~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Lol button I felt the same when my milk came in. I forgot how full they feel!
Glad babies are doing well and haven't lost too much.
Lily's been meeting lots of people today. I took her into my sons nursery for photos so they could have a couple together so she met the fab nursery staff who had a cuddle. Then took her into work ( nursery is right next door) to meet my friends and my supervisors who were all happy to see her and told me how much of a doll she looked as she's still tiny. Then she went to meet her great nana after my son finished nursery who was over the moon to see her as she never thought she would meet her as she's got terminal cancer :( still doing well though. Missing my zara today though as she should have been here to meet all these people and to have pictures with her brother and sister!


Lily dressed up for photos (have to put a sleepsuit under her dress as can't get tights to fit lol )

All snuggled up this morning
Awww casey I'm glad you enjoyed showing her off, understandably a bittersweet day for you all. She's such a little beauty!

Ladies I've posted a separate thread about Joseph forgetting how to lath on to one side, now he can't seem to grip either! Nothing's changed I don't understand it! I've got nipple shields on now and he's feeding fine so no issue actually sucking or drinking the milk he jut can't latch! I don't know what to do!
I found my son preferred one side when establishing breastfeeding. I think most babies do but it could been his position hun try keeping him the same way he would lie on his preferred side on the other side a little bit like a football hold. Not sure about the latching though hun. My advice would have been nipple shields bit you've done that hun. Lily struggled to latch and found herself getting frustrated. She would latch with nurses help. Try you tubing nest latching positions hun. I sometimes found moving her slightly would help sometimes

Thank you Durham. Aria looks so alert! How's Blake taking to be a big brother? xxx
She is so alert when awake, but she's still asleep most of the time lol :) Blake has been fine, he's daddy mad so quite happy to have my OH at home for two weeks. I think the challenges will come after that when I have to manage them both on my own.
Awww caseysmummy she is just sooo cute!!

Jessie have ypu tried the rugby ball position I find this the best one for latching LO on as my boobs are so so full!! Plus you can support the head and pisi5tion baby yourself etc

Wonder how mayflowers getting on!
Have made a separate post but feeling very upset and a bit overwhelmed today. Had a call from a Dr saying that Max's heel prick test has tested positive for MCADD deficiency. I know it's not the end of the world but it's still scary. They have arranged an urgent appointment for him to be seen in London tomorrow.
I'm sorry to hear that monkey nut. Not sure what that is but it's good that they've arranged an appointment for you asap. Are you close to London. I can imagine it's still very scary I know when lily was in hospital she was being monitored for a hormone imbalance which she hasn't got but it was very scary at the prospect. Hopefully the Dr's will put your mind at rest pn jow to treat it and manage it hun. Hope all goes well Xxx
Thanks, it's a metabolic disorder where they can't process fat in to energy. It means that he has to eat every 4 hours and is very serious if he gets any virus, as that would put him in to crises unless treated ASAP... The outcomes for that aren't very good as it is usually fatal or leaves them with brain damage.

I'm in Sussex so it's 90mins on the train and tube (not looking forward to that alone with a newborn!)
Omg hun. I'm so sorry I hope the Dr can give some advice on anything you can do to prevent crisis. I can imagine it's very scary. I wonder if the Dr could put you in touch with support groups also so you could speak to someone who's living with it. I hope you get on alright chick. Let us know how you get on xxx
Monkeynut I'm sorry what terribly scary news. I have no idea what to say I can't imagine where your head must be right now.
I hope you get lots of answers tomorrow and will have plenty of support. Praying for you that they've got it wrong or it's not as bad as expected.
Please post as much as you want, we may not be experts but offloading your thoughts may help you I process how you're feeling. We're all here to listen and support where possible x
Hi everyone, not getting a lot of time to be online at the moment but wanted to come say hi.

Recovering from a c-section is tough going. Everything takes three times as long as it should. And I'm always counting down the time to my next set of ibuprofen.

I think baby Jamie is doing well though. Had to stop breastfeeding because I just couldn't get comfy with baby with a sore tummy and sore back. But I'm getting the hang of nappies and making bottles etc. it's a steep learning curve with your first baby but I'm happy with how the days are going. Just wish I could get up a bit quicker, and do a bit more.

And good luck with your appointment Monkeynut. Got the heel prick test to look forward to on Friday. Thinking of you.
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Hi Orion, it's tough after a section but once you get past the first week you'll feel nearly normal again.

Anyone else having a lot of period pain? Is it normal with the bleeding?
Good luck with your appointment in London monkeynut, it's not something I've ever heard of, fingers crossed you get a positive outcome.

After another week of feeling drained from feeding constantly lo was weighed again yesterday and has gained 9oz in a week! She now weighs 9lb 4oz. Makes me feel that atleast the constant feeding is of benefit. I seem to have one breast which keeps getting engorged and lo struggles to latch onto it properly so Im going to try the electric pump later and express a little off it

How is everyone coping at night? I think I'm getting used to the lack of sleep now, I'm tired but don't seem to feel as weepy anymorw
Glad your getting on well orion. You'll start to feel better after a week or so hun. The pain gets less a d less and you are able to start to gradually increase what you can do. It does get better by the time lily was home at 3 weeks I was feeling fine hun.

Jessie I think when your breastfeeding you do get more pain with bleeding hun as it let's off your oxytocin hormone which contracts your uterus and you may find after feeding you bleed a little more than when you haven't fed hun.

Glad you lo has put some weight on Ellen it makes breastfeeding (especially the cluster feeds) worth while.

I'm finding nights easier now too like you say still tired but no emotional might be our hormones settling down although if I have the odd night of constant crying I feel like crying also.

Ive had a productive day today. We've remodelled our kitchen, actually we've moved it to a bigger room as our was tiny. It's all starting to come together now. Just need to get my cooker and new door sorted then it's pretty much finished. And I've mown the lawn and sorted all the boarders out. Lily is still sleeping lots between feeds so getting a fair bit done. I just wish she would sleep this well at night! It would have been my due date tomorrow, it's crazy that lily's almost 7 weeks old and what I've been through the last 7 weeks it seems surreal! Xxx
Wow casey you've been busy, I don't know where you're getting the energy from!

Well so far I've been up been up every hour of the night for an hour feeding and resettling. I'm going to be grumpy tomorrow!
Me neither hun. Feeling it this morning though l. Lily slept well last night and I've woken feeling more tired than ever. Cursing my Dr's surgery for booking my 6 week check so early today (9.30) I just want to sleep in today :( xxx
Morning ladies

Monkeynut- I've never heard of that condition, but I wanted to say I'm thinking of you, it must be terrifiying for you right now and I really hope they've made a mistake x

Mayflower- your labour sounds a lot like my first, Blakes head never came down through my pelvis either. I had a high heart rate afterwards too, but it soon came back down and I was well enough to shop after a few days.

Speaking of shopping, I may have overdone it a bit the past couple of days. I've been into town buying lil miss some new outfits and am suffering a bit for it with a sore back and tummy. We had a rough night the night before last, Aria was up and grizzling for 4 hours in the night. Last night was much better though and she only woke up twice to feed. I did have some concerns that she wasn't eating enough and was sleeping too much, so I downloaded a baby tracker app to record her activities and she's actually doing everything by the book :good:

Has anybody else stopped bleeding already? I've not needed a pad since day 6 :shock: the surgeon made a point of giving me a good clear out on the table so I think it's down to that. I'm not complaining, it's just I have a stash of maternity pads cluttering up the bathroom! I'll pass them onto my brothers girlfriend, she is due in August.
Hope you feel better soon mayflower. I'm sure you will. All they'll do if baby's bilirubin levels get to high is put her under a blue lamps to break them down again. Usually around 24 hours or so it was for lily but you lo may not need it hun, just depends on bilirubin levels.

Glad your getting on well Durham, take it easy on yourself though and rest plenty. I walked round the monkey forrest the weekend I had them and I suffered for the next few days.
Bleeding wise I had started to go really light last week and had pretty much stopped but over last couple of days I've started bleeding really heavy again and sorry if tmi but bright red so is it possible that I've started my first period before actually finishing post partim bleeding? I'm seeing the Dr today so will ask bit just wondering if any of you ladies had experienced it?


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