~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Monkeynut that sounds so scary I hope things are okay!! Thinking of you x

Hope you recover speedy Mayflower :)

Durham my bleeding wasnt heavy at all anyways but now its just a bit browny. With my son i was HEAVY for like 6 weeks :/ i did lose a bit more at the birth and we did delayed cord clamping so guessing its because of that. Definitely not complaining, hate pads!!!!

My little one is 1 week old today, flying by!
Durhamchance what app is it that youve been using?

My bleeding was never particularly heavy and for the last 3 days it's just like the last day of a period. I'm hoping it won't start up again
I couldn't believe Aria was a week old yesterday Button, it's really flown!

It does sound like your period could have started Casey, it's about the right time for it x

Ellen- it's called Baby Tracker and it was free. It's one of the first ones in the App Store if you use that search term. I'm tracking feeds (it does breast and bottle feeding) nappy changes and how long they sleep for. It's quite reassuring to just pop on and check when she last fed, or how many wet nappies we've had etc x
Monkeynut, thinking of you guys. Xx

Durham, that's the app I use too and it's ace!!!

Our little treasure is finding sleeping somewhat challenging!!!! Nights are horrendous. He is happy to lay on me (next to my boob) and dose off. As soon as I try to put him in his own bed, he kicks off!!!!!!!! Sleeps on his own during the day though.

I am so bloody knackered, it's unreal.... :(

Has anyone tried Ewan the sheep? I'm debating whether to buy it..... Willing to try anything at this point.
We have Ewan Bigbee, I got it for Blake when he was a baby. It's good, but I can't say Aria settles any better with it.
Bigbee you can get a free app called baby sleep on app store with lots of different white noise. Lily settles best when it's on the hoover but you can also have heartbeat, car etc. It's from all the hoovering I did when pregnant I think xxx
Bigbee we went through that and are still battling it to a certain degree but just keep trying the crib and try not to pick him up when he grumbles try soothing him in the crib first by stroking head or tummy so he is reassured. Joseph doesn't like the crib but have managed to get him to stay in it between 12-5am (several feeds Inbetween) and then we're quite naughty and have him in bed wih us until 7.
He point blank wouldn't go near the crib before thoug so it's a definate improvement and we'll keep trying to put him down either side of the hours he goes in and hopefully he'll give up and accept that's his bed some time soon.
It's hard to see the light but just keep trying, he'll get the hang of it.

Midwife had to come and repeat the heel prick test today as they couldn't get a Propper result before, it has made me a little nervous tbh.

Hope everyone else surviving ok, we had a terrible night but I've just been told this is normal for day 14 as the have a growth spurt so that was reassuring.

I hope monkeynut i doing ok and has got some better news.
Happy due date button! Lily is officially term now!
Spoke to my Dr at 6 week check and she's said it's probably my first period. It's so heavy though. It wasn't this heavy after I had them.
Lily is gaining weight correctly again now. She's back up to the 9th percentile again which she was born at! Dr said she's going through a big growth spurt that's why she's so unsettled and will probably be the same for the next few weeks. He said if you look at the percentile lines in their red books it's really steep in the first few weeks as that's where they're growing the most and will be the hungriest and most unsettled.
Jessie I'll also admit I'm naughty and let lily snooze with us in the early mornings until we get up.

My little dink is 5lb 15oz now. She definitely feels heavier. Looks like the nutri prem is working though!


Happy due date to my princesses lily and zara :) xxx
Thanks for the advice girls. I've been doing the night shifts on my own the last couple night as my partner had to do his uni project presentation today, so I let him sleep. Bless him, he still got up and offered to change nappies :)

He is now done with uni though, so I will have his help for another week before he goes back to work!!!

Caseysmummy, lily is so lovely :)happy due date :)
Thank you ladies. Still haven't put anything on my Facebook about her being born yet as most people on Facebook don't know I was pregnant let alone with twins. I feel bad that I haven't acknowledged her existence yet but not ready to have questions about zara as couldn't deny she ever existed. Might put something on tonight as I think it's time as then some family who know but I don't see could see a picture of lily then. Have you ladies got any advice on how I should word it and people not ask too many questions xxx
To be honest, not posting full details of what you've been through on FB is not in any way denying your little angels existence! I'd just put the good news about Lily and leave it at that. Anyone important to you will know already or find out in person when they see you.
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Well last night I decided what you suggested orion, the people that matter know. So I just posted a picture of lily and that she had been born etc. I agree with what you said orion it's not denying she existed.

Sorry to hear your unwell mayflower hopefully you'll be home soon. Glad ella is doing well though. My son had jaundice but I had already been discharged when he had it and the health visitor never seemed concerned either and he was fine with it.

I'm in so much pain with these period cramps. I'd forgotten how awful they were with not having them in so long!
Morning ladies

Hope your blood transfusion went ok Mayflower, sorry that you're still in hospital and suffering x

I'm feeling very rough today, I think I might have a urine infection and I pulled my scar getting out of bed this morning :( the midwife is visiting today so she can have a look at me. I'm looking forward to seeing if Aria has put some weight back on too.

Hope you're all well x
Morning ladies

How are you doing mayflower? Hoping you get to go home soon

Sorry you're feeling rough durhamchance, can the midwife give you anything for a urine infection or will you have to see a gp?

I had an emotional day yesterday, we were out all day as oh was taking part in a clay pigeon competition, it was a gorgeous hot day and I made every effort to keep lo in the shade but when I got home she was soo red faced I thought she was burnt, I was devastated and cried my eyes out thinking I'd hurt her. Turns out she was just warm as once we'd been home a while it all settled down. I was also annoyed with myself for not eating or drinking enough, think I only consumed 1500 calories all day and no where near enough water as I should, not good for milk supply, must do better!
Sorry to hear your feeling rough Durham. Hope the midwife can sort it out for you. I hated trying to sit up when my scar was still fresh it was absolute agony that and no stomach muscles made getting put of bed a nightmare for me!

Oh Ellen bless you. We as mums punish ourselves so much, why don't you try an app to help up your calories hun. I had one weight loss but perhaps you could get one for breastfeeding hun. Mine was called my fitness pal and you could just keep an eye on how many calories your eating you just type in what you eaten and it gives you the calories and it can go over what they recommend you eat so you could just keep track with that hun if that would help. Don't be too hard on yourself hun as when I was breastfeeding I was still numb and in shock from loosing zara and i didn't even think to eat at times. Lily still put weight on though hun.

I'm a little worried about my period. After I had my son it wasn't this bad and I don't think i have ever had one this heavy. I'm soaking through maternity towels with 30-60 mins for the past 3 days. Would it be worth seeing my gp when they reopen or would you say it's normal? I'm not sure if the fact I'd had twins makes them heavier after. But with both weights combined they were almost 2lb lighter than my son. I bled that much yesterday, I felt weak.
On an up note lily now fits into firstsize clothing so now have plenty of places I can get her clothes from rather than having to buy from next and mothercare early baby up to 5lb! It was costing a fortune to buy her anything as I didn't have anything in them sizes xxx
That does sound excessive Casey, are you passing any clots at all? I'd be tempted to give 111 a call. I had excessive bleeding at 12 weeks pp last time and they found I had retained placenta. I needed antibiotics after a trip to hospital. I don't want you to worry, it just sounds like more than a heavy period.

Im still waiting for my MW visit, but I'm sure if she can't give me something we will call the doctor.
Casey that's pretty heavy, I'd say probably let someone know. Great news on Lily's weight though, must be exciting being able to properly go clothes shopping for her now.

Mayflower let us. Know how you're getting on when you can we're thinking of you.

El1en you're so hard on yourself! You're doing amazingly, I worry that I don't eat enough either but little ones really won't go hungry as our bodies will strip what's needed from us before our milk suffers. Though I love the idea of an app to count calories! I'm going to have a look now. I also worry that I eat to much rubbish, I try to make sure I eat healthy meals but I have a real sweet tooth at the minute and find myself snacking on naughty things!

All fine here except for a massive headache!! I think it's probably tiredness but I also have a lump in my boob that won't budge so worried I've got a milk duct getting infected. I had this wih my son an a bad headache was the first symptom before full blown flu symptoms took over until antibiotics kicks in. I'm trying to feed feed feed to shift the lump which is doing no good for my poor nipples!
Thanks for the advise ladies, I was getting concerned. Rang 111 and they've book me into the out of hours at 6.10pm and if I start to feel faint. I'm to ring an ambulance. She said I could have an infection. I passed a small clot last Saturday that had white in it wasn't large just tip of finger size that was before any heavy bleeding so mentioned that as wondering if it's related now. Will update later . Thank you ladies xxx

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