~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Could it be the nappies you use Coletteypie? Sometimes I can smell Alex's pee but that's generally if he had an Aldi nappy on. We've moved on to pampers now as I feel they keep him drier x
No jabs Colletteypie, he had his 10 days ago so not that. Seem to be getting a bit more like normal this evening so will see how he is tomorrow.

I find the oposite for my Lo Belfa. We haven't got on at all with pampers as he seems to leak out of them and they slick to his bum when he has a poo. Aldi seem to be the best for us. I know lots of people who swear by different nappies though. Babies come in different shapes and sizes like nappies do.

OH has really hacked me off tonight. Glad tomorrow is Monday and he is back at work for the week. X
Colleteypie I can relate to that, my little lad screams for bath and bed by half 7 so there's no going anywhere with him anymore lol. I'veade life difficult for myself though, we cause we co sleep and baby sleeps on my arm he now won't sleep without it so I'm normally in bed for 8pm every night too! If we have anyone round we have to kick them out for then lol.
If you're going somewhere hot you may find that baby will just sleep anytime anywhere though so will probably just settle in he pram if you're out and about.

We've been gettin Propper little laughs over the past few days, it's lovely :)
Oh dear Jessie... get the calpol ready.

Our LO seems to have settled into a routine of going to bed at about 9ish and although we don't have to go to bed we usually do as he likes to be fed on the bed and then winded and put down. If I feed him downstairs he doesn't settle. I usually just end up Watching TV in bed like I am now. X
Lovely that your getting little laughs jessie. Lily's on the brink but won't quite laugh yet. You can hear it coming but she doesn't follow through with it. Good luck for jabs tomorrow! We have our last ones Wednesday. Might also have to pop into clinic as lily's dropped a feed so need some advice.

I feel like we struggle to go anywhere with lily as she just grumpy when we're out. She hates her car seat.

Ive got 2 boxes of pampers left can't wait to finish them. I much prefer supermarket own brands tesco are good and aldi. But we don't live close to aldi. I loved Huggies when my son was a baby buy they stopped just after he came out of nappies so was gutted couldn't use them this time
Lo only just had her first lot of injections due to go error!! She's not been a happy bunny bless her. Did everyone give the rotavirus??
We got the rotavirus one button. He loved the taste of it. I also got told about some new meningitis one too that has just started that he will get with his 3rd lot of jabs. X
We didn't get the rotavirus freaked me out being live and breastfeeding apparently stops the body taking it properly?! I hadn't heard of the other meningitis one
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Think the nurse wanted to run off with my LO as he was an angel for his jabs. Hope he is the same next time as I hear from friends that the second and third lots are not as easy.

Not looked into the new one but as a rule I am pro vaccine as think the cons always outweigh the pros. X
I think the rotavirus is what upset Alex's bowel movements. My HV explained the meningitis vaccine too, apparently they are going to introduce paracetamol at that vaccine as it makes them a bit under the weather x
Aww Caseysmummy the laugh is the cutest thing. I have to hold him out in front of me and say "who's a cheeky bum" whilst sort of turning his body side to side like a little dance. We must look like nutters to the rest of the world but it works for a chuckle so it's worth it lol.

Yea we got all the vaccines, fortunately no probls. He was a little unsettled that night but a little calpol did the trick, It just traumatises me holding him down whilst someone hurts him :(
LO has only had first jabs so far, we had rotavirus button, I told them before I was exclusively breastfeeding and she didn't say there was any problem. She had a temperature that night so used some baby calpol, bless her, but she was find the next day xx
we have had the rotavirus vaccine too, lily also loved the taste, ive not heard about the new meningitis one and she has her jabs wednesday, id rather her have it if she needs it, should i ask about it at the appointment. its her 3rd lot so she wont have anymore after til she is one.. is it something my son will need to as hes had all his now i think.

I know jessie, we went to mcds tonight for tea after a long day sorting things out in my sons room. and lily sat in her seat wide awake and smiling like mad so was chatting away to her and must look like a crazy person.

ive been thinking about weaning today, shes just started showing interest in my food, i wasnt going to do it until she was 6 months/ 4 months corrected but the hospital told me to do it at her actual age rather than corrected, do you think i should wait a couple more months or start to give her a few mouthfuls of puree, im only wondering as im concerned that shes dropped a feed and worried she will lose weight xxx
Well we are all very quiet. How is everyone doing?

Haven't got any advice as such as am a ftm Caseysmummy but I know that I plan to go with what my Lo seems to want. Try her with some if you are happy to and see if she takes to it. If she doesn't seem fussed by the food then I would say it is too early but if she is very keen then maybe it is the right time for her.

I am one happy mummy this morning as my Lo has slept for 7 hours. Might not seem a lot to some you guys but is the longest stretch he has done so far. He is only 10 1/2 lb at 11 weeks old so i think his tummy is inly juat starting to be big enough to keep him full for all that time
Think the bath before bed seems to be a hit too as he settled really quickly. X
Too sleep deprived to post. Still only 2 hours a night, every night.
Oh well, my turn will come.
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You'll get there Jessie. You are breastfeeding though so it might take a little longer. We are not getting that long every night. Last night I only got just over 3 hours at a time. X
Hi girls hope you're all okay. Been a while since I've had time to post again.

Are you over the mastitis now Jessie?

How's Lily's eczema these days caseysmummy?

Emelia's eczema is much better now we've been using the creams for a while and we've also dropped to two baths a week which has helped her skins dryness.
Can't believe she's 14 weeks old, she's getting so big and is such a happy thing, she talks and shouts all day long it's hilarious.
This last week we've fallen naturally into a bit more of a routine which is helpful, still up twice a night feeding but she still eats little and often and I know how much she's eating won't last her very long during the night. I'm so proud of myself for breast feeding so long. I really enjoy it now
Thank you El1en, yes I'm over the mastitis now thank goodness.
I know, how have we suddenly got 3 month olds!!
Next stop will be the 4 month sleep regression, though I'm not sure how much we'd be able to regress in this house lol

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