~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

My LO only takes 4-5oz and is still looking for it every 3hrs. I think he takes less if it's comfort milk because it's thick. We're going to move him back to regular milk so I'll see if that increases his amounts as HV said he should really be going longer x
Caseysmummy- is she still on Nutraprem? If so then I don't think they need quite as much in oz as it is such high calorie. Lucian is between the 9th and 25th centile with his adjusted age. He was technically only preterm by 1 day though but if I go by actual age he is only just over the 2nd centile.

We seem to be regularly getting 6 hrs out of him when I first put him down at night. Then it is every 4 hrs until about 4 pm when he wants it every 2 hrs. X
Oh I didn't realise that hun. My hv keeps trying to up her intake which is making me worried as she barely drinks 4oz a bottle and sometimes has less than 6 bottles. I'll ask my gp. She may weigh her for me also if not I'm seeing my other hv wed and see what she says xxx
I could be wrong but got a friend who's Lo is still on Nutraprem and he only has 4oz tho does feed relatively frequently. If she is putting on weight well then don't worry too much about it. X
My LO is nearly 10 weeks and is on 5-6oz per feed, taking 5 a day. The last bottle of the day is usually a struggle and we might only get her to take 3-4oz. But she will sleep from 8/9pm through to 4/5am usually. Then go back down after a feed till 8ish, 9 if we are lucky. I'm not sure how we got her up to this to be honest. She has had a routine since 3 weeks old so I wonder if that is paying off. But I do think is all down to baby - if you have a baby who is interested in their milk and sleep then you are lucky and I know we are. She's not that easy during the day so all balances out lol!
Lily sleeps well at night. I feel so lucky for that. She's put herself into a routine as such. She wakes around 7am has a nappy change and bottle. Falls back to sleep being winded sleeps til 9 or 10ish nappy change bottle play sleep until 7pm she drops the play time and sleeps through sometimes a bottle at 9pm then through til 7am I'd no 9pm bottle she occasionally wakes at 4. That's when she sometimes drops a bottle if she doesn't wake at 9pm or 4am. Tonight she's awake so won't miss it but more often than not she's sleeping 7pm to 7am and I don't know how to squeeze the extra bottle in xxx
My LO only takes 4-5oz and is still looking for it every 3hrs. I think he takes less if it's comfort milk because it's thick. We're going to move him back to regular milk so I'll see if that increases his amounts as HV said he should really be going longer x

My 3 month old has 5oz (maybe leaving half an oz every bottle) every 2.5-3 hours and the HV said its fine. Just keep upping it every time he consistently finishes bottles and feed on demand at this age. He is currently between 14-15lbs so no problem with his weight (he's long btw not extra fat :) )
Can you not try dream feeding her Caseysmummy before you go to bed? Sometimes if I am up I will dream feed my Lo at about 11.30pm if I am still up. When they stop sucking just twist the bottle or gently wiggle it and they usually start sucking again. X
Hayden is draining 6oz for the last few days now but still every 4-5 hours. He went 6 hours last night but he's still hit and miss of a night. He's 10 weeks nearly, just over 12lb but his length is the 9th percentile so he's quite small.

We bought him the mamas and papas snug seat today, like a bumbo. Here he is giving it a go, that's his concentrating face haha :)

We did put a little blanket behind him to keep him more secure but he could hold his head really well :) xx
Aww he looks so cute Charlie. Here is my little man in his bumbo earlier watching the football with his dad. He loves looking at the tele... I assume it is the lights that catch his eye.

Aww he's so cute, Hayden has a similar look on his face too!

Hayden has started to watch the TV now too! Very cute :) xx
Aw Alex loves sitting up, I might have to get him one of those!

Here's a picture I made to compare the size difference in him between 1 week old and 2months old, he's like a different baby!


He's on the 25th centile for his actual age but on the 75th for his adjusted age. He seems quite long though as his legs and feet are too long for his 0-3 babygrows x
Ahh Belfa he's grown so much! so cute!! What a beautiful little face!! He does look long doesn't he, I've got a short legged baby, just like me haha! Haydens dad is 6ft2 and I'm 5ft1! Xx
Aww look at them all. So cute, can't believe how much our babies are changing. Our little lady is 2 months old today. Was looking at pics when she was first born. So much change.

I'm loving now watching out little lady starting to play when on her bouncer seat or baby gym, she gets touching and moving things now. It's so cute.

We had another flare up of our LOs eczema at the weekend but I'm finding getting her out in the fresh air helps.

Think we are making progress on the nights, since Friday our little lady has pretty much slept through, feed at 10-10.30pm then wakes around six although she wanted to play at 3am, lol was babbling away. Nicer than feeding at 8pm then next feed 4am.

Need 5 mins to try and phone about planning her christening. Don't seem to get time for the important calls these days. Anyone planned theirs yet?
Yeah ours is all booked for the end of November :) already been browsing the gorgeous outfits for him! Xx
Alex's christening is very soon - 20th Sept! Our local church is being closed down and it is where my Grandpa's funeral was held (who Alex is named after) so it was important to get the christening in before it closes. How many godparents have you asked? DH got ahead of himself and asked his sister and BIL when we announced I was pregnant which is fine but my mum and dad wanted me to ask my best friend as she ended up being there for the birth and then I heard DH asking his best friend today! Ironically, we're not sure any of them can come on the day :lol:.

So jealous of your LO's sleep, we're still feeding at midnight and 4am x
Well I wanted my step sister as she's my best friend too and oh wanted his sister because it's his only sibling so we have 2 of each now. I asked my brother and OH asked my step brother as he's special needs and meant the world to him xx
Tmi question here! How are those of you who had episiotomies coping now? I am nearly 10 weeks pp and although all healed and in general is fine, can still feel it a bit uncomfy at times (kinda like wee shooting pains occasionally and any bowel movements need immediate attention - can't really ignore the need to go as is a bit sore). I am way too scared to try dtd - I just worry it would be really sore and don't wanna freak hubby out by shouting ouch and telling him to stop lol!
I didn't have an epiwhatsit but did have a tear and feel fine though I haven't dtd yet. Mega tmi but I just had my period and using tampons was pretty uncomfortable. I fear I'll have to wear a panty liner for the rest of my life too! x

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