~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

I think that's wise caseysmummy, better to get some reassurance.

Well my husband has just taken my little baby to visit his grandad, he only lives up the road ans they will be back within the hour. I didn't go because I really don't feel very well and hubby has insisted that I sleep but I burst in to tears the second they left. I miss my baby so much I feel lost with him being out in the big wide world without me. I didn't expect to feel like this I didn't really think much of it as they're only up the road but I'm so used to him being on me all the time it's strange that he's not in the house.
Jessie try being in the shower and massage the lump on a downward motion also heat on the area will help too! I had mastitis last time and i fear it, it was truly awful!

Caseysmummy hope youre okay x

Mayflower sorry you're still in hosp and needing a transfusion :(

I'm so chuffed im back in my regular clothes already!! Also weighed myself and ive lost all but 6lbs of baby weight!!
I've not dared weigh myself yet Button, you're brave, but well done!

I'm still feeling rough, the MW checked me over and thinks I've pulled myself internally as I'm very tender. My urine tested clear but she's advised I drink lots and try to flush anything through. Aria has put on 4oz in 5 days so we're pleased with her progress, and her cord dropped off today so I think we'll give her her first bath this evening :)

Glad you're getting checked Casey x
Hi ladies

First week has gone so fast but starting to feel like I know what I'm doing with feeding, nappies, keeping on top of the washing etc. plus getting a good 6-7 hours of sleep a night. Bonus

My tummy is still huge and swollen. I daren't weigh myself either. Can't even think about what I'm eating until I can actually make it myself rather than relying on hubby.
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I'm so jealous of everyone getting so much sleep! I know that's not a good way to think but my head barely sees my pillow at night, it seems so normal for everyone else to get solid 4 hour blocks, I'm lucky if I get 1 2 hour block and then il be up for as long resettling. Am I missing something here?
I have a friend who gave birth the same day as me and just told me get only have to get up for 1 night feed, baby goes midnight - 8!
Someone teach me how to do this lol
Aw Jessie I know exactly how you feel. My Lo only manages an hour or two at night and then I'm up for an hour feeding and settling. Currently she's been asleep for 2 1/2 hours and I'm in shock, I bet she won't sleep tonight now. I can't wait for her to sleep 3 or 4 hours.

I've got 1/2 stone of weight still left to lose, I've got a wedding the 2nd weekend in June so would really like it gone by then but if it's not its not, no biggie.
Jessiecat - everyone is different. It's not a case of teaching you anything.

Hubby and I tag team at night, but between us baby needs a nappy change, cuddle and a bottle every 2-3 hours. Then baby sleeps in his Moses basket by the bed where we can rock him or just touch him before he gets too unsettled. Seems to work. I only get a block of sleep because hubby helps so much at night. I get 2 x 3-4 hours a night.
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Hi can I be added please? Oliver born 8.44pm 16th May due date 22nd May. Weighed 7lb 4oz. It's lovely to read how many babies have arrived x
hello ladies, just an update, i saw the out of hours gp. who told me it was just a heavy period, he didnt do a swab or seem bothered he had already made up his mind before i walked into the room though i think. he gave me tablets to stop the bleeding but im going to book in with my gp tuesday and ask for a swab just to be safe as i had an infection wth my son and dont want to leave it untreated if i do, its started to gush like my last infection now so want to be sure, he sad as id had a section there would be nothing retained but i know that not always the case and i really dont want to end up really poorly.

jessie, lily was up every hour the first week or two for feeds in hospital, shes just starting to go longer the past week or so, ive found shes more settled in her carrycot, slightly raised, she hates being completely flat and er crib was too big i think. xxx
That's disappointing Casey, and as you say, having a section doesn't stop you retaining, I did.

Aria had her first bath last night, I thought she was going to scream but she changed her mind and decided she quite likes the water :) her hair is lovely and fluffy now :love:
Hehe as you know durham we had our first bath also... with matching baths and towels! That was so funny!!

Clearly LO liked her bath too as she was so relaxed after and slept 1-7am!!!
So after a week I LOVE my TT nappy bin. A cartridge has lasted about 8 days so it's like spending £3 on nappy bags a week, but it's just so convenient. Only needed to empty it twice, don't have to walk past the dog with interesting smelling bags and it has kept the smell in so far.

What things are you finding really useful?
Casey that's annoying, sounds like you we're fobbed off :( I hope you feel better soon.

Ooh good question Orion. I don't know if it counts as I've not yet started using it but I've just ordered a close caboo baby carrier. It's one that I can breastfeed in and as I'm stuck to the sofa for many many hours of the day feeding I feel it will give me some time back which I think my 6 year old will appreciate. Also means I can have 2 free hands for keeping on top of housework once hubby goes back to work.
My bleeding has eased off a little today but will still book in with my gp for a swab I think just in case.

I'm going to get a nct caboo I think. Definitely need to be able to have hands free when my oh goes back to work which he will be next week I think. I get paid Tuesday so will order one I think.

Ive found my carrycot the most useful as she will only sleep well in that! Oh and my baby bath seat is making baths much easier for me and she enjoys them more too xxx
It was my birthday on Sunday - baby and I are 1 week apart - and hubby bought me a carrier I've been looking at. I need to wait til I'm less sore to use it but im hoping I'll find it as useful as the person who recommended it to me. It's a sa-be baby carrier. Basically a big length of cloth, no annoying straps or buckles, so it'll fit anyone and will adjust with baby growing.
Best things i would say are, my strechy wrap for sure LO loves being all snuggly, my johnsons box which i emptied and filled with all her changing things for downstairs!

Worst thing would be bouncer as she just hates it haha!!
Our best buy is definitely the perfect prep machine as we're bottle feeding. It's so great to have a bottle ready at the right temp in less than 2 minutes. I'd recommend it to anyone that's formula feeding.

Worst buy is my bibs, she's a messy feeder and is getting wet despite using 3 different brand of bibs :roll:
We go through so many bibs!! Have you seen the ones with the plastic backing they may be good for feeding times?
Yes, we have plastic backed ones and tommee tippee milk feeding bibs, she doesn't latch properly when she's hungry and gets it everywhere.
I'm looking at the perfect prep machine Durham. I'm using tomee tippee bottles anyways. Might get one after payday.

Would you say to get a stretchy wrap rather than a close caboo button? Xxx

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