~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

I had a section and dtd was still hard work and hurt like hell! Born again Virgin I felt like haha! Xx
I didn't have an epiwhatsit but did have a tear and feel fine though I haven't dtd yet. Mega tmi but I just had my period and using tampons was pretty uncomfortable. I fear I'll have to wear a panty liner for the rest of my life too! x

Lol @ belfa! Yes one of those epi-whatsits ;-)!

Argggg you have both scared me! Ach well - I don't need another baby lol!
:Girls, I just had grazes but have been really uncomfortable and realised I had:eek::eek: well had to buy some over the counter stuff from my bum. I was getting pains and thought it was my foof then realised it was that . We've tried dtd but it felt very dry lol. Was bit uncomfortable. Tmi I know lol

I'm asking my bestie and cousin to be godmother. Hubby's best mate godfather. Trying to get hold of the vicar being bit of a nightmare as keep missing him. Hoping for spring 2016.
Well lily's corrected her milk input today. She's had 6 bottles already and may still have one before bed as she's still awake! We saw the gp who said not to worry anyway as she said she looks fine weight wise and isn't dropping at all so isn't worried. Which made me feel better. They've upped her repeat so I'm not ordering too often. And queried why there's been no follow up from neonatal to check her progress as she was nearly 2 months prem. But then again I've still not heard anything back from the investigation of why they didn't know zara had passed before she was delivered as I'd had an ultrasound before I went to theatre, may ring them tomorrow , but feel like I'll get fobbed off for some reason.

I'm having a better week so far. Last week was horrific, I was close to an emotional breakdown at one point but I'm back on track again now.

My son starts school in 3 weeks tomorrow! I've bought his school uniform today. I'm happy but sad. He's so grown up now. It's gone far too quickly.


Lily watching TV. She's also a big fan of TV!


Day out in the sun last week


Some pretty flowers I planted and some I bought for zaras vase. Meant to be 15 pound but got them for 5.

Beautiful flowers for your little angel. Xx

Lily is gorgeous! Such a cutie in her little seat! :) xx
Well done on being so strong casey- I can't imagine how you cope at times. Your wee ones must be the best distraction. Lily is just beautiful. And the flowers are gorg - great bargain! My little girl hasn't quite mastered the old holding her head up quite yet so the bumble seat will need to wait a bit longer!
Thank you ladies. My other 2 do really help at times without them I would have most certainly would have collapsed. Lily most certainly makes sure I'm busy during the day! Xxx
Lily is so beautiful. Such a special little lady. Lovely flowers too. Glad this week going better for you xx
My little man is now 11 lb and just starting to fit in some of his 0-3 clothes. He feels huge to me but everyone else still comments on how little he is.

Was looking back on pictures of when we was first born earlier with me OH and we both got a little teary eyed. Slightly sad though that there isn't any pictures of him with me or his dad until he was over 24 hrs old. X
Aww babyscotcher I know what you mean hun. It's hard with an emergency section as you have to wait to recover and regain feeling before you can go down then your just looking forward to seeing them so don't think about the camera. I saw her and held her for a little while in theatre before she had to go to nicu then I gave her to my oh and when she went down to nicu it took me hours before I could get to see her. We also looked back through all her pictures in hospital and can't believe how much she's grown. She's tripled her birthweight and is almost 5 months old but is the size of a 3 month old but she looks huge to me now. Xxx
They didn't think there was anything wrong to start with so he came into recovery with me and we put him on the breast to feed. Wish I had got some photos then as about an hour later they were taking him away and it was too late to get pictures. I didn't get to see him till the following day when the spinal has worn off. He was well worth it but wish I had a better birth. HV advised that I book an apt with the hospital to go through it all at some point so that I have all the facts before having another one in a few years time. X
Hi everyone! I've been nosying on this thread but havent joined in yet so thought I would pop in and say hi!

My wee bubs is now 9 weeks old. Been the hardest couple of months of my life but we're finally getting into a wee rhythm and I'm getting more sleep so my mood and outlook is much much improved haha!

Hope everyone is well :)
More sleep lucky you haha!!

Does anyone have any tips - LO wakes up in the middle of the night still looking for a bottle but only takes 2oz - h doesn't need it, it's just out of habit. I try putting his dummy in and it helps a bit but I'm wondering if just picking him up and shushing him back to sleep will help it if I'm creating a rod for my own back?

Also how often do you change your babies nappy? We're still changing with every feed but he's no where near as wet as he used to be x
Christening booked up, just need to ask other godparents, not until May 2016 as want to have a summer christening and got family coming from Devon so need to give enough notice.

Belfa that works with our LO, dummy and icuddles soothes her back to sleep, although last night she was quite grizzly she has had an iffy tummy, poss from the rotavirus vaccine. :(

Heybabya glad things are a bit better now for you

Babyscotcher everyone says the same about my little lady, to me she is huge, I have a niece who is 7 weeks older but technically should be 2 weeks older but was prem, she makes my girly look tiny as now 14lbs. plus people I know have given birth to babies the weight she is now. she is almost out of most of her newborn bits, at 9 weeks I think she has long legs as they are baggy everywhere but her sleep suits stretch on her legs. She was 9lb 4 oz last week. Sorry you are feeling sad about the first few hours with your LO, :(
Alex has outgrown some of his 0-3 babygrows, well his legs and feet don't fit them but the arms are way too long. So frustrating!x
I have a long legged baby too. Still in his newborn outfits and vests but babygrows are 0-3 as the legs are too short on the newborn ones. How old will you LO's be when you have them christened? We have said about a christening but not sure when to plan it for. X
I have a LO with the opposite, he has short legs like me haha! He's in 0-3 now but any shorts or pants he wears are new born. He's almost in his 0-3 pants though. He's 10 weeks 1 day. Can someone tell me where those last 10 weeks have gone!!? Haha

Hayden will be 5 and half months when he's christened. :)

We sent off for his passport today, hoping to go away end sept/Oct for a week. Wanna get away before I go back to work :) xx
Ha! My almost 14 week old baby weighs almost 16lbs! He is so long. If he's wearing a sleepsuit he manages in 3-6 month size because 6-9 drowns him everywhere but his legs, but if he's wearing separates he needs 6-9 month pants or they're not long enough.

We got him weighed today and we were undressing him next to a baby. I asked the mother how old she was and she said 13 weeks. She was half the size of my not-so-little-one!
Some of her 0-3 sleep suits still drown her too lol. Especially the m&s ones. They go up to 14lbs so look silly on her as the arms and legs just flap.

She will be just over 11 months when she is christened. We could have had it anytime really.

Charlie the weeks have just vanished. Far too quick.

We gotta do our LOs passport but will send off at end of year as going away in May before I go back to work. It's gonna be a busy month in May.

My friend actually cut the feet off some of her sleep suits as LO didn't have any clean ones in 0-3 lol

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