~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Hello ladies. Hope your all well. I think lily's going to have to go into size 3 nappies as size 2 are starting to get snug!

Sges becoming such a happy girl now. Smiling lots. Still not quite giggling though but almost there.

We heard back from the investigation into my care regarding zaras death today. We should hopefully have an appointment soon as the in post as they have completed it now. Were just hoping we find out what we need to. I want the closure. We won't find out for definite why she died(we already have been told why buy as we had no tests done couldn't say 100%) bit we will find out why we didn't know before delivery seen as we had the scan before I went down to theatre.

Hopefully you can find the closure you need from the investigation x

Does anyone's else's baby have neck sores in the folds of fat? It's where milk has been getting into, have googled it and it seems very common so we are treating it with sudocrem but it's difficult to access and I was wondering if anyone had any tips?

Also, Alex has been chewing on his hands and dribbling a lot. I had to buy dribble bibs today as his top was soaked. He was quite irritable today too - he can't be teething already surely?! x
Hopefully you can find the closure you need from the investigation x

Does anyone's else's baby have neck sores in the folds of fat? It's where milk has been getting into, have googled it and it seems very common so we are treating it with sudocrem but it's difficult to access and I was wondering if anyone had any tips?

Also, Alex has been chewing on his hands and dribbling a lot. I had to buy dribble bibs today as his top was soaked. He was quite irritable today too - he can't be teething already surely?! x

Our first had 2 teeth by the time he was 12 weeks so anything is possible! Dd is doing the same, she is the same age as Alex so maybe it's developmentally thing?
We have the same Belfa at 13 weeks and have had for the last couple of weeks. Dribbles lots and chews his hands. Can take ages fe these first signs to the teeth actually coming through. I can feel a tooth but it is on the top which is odd as I thought it was bottom ones that were meant to come through first. X
Lily's been chewing her hands for a while but has just started dribbling with it and is extremely cranky.. no signs of teeth yet though. Xxx
Glad I'm not the only one, recon it must be a growth spurt mixed with the early start of teething. Can't feel anything though x
Yep Hayden has been slobbering and chewing his hands since 8 weeks old. No teeth though.

He had his rota virus drops last Monday and his tummy hasn't been the same since :( he normally does one poop a day and now he's going immediately after every bottle. I took him the Drs in case he's getting dehydrated but they said just keep feeding him every 4 hours. He's been sleeping 10 hours last week too and now I've got to wake him up to stop him being dehydrated. Hope it doesn't last too much longer!

Has anyone's LOs had the meningitis immunisation yet? Wondering if there was any side effects xx
Alex has the meningitis jab next week so I'll let you know how it is but my HV said you have to give them paracetamol afterwards as they do get a temp x
We got a serious dribbler too, her clothes are soaked when she isn't wearing a bib, no sign of teeth though,

Got LO weighed yesterday and she is apparently borderline of dropping a percentile, she is still only 9lb14oz, at 10 weeks, gaining an average of 5oz a week. guzzles milk well, alert, happy, but the health visitor still wants us weighing in every 2 weeks for now. I mean some babies are just small right, me and hubby aren't huge I'm 5'5'' and hubby 5'9''

Charlie funny you say that we've had a bit of that since the rotavirus, our LO went 4 times today. Not sure if it's affecting her weight gain. She hates drinking cooled water. think the meningitis vaccine was part of the last one, I'm sure that's what the nurse said. She has been ok apart from tummy.
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Hayden is having his meningitis one in 2 weeks time and I've been told we have to bring the paracetamol with me and they will give him it before the jab. I'm dreading it :( I got upset at his last jabs :( xx
My Lo has issues with the rotavirus vaccine too. Had a bad tummy for nearly 2 weeks after the first lot so only just got back to normal before the next lot this week. Had to go up to size 3 nappies to prevent the poo explosions.

I seem to have sleep issues at the minute... know I should be sleeping but can't get to sleep to start with or like last night woke up at 2.30am to feed lo and haven't been back to sleep since. Today is going to be a hard day. X
Lily has a high temp of 39.1 tried to give her calpol but she spat it back out. Got her stripped down to her vest and my sister said try ibrophen but she spat that out too. I'm at a loss of what to do as my son was much older when he got his first temp. Xxx
I would prob ring out of hours GP or NHS direct. Hope she is ok x
I would agree with Lucy. Could be nothing but always better to be safe than sorry. Hope Lily is ok. X
She's okay thank you. We think it's her teeth. Her temp went down gradually and after skin to skin went back to normal. She wasn't off in herself which is why we think it's teeth. She was just a bit grumpy. We are going to get some teething powder when I go to the chemist to pick up her milk. But so far it's not affecting her today. Thanks ladies xxx
Glad lily is ok. We have had a bit of a grump the last few days since his jabs. Got a family photo shoot tomorrow so hope we can get him to smile so we can get some nice shots. X
How is everyone? Been over a week since any of us posted.

My LO still isn't sleeping longer that 6-7 hours at a time at night and he is 15 weeks. He does only weight about 12.5lb though so I wonder if that has anything to do with it. He also doesn't sleep that great during the day. Anyone else got a similar issues? X
I wish baby slept 6-7 hours. We feed at midnight. Then he wakes us at about 4. Then again at 8am. It's been like this for about 2 months at least. He just wants to eat all the time and won't go any longer no matter what size bottle we make.

He definitely wakes up for food, as there's usually very little in his nappy, and cuddles with a dummy don't seem to settle him.

I think babies just do what they want really and each is different. I would feel lucky you're getting a decent block at night and try not to worry.
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My LO doesn't sleep through either. He goes down at 7.30 and we feed him at midnight then he starts stirring for another feed at 3am. For a week now I have been putting a dummy in and even the sheep on when he does this and it lasts us until 5.30/6am. It's good but makes me feel like I've been awake that whole time so I'm looking forward to him not stirring.

DH thinks if I put him in his own room he'll stop this but I don't agree. Anyone planning on moving LO's into their own rooms?x

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