~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

We are going to start preparing the cot ( currently has a changing top on it) for daytime naps to get our LO used to it. Ready for around he 6 month stage, we have a snuzpod and as she is so teeny still I reckon we could get away with keeping her in it a fair while yet. Your LO's routine is similar to ours belfa except we feed her about 10.30 and she stirs sometimes around 4am but goes back to sleep. This morning at 3am she was babbling away and being playful.

Babyscotcher our LO doesn't really nap in the day, we are lucky if she sleeps an hour maybe in total, I'm not sure if his weight is causing it, our little lady was only 9lb 14oz at last weigh in 11 days ago and she is 12 weeks on weds, hoping she has gained a few more oz as weigh day weds,
Lily is also not sleeping great at the moment. Ive started getting my son to bed for 7 and lily then has a bath in bedtime bath and has a baby massage then gets her pj's on and has a bottle and she goes to sleep but this past week she's awake within an hour of that and then won't go back to sleep til at least 11. She then sleeps til around 5 or 6 then goes back to bed til 9am. The health visitor sats she's teething as she's been chewing on her bottles instead of drinking them unless she's really starving. So I've put down the sleepless evenings down to that as she's super cranky from 7.30 -11.

Is any one else starting weaning. I was told to wean lily at her actual age rather than adjusted. She's started to show signs of being ready for around 3 weeks now so we started weaning around a week ago but just trying different purees no real meal replacement yet. She's enjoying it but only the fruit ones but they have helped regulate her nappies again.

We have our investigation meeting on Wednesday afternoon. I'm glad it's finally coming round but I'm super nervous and have felt sick everytime I think about it since it was booked. My son starts school Tuesday so I'm trying to focus on that.

Oh we had our first proper giggle yesterday. Ive been waiting forever for it but bless her she's hard to entertain!


Lily's first taste of food


Her cheeky smile


Well we've had the afternoon in A&E with Hayden. He's been a bit sniffly yesterday and today he was worse and starting to get a wheezy chest. He's home but he has a viral infection that looks like could end up as bronchitis so I'm watching him like a hawk as the Dr said it can get a lot worse day 3-4. He's been coughing tonight in his sleep bless him. He's still being an angel even though he's sick, laughing and babbling away when he's awake and he's still sleeping 7pm-4am most nights. He's a little trooper!

We have also been starting to get giggles now, mainly when he's on his changing mat he just loves it!

I can't sleep tonight because can hear his snuffly breathing and I'm worrying as we do! He's got to go back if it worsens and go on oxygen, praying it doesn't get to that.

Other than that he's fine, he's a chunk! He's on 7oz of hungry baby now, HV asked me to hold off until 17 weeks before weaning him. Don't know if he will last that long! She's here on Tuesday to weigh him. He was 12lbs at 8 weeks so I'm interested to see what he's gained! :)

Here he is thinking I'm the funniest mummy in the world haha!
Aww gorgeous baby pics Charlie and Caseysmummy. Hope Haydon is feeling better soon and you have no repeat trips to the hospital.

Thanks for the reassurance girls. It's hard sometimes as I have a friend who's LO was born 3 days before mine and we can't help but compare them sometimes. Her LO goes from about 5am to 4am every night already but he also sleeps most of the day.

We put LO down at between 8 and 9 (slowly getting earlier) and he usually goes through until between 3 and 4 most nights. He will then stir about 6.30-7 after my OH goes to work and then will go back to sleep until about 10.30 to 11 before he is ready to get up for the day. He might have the odd power nap for 20 minutes at a time and when it is just us 2 he has a nap of about an hour at about 3pm. Wont sleep at all if daddy is here though as it is like he doesn't want to miss anything. I have a very nosy baby, lol. X
My LO doesn't sleep through either. He goes down at 7.30 and we feed him at midnight then he starts stirring for another feed at 3am. For a week now I have been putting a dummy in and even the sheep on when he does this and it lasts us until 5.30/6am. It's good but makes me feel like I've been awake that whole time so I'm looking forward to him not stirring.

DH thinks if I put him in his own room he'll stop this but I don't agree. Anyone planning on moving LO's into their own rooms?x

My not so little 4 month old is already 8kg! He's long and will soon be too big for his basket. So we're starting the transition to his own room.

He naps in there ok in the daytime. And this week we are going to try the night.
How is everyone? Been over a week since any of us posted.

My LO still isn't sleeping longer that 6-7 hours at a time at night and he is 15 weeks. He does only weight about 12.5lb though so I wonder if that has anything to do with it. He also doesn't sleep that great during the day. Anyone else got a similar issues? X

6-7 would be amazing!! My lo goes three hours max, I blame breast feeding!!
Babyscother I wish we had 6 hours sleep, my little one is 15 weeks 4 days and I'm lucky if I get 3.5 hours. She tends to do 3-3.5 hours when I first put her down, then after that she wakes every 2 hours. It's definitely milk she wants, not comforting or nappy change etc. I'm exclusively breastfeeding, so its not like my boyfriend can even give me a hand so I can rest xxx
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We took our girly swimming today. She absolutely loved it,decided I will keep it up now I've had hubby come with us the first time. She is worn out this evening though.

Charlie how is Hayden now??
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We had a really rough night last night he was coughing a lot. I'm watching him like a hawk, hence me being awake at this hour! Haha! He's much quieter tonight which is great, hopefully he's on the mend! He's been such a good little patient, my OH has got it too but Hayden is handling it better than him haha!

Thanks for asking :) xx
Babyscother I wish we had 6 hours sleep, my little one is 15 weeks 4 days and I'm lucky if I get 3.5 hours. She tends to do 3-3.5 hours when I first put her down, then after that she wakes every 2 hours. It's definitely milk she wants, not comforting or nappy change etc. I'm exclusively breastfeeding, so its not like my boyfriend can even give me a hand so I can rest xxx
I am bottle feeding and feel lucky now all you breast feeding girls say yours only go 3- 4 hours. Just can't help comparing him to my friends little boy sometimes as they are only 3 days apart in age. Though my LO was earlier than hers as she was nearly term.

Help at night though would be a miracle for us. Oh does not even hear him cry in the night and have never done a feed in the middle of the night. I don't mind too much though as I would be awake anyway if I heard him so I might as well get up and do it. X
Thanks! :)

Has anyone's LOs finally found their louder voices haha! Hayden now sits and makes the loudest noises, it's so funny! They are happy noises which is good at least! Haha! He's currently sat wooing weeeeing and squealing at CBeebies hahah! Such a character! Xx
We have a little chatterbox too Charlie. People must think we are mad as I am forever chatting to him and he 'chats' back. Been making him giggle this morning too. It is so lovely, makes even the worst day better. X
It's so nice isn't it. Hayden has been chatting for ages and I'm the same, I have full blown conversations with him haha! Asking him how his day is and what he's been doing haha he just babbled away! But now it's this new top of his lungs shouting he's doing every time he's not sleeping he's shouting haha it's so funny! Except for 4am this morning after his bottle he thought it was shouting time! Little monkey!

Here he is 9am this morning!

Babyscother I wish we had 6 hours sleep, my little one is 15 weeks 4 days and I'm lucky if I get 3.5 hours. She tends to do 3-3.5 hours when I first put her down, then after that she wakes every 2 hours. It's definitely milk she wants, not comforting or nappy change etc. I'm exclusively breastfeeding, so its not like my boyfriend can even give me a hand so I can rest xxx
I am bottle feeding and feel lucky now all you breast feeding girls say yours only go 3- 4 hours. Just can't help comparing him to my friends little boy sometimes as they are only 3 days apart in age. Though my LO was earlier than hers as she was nearly term.

Help at night though would be a miracle for us. Oh does not even hear him cry in the night and have never done a feed in the middle of the night. I don't mind too much though as I would be awake anyway if I heard him so I might as well get up and do it. X

You'd be surprised how easily you could go back to sleep knowing OH was seeing to the baby. Baby only wakes once at night usually, and OH thankfully sees to it. But, if he wakes more than once, say at 5am, I will usually just get up with him and stay awake for the day so OH can sleep a little longer in the morning.

It's so much easier when you work as a team for the nights :nap:

I bottle feed but LO won't go more than 4 hours between bottles, day or night.
I feel VERY lucky as my girl goes down at 9, dreamfeed at 11ish and then that's her till 7 when we are up for the school run. She then has a massive 2-3 hour nap in the morning. I definitely have a sleeper gene I think haha

We are exclusively breastfeeding :)
Charlie that is very cute bless him. He has definitely found his voice.

Sounds lovely Orion but our bedroom layout means that my OH would have to climb over me to feed LO and sit on my side of the bed. I don't mind doing it too much tbh as my OH does have to get up at 5.45 to go to work and I don't at the minute. I did go to work for a KIT day yesterday and had to get up at 7pm myself. That was hard. Will definitely be splitting the getting up if he wakes at all once he is in his own room or once I am back to work. OH does get up with him at is 8am bottle on a Sunday and lets me go back to sleep. Saying that Lo did let me sleep in until nearly midday today other than waking for a feed. Meant I could relax and read a book in peace. Was much appreciated as I didn't get to sleep until about 1am due to pain from burning myself on the hob like and idiot.

Bought LO a slumber buddy projector that arrived today and he loves it. Thought it might be a success as he is fascinated by lights. Would recommend and the elephant that I bought was only £12.99 on amazon. X
We took our girly swimming today. She absolutely loved it,decided I will keep it up now I've had hubby come with us the first time. She is worn out this evening though.

Charlie how is Hayden now??

Aww I was tempted to take Logan swimming to get him used to the water early but I'm a bit apprehensive as I can't swim myself :/ I know I'd only be in the baby pool but I'm not water confident! Neither is my hubby!

Did you just take her in for a wee ten minutes Lucy? What do you do with them in the water? Maybe I'd be better going to classes. .
We took our girly swimming today. She absolutely loved it,decided I will keep it up now I've had hubby come with us the first time. She is worn out this evening though.

Charlie how is Hayden now??

Aww I was tempted to take Logan swimming to get him used to the water early but I'm a bit apprehensive as I can't swim myself :/ I know I'd only be in the baby pool but I'm not water confident! Neither is my hubby!

Did you just take her in for a wee ten minutes Lucy? What do you do with them in the water? Maybe I'd be better going to classes. .

Defo take him if you can, it was so lovely in the water and our girly was moving her legs around, just walked up and down moved her to her front and back swished her around, it was nice and relaxing for her. It was calm as just pre schoolers in the pool they also do an under 8s session but will stick to the parent toddler sessions. We stayed in about half an hour as hubby was with me the first time, I will go again next week on my own with her. As its a baby pool it's warmer and not very deep it worked well for us, I just had to keep a tight grip for her and sorted us out when we got back home.

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