tired as hell. My usually good sleeper has had 2 bad nights. Thursday night he was up every 4 hours as he was hungry. I could cope with that but thought it was a one off. Last night he went down at 8.30pm. Was up at 2am, 5.30am and now 7.15. Tried to wake OH up just now to get up with him but that is like waking the dead. Can't decide if Lo is hungry again or just wanting a cuddle. Hoping this isn't the start of the sleep regression. I can't be doing with this every night.

Just needed to rant as I am the only one awake. Hope most of you girls had a good night. X
I am tired as hell. My usually good sleeper has had 2 bad nights. Thursday night he was up every 4 hours as he was hungry. I could cope with that but thought it was a one off. Last night he went down at 8.30pm. Was up at 2am, 5.30am and now 7.15. Tried to wake OH up just now to get up with him but that is like waking the dead. Can't decide if Lo is hungry again or just wanting a cuddle. Hoping this isn't the start of the sleep regression. I can't be doing with this every night.

Just needed to rant as I am the only one awake. Hope most of you girls had a good night. X

Man I would love my lo to be up just at those times!!! I'm sure he'll get back to his good sleep after a little rocky patch :)
It's all what you are used to. I think I have just got used to his usual sleep patterns. Wonder if this is the start of the dreaded 4 month sleep regression. To be fair to him he has been an angel since he has been up this morning.

I pointed out to my other half that I haven't had a full nights sleep in 16 weeks... Lo is definitely worth it though.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. X
I know what you mean baby scotcher. Lily usually sleeps from 7.30 til 6 then gets in bed with me and sleeps til 10 am the lazy bum but last night she was up and down and decided she wanted a bottle at 5am and wanted to stay up til 9am and I felt dead. To think she used to be up 3 or 4 times a night in the beginning I don't know how I ever coped with that. We had a lot of bad days just lately with teething
Lots of screaming and frustration. Especially if I leave the room. She just wants me to be holding her hand as it keeps her calm. I can't wait for it to pop through so I can have my happy girl back xxx
Hi all :)
Havnt been about in a while but still think of you all reguarly.
I imagine many of you are hitting the 4 month sleep regression? It doesn't have much impact in this house as we still feed every 1-2 hours without fail. I'm just trying to remember that they grow do quick and to make the most of it.

Are you all getting the new meningitis jab? Knocked my little boy for six :( I'm still glad he had it though.

Are any of you planning to do baby led weening at 6 months?
Hello ladies. I've been lurking about and reading since babies were born.
I have a horrible feeling we may be coming up to the sleep regression. Dd was up ever hour from 2. Like a few of you have said I feel dead on my feet as she was doing 8pm-5am. She's also got her second lot of jabs tomorrow (4 weeks late as my surgery messed up). I've heard these are the worst!
I can believe how quick she's growing! It's lovely to keep up with everyone's journeys.
I don't really post here but have always lurked! Nice to see my LO isn't the only one not sleeping through. He is 12 weeks and we don't really have a pattern in the nights yet. He usually goes down at 9pm, sometimes he will sleep until 3am and then 6am for feeds before finally waking at 8 but these days are heaven to me haha. Most of the to we get feeds at midnight/1am, 3am, 5am and then wakes at 7. He's so different to his older brother who sleptt through from 5 weeks. Both were exclusively breastfed but very different babies!

Jessiecat we did BLW with our first at 6 months and plan on doing it with this one too. Micah who is now nearly 2 eats anything and everything! We started with things like toast fingers and banana etc. He took to it really well and by the time he was 7 1/2 months was having 3 meals a day. He was quite a hungry boy though and was definitely ready to wean. He started dropping his milk feeds quite soon too but I can't see Luca doing that as he is such a boob monster!

Luca just had his second set of injections which included the first dose of the men b jab. I was a bit concerned and not sure whether I wanted him to have it but then I saw something on Facebook about the woman who's baby girl ended up losing all her limbs because of meningitis and it reminded me how privileged we are to have vaccinations that can help prevent these illnesses! He was mostly OK after them just a bit of a temperature and slept less than usual!
I love on here that we all make each other feel normal. Glad to know I am not the only one hitting the 4 month sleep regression. We are on night 4 of less sleep and I am definately feeling it. Meant to be starting a diet today but all I want to do is binge on chocolate.

Anyone else planning to start weaning before 6 months? My Lo is showing all the signs of being ready and also read quite a bit about it being beneficial for prem babies to wean a little earlier but having to be ultra careful of causing allergies so just sticking to gluten free porridge and rusks, fruit and veg. Just wondered what you girls had planned. X
Kelly, sounds like out babies are quite similar. My first was also ebf and was also a terrible sleeper, so I thought I was due a good sleeper!! Boy was I wrong!!

I love blw, so much fun! I'm excited to see how this one takes to it!

Babyscotcher I'm not sure if if works differently with prem babies but if signs are there, sitting up, tongue poke refex has gone etc then follow your instincts. Weening is exciting but so many rush in to it when babies just can't handle it and if they researched it first they'd see they're doing more harm than good.(btw that's NOT what im saying you're doing, I went off on a tangent because I can't stand purée companies who advertise 4 months when it can make Babies so poorly).

Now off for the cake cupboard to see if I can stop feeling like a zombie!!
Lol Jessie... I had pizza for lunch as my half asleep self needed trashy carbs to make me feel better. X
Well my little lad is allergic to dairy and as I'm breastfeeding it means I can't eat any dairy. So I figure, there's south tht I can't eat, anything I can eat I should eat!! Haha. I'm scoffing party ring biscuits as I type!
Yum. Haven't had party rings in ages. I bought a strawberry tart for later but think my OH wouldn't be happy if I had it and didn't share. X
So Hayden had his meningitis jab this morning, we have kept up with the paracetamol every 4-6 hours but he's not half suffering :( temp was 38.4, shivering and goosebumps too :( he's not crying just constantly groaning like he's in pain. I think he's crying when we try to move him bless! This is so horrible seeing him like this xx
I hope it passes soon :( what's he like tomight? Our little lad suffered for 3 days :( hopefully he'll feel better after a nights sleep xz
Sophie had hers today, was so happy after but tonight has been quite grizzly! Dreading tonight! Already wakes so often x
He's been so bad, he was even sick! His temp has been 38.4 most of the night. He's never ever been clingy but all he wanted was me. Wouldn't Even settle for daddy! I've managed to get him in his sleepy head pod next to me In bed with the top I had on over part of him and he's finally asleep. His temp drastically dropped to normal an hour ago but it back up again! Waiting until midnight to give him more calpol. I'm exhausted! He's such a good baby and so happy to be chilling on his own in his chair so this has thrown me completely. I've cried so much seeing him so upset, breaks my heart but just keep telling myself it's for the best. They go through so much at such a young age! Tough little cookies xx

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