~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Sorry I'm quiet ladies. Having a bad week emotionally.

Lily's eczema is still up and down. Very hard to control and she hates me touching her hands so it's a battle constantly. Bought some oilatum cream and head to toe wash so hoping that works xxx
Sorry I'm quiet ladies. Having a bad week emotionally.

Lily's eczema is still up and down. Very hard to control and she hates me touching her hands so it's a battle constantly. Bought some oilatum cream and head to toe wash so hoping that works xxx

Sorry you're having a tough week.

For future reference though for you and others, you can get that sort of stuff free if you ask your HV for it. I got both the oilatum cream and wash (the big bottles) on prescription from HV and my little one only had a bit of dry skin on his legs that didn't even bother him!

Use your HV ladies whilst you get free prescriptions - they can save you a small fortune
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Good tip Orion.

Sorry to hear you are having a bad week Caseysmummy. You know you can always vent to us lot if you need to get it off your chest.

Chuffed with myself today as finally got round to selling some stuff of Lucian's that he has grown out of or won't use. Made £20 which I have already spent on buying him some new bits. X
Thanks Babyscotcher i know i can if i need to, I gave away some of lily tiny baby clothes to my sister friend who had her baby at 36 weeks, kept a couple of bits back for sentimental reasons but felt good to pass onto someone else, will be selling the bigger sizes, and donating the premature baby clothes to hospital i think as i want to give back as they let me keep so much stuff lol!

Oh thanks for the tip orion, i didnt know HV could prescribe moisturizing creams, will ask her in future! save myself at least 7 pound and they were half price xxx
Donating the clothes is lovely Caseysmummy. I gave away my 5lb baby clothes to my friends parents who foster at risk babies, some of which are prem or have health problems. They are an amazing couple.

I have a memory box for my Lo and kept his going home outfit etc. Kept a few unisex bits and my fave bits for baby no. 2 in a few years time. He is still in a lot of his newborn stuff (at nearly 12 weeks old, lol) so not got a lot to sell yet but made about £20 so far which is good going. X
Caseysmummy I get all Marcie's eczema creams and bath ointment on prescription. Saves a fortune though I just asked gp at our 7 week check for more then put in repeat x
Glad you're feeling better Jessie.

LO had his first swimming lesson this week which he loved. The instructor said all babies go home and sleep for hours afterwards but not mine! He always does that when we go to things with other babies or new places. He was awake from 11am - 9pm yesterday which is unheard of for him but he seems to be making up for it today.

He has a mental breakdown at 6.30pm every night as he wants his bath. As soon as you start undressing him he starts smiling away. After his bath we're trying to get him in to the habit of going to bed but he sits there smiling and chatting away so I think he needs to go on his playmat for a bit.

When do babies roll over? I've read online it's around 5months but today in baby massage Alex anchored his foot on the mat and managed to pull himself over almost on his side! x
Aww we are looking into swimming lessons I can't wait to take her :)

My poor girl has been teething super bad today but is such a trooper bless her, got her some teething rings for the fridge today she loved them!!

E has been rolling front to back for weeks now and can do back to front now but not every time she needs her arm a certain way first then she pounces herself over haha I found her asleep one morning on her front scared the life out of me!! E is 13 weeks
My Lo is really not a fan of tummy time. I think it is because he loves to have a wiggle and he can't really do that on his front. Any recommendations of ways to entertain him when he is on his front to encourage him? X
Slings are a great way for back and neck strength my Lo just loves it
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My Lo is getting more into the sling now and does like to move his head around. Just worried that his dislike of being on his tummy for more than about 10 minutes will mean that he will struggle to get the chance to roll and crawl etc. as is much easier for them when they are on their front. X
I don't even get 2 mins out of tummy time never mind 10! And she won't go in our sling :-(! She's such a madam lol!
I don't even get 2 mins out of tummy time never mind 10! And she won't go in our sling :-(! She's such a madam lol!

Coletteypie i was going to message you to see how your little one is doing as hadn't seen you write on here (but I don't get chance to read it all so may have missed your posts!) hope you're doing ok xx
Awww hello :-)! I am lurking around! Just don't get the chance to post that often :-(!

Doing really well. Life has become a lot more manageable the past 2 weeks I would say. The crying when awake has reduced dramatically. Still hard work but she's doing so well and love her to pieces. How about you? You must be so proud of sticking with the breastfeeding!

Can't believe it. She's fallen alsleep on the sofa with us just now after sleeping all afternoon! She never does this - sleep usually requires a bit of a hug and rocking and/or dummy!
Lily is still in newborn/0-3. Ive got tons of it. Mostly passed down from my niece as my sister got tons of next stuff really cheap when she was pregnant . It's all gorgeous stuff too.

Lily also hates being on her tummy. The physio I saw just said little and often if you can. We've started using a bumbo. Which the physio recommended as she has a flat spot on her head from her being squashed in my tummy. She likes that better and we will get 20 mins. She's got quite good head control now. She's not even close to rolling over though. She hates being on her back to and likes to be sat up watching everyone as she's very nosey.

The oilatum really working her skin already looks much better after 2 days of using it. The zero Base was definitely making it worse. Her hands are almost healed and haven't had to use any steriod cream at all so I'm impressed. Will be mentioning it to gp on Monday. I'm going to complain to my gp whole I'm there. Lily's milk is prescribed and for a couple of months now I've been handing my repeat in when I collect so it's ready for next time. Went to get it yesterday and the chemist said the Dr's had said it's too early. So they didn't order it. So almost had no milk but luckily another pharmacy had some in as usually it has to be ordered in. But I'm going to question why it was refused as it was 2 weeks since they had last ordered some and since when was it up to them how much milk she is drinking. I was fuming.

Awww hello :-)! I am lurking around! Just don't get the chance to post that often :-(!

Doing really well. Life has become a lot more manageable the past 2 weeks I would say. The crying when awake has reduced dramatically. Still hard work but she's doing so well and love her to pieces. How about you? You must be so proud of sticking with the breastfeeding!

Can't believe it. She's fallen alsleep on the sofa with us just now after sleeping all afternoon! She never does this - sleep usually requires a bit of a hug and rocking and/or dummy!

Haha worst time for me to read this! Sophie has fought sleep and just cried allllll day long!! Things had got much easier but had hard couple of days. Breastfeeding is only time she's quiet!

Glad you're getting on well Hun, :) xx
Aww belfa I wanna take our LO swimming, there's a small pool near us with warmer temps so thinking of going there a couple of times first. There are water baby classes but thy start in 2 weeks so a bit soon I think so will prob sign up to the next term.

Our little lady also hates tummy time, I manage to get a couple of minUtes out of her but roll a blanket and pop her arms on it, makes it a bit more bare able for her.

That's rubbish caseysmummy about the milk, I'd definitely complain. , glad the oilatum working too.

We got a grizzly lady, she had first lot of vaccinations yesterday poor lil thing and is now up to 9lb 4oz,

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend x
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Hi ladies, not posted in a while. Just had a little read through and a catchup.

I can't believe our little boy is 3 months old already! It feels like it has gone so quick, but hard to remember life without him.

He is doing very well. He started sleeping well but has started waking earlier. He was going 11-5 but now wakes at 2.30-3.30. Sometimes he will go back off with just a cuddle and his dummy. Any tips?

Also for you that are formula feeding, how many ounces are they having? He has 6ozs every 4-5 hours. 5 feeds a day. He rarely crys for a feed apart from at night. Just wondering if I should try him on more with him going quite a while between feeds x
Wishing84- My Lo is still only on 5oz each feed though thinking of putting him up to 6. He is only 11 lb 6though at 12 weeks old.

We are planning to take Lo swimming next weekend. I am so excited to see whether he likes it.

I feel much better about tummy time now I know others Lo's don't like it. He has really good head control and very good muscle tone. I have a bumbo which he goes in now and then but only for a few mins. He loves being sat looking around... not so keen on being cuddled close.

Caseysmummy- my Lo is in his first 0-3 babygrow tonight but he is mainly still in his newborn stuff. Everyone is always suprised when I tell them how old he is.

Collettypie- good to hear from you and that your little Madam is doing well. X
I know what you mean baby scotcher. I always say her actual age when people ask then have to say she was 7 weeks prem. So think I may start saying adjusted although she's still small for that too only being on the 9th percentile. The bumbo is great! We didn't get one very early for my son he was nearer 6 months old as he was just starting finger food weaning and it wasn't long before he could climb out (they didn't have a strap then) so I've still got his with added strap now which I'm using for lily. The physio said as long as they are keeping they're head up its okay to use.

Lily won't take more than 4oz but feeds 3 hourly still but sleeps through til 7am from between 8 and 10. They need 150ml per kg of their weight I think. Lily's not having enough anymore so we're seeing the gp on monday. She won't feed more frequently either so it's not even a case of little and often. But last night she went to bed at 8 30 and woke at 2am then 7 am. So we did squeeze the extra bottle in yesterday. Xxx

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