~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Haha Lucy I was tempted to do that tonight. He's got a brand new baby grow on tonight that someone gave him last week and his toes are squashed. Guess that's the first and last time he'll have it on x
I have found as well that different shops have completely different sizes. Some 0-3 stuff is 12 lb and some is 14 5lb... crazy difference. Mothercare seems to be the biggest stuff I have found and George the smallest by weight. X
Oo I'm the opposite babyscotcher I find asda stuff really big and mothercare she grows out if quickly, it's funny how it varies from baby to baby. Lily has always been in bigger vests first rather than sleepsuit. She got tiddly legs though bless her. I sorted lily's clothes she'd grown out of the other day and I can't believe how much we've had for her. Ive started collecting the 3-6 bits ready for when she moves up which I think will be a while. Xxx
Yeah ive found George stuff to be smaller too. Matalan and mothercare are on the bigger size for Hayden and then next stuff is just right :) xx
Grr it deleyed half my post- I have been stocking up on 3-6 bits too and got the odd 6-9 bit. I buy lots of pre loved (sounds better than second hand) bits of eBay and Facebook so he has got loads of stuff.

I have got a photo shoot next weekend (I won it in a competition) so hope that I can find some clothes that fit him nicely as a lot of the 0-3 stuff is too big but his newborn stuff is a bit small. Got to find a nice outfit for me too which could be fun as although I am 11kg lighter than pre baby I am not particularly confident in my body as still got my baby and c section pooch going on. X
I find tesco stuff really small, again next perfect. I've also stocked up on next sizes slowly,found some lovely bits in h&m too, especially for girls and bought a few bits for our holiday next year in sales as we're really cheap.
We are stocked right up to 9-12months from the next sale, got some lovely things! I'm waiting for the next one in September to stock up even more :) xx

I'm currently doing one of those juice detoxes. I'm on day four of just juice! Tomorrow is my last day! I've lost 6lbs since last Thursday though as started salads then. Need to lose weight before our holiday xx
Yeah tesco are on the smaller side. Lily's always fitted in them first and grown out of them first. I buy the odd thing new but mostly buy preloved things as alot of it is hardly worn I find.

Just seen this on Facebook I know we don't all use pampers and our babies aren't in this size just yet but just incase you do use pampers and incase it's happened in all sizes. I thought I'd share
I have seen that too Caseysmummy... I don't use pampers but that's scary.

Anyone else got problems with their hair falling out? Mine was fine until the last week or so. Worried I am going to have none left at this rate. X
Urgh my hair has started babyscotcher, it's coming away in clumps. My friends LOs are 6-8 months and it's still happening to them. One of them even has a patch where that much has fallen out. :shock:
Don't day that lucy. I don't want to go bald. Will ask my best mate who is a hairdresser if she has got any tips to help. Might get myself some hair and nail vits to see if they help. X
Hair falling out is normal but OMG terrifying!!! You don't shed hair while pregnant so its like it all decides to shed at once. It calms when baby is about 6months normally. My hair is literally everywhere

That nappy is shocking omg!!!
Funnily enough my hair is thicker now but that's because I don't even brush it anymore...lol.

I use pampers now though we're on size 3 but I'll be extra vigilant! x
Yeah what button said re hair. Shocking when it starts. Mine is enough to block the plughole when I wash it. My hairs so think though.
Ive bought little angels today. Not that I buy pampers anyways xxx
Urgh dread losing hair!!

Feeling a little jealous of hubby tonight. I'm in bedroom feeding Sophie and he gets to chill watching a film in lounge. I can't imagine chilling with a film on my own! I know it's my choice to breastfeed and I love being with my little girl, but craving some 'me' time! Went to shop alone earlier but didn't exactly fulfil that! Sorry to moan xx
Yeah ill be feeding my little one and notice he has strands of my hair in his little fist! Not good! My hairdresser also said it was perfectly normal, was mortified when she said bits were falling out on her hand :S

That pampers thing is shocking, I'd seen it on fb too - how is there metal in there?? Been examining all nappies now before I put them on Logan hah..
We are using pampers 3+ at night as the aldi were leaking.

Belfa our little boy wakes once in the night. I give him a little cuddle, really pick up and put down. Put his dummy in and he settles back off. Don't think you are making a rod for your own back. He is still little.

Brought a jumperoo. Still too small for it but had to try it out.....
My birthday today and had the best of days. Me and OH went out for the first time together without LO. It was lovely but also great to get back home to him.

A friend bought Lo a swing but only just got round to bringing it round yesterday (he is 3 months old tomorrow) but he loves it. So much so it is now his fave place to sleep during the day-

Hope you had a nice birthday babyscotcher.

Can't wait until next week, we are having a date night so my mum is babysitting.

Well been bit of a lazy day, getting my girly to do her bit of tummy time, she only went and rolled from tummy to back 3 times. I defo need to keep a closer eye now. Would have gone out today but the weather been hideous and the roads are all chocka as I live a few mins from that plane crash sat. So so sad.

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