~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Thanks Caseysmummy, do you find you have good nights and bad nights with sleep or are the pretty consistent?
Will try the baby massage with olive oil then, we're using Johnstone but I'm worried the perfume in it will continue to dry him out.
Recovery wise I'm feeling quite good to say it was ony 10 days ago, but that said my body soon tells me if I do too much.
My midwife said something interesting today I all other section mummies, I your scar is hurting try going to he lol, your bladder is not as reactive after surgery so you may not feel like you need a wee and it could still be quite full meaning there is pressure under your scar, I've found this has worked quite well for me.
How are you doing recovery wise Caseysmummy?

Also how long did you ladies find your babies had gone back to their birth weight?
My little one has dry skin, I was wearing a black vest one day and after some cuddles I was covered in her skin, I've been using johnstons oil and it seems to be helping.

Our nights vary a lot, sometimes she will go for 3 hours at a time other nights she's awake every hour and takes an hour to settle which just kills me. I end up really upset and angry, thankfully my boyfriend is great and if I feed her he will then chill in the living room with her for a couple of hours until she's ready to feed again, it really helps if I can sleep for a couple of hours straight

With regards to birth weight my lo lost 70g by day 5 but had gained 6oz by day 9! I can't wait to have her weighed this week

How have you ladies been dealing with babies naills! Emelias are so sharp but I can't bring myself to chew them
Hi there ladies! Seems like I'm not the only one who popped early? - I hope I can join even though I had my twins in April? I was due May 15th, but ended up having my babies in April...so I hope that's alright :) I haven't had much time to be online as my girls keep me busy all day and night long, but I hope to be online more often from now on! :) Congrats to all the mummas out there who've had their babies already and good luck to those having theirs soon
Violet Beatrice was born 6.25am and Myla Evangeline at 6.37am on April 10th

How much did your girlies weigh?

oops, I just saw that right now, sorry!
Violet was born weighing 5lbs 8oz and Myla 5lbs 2oz
I'm healing well. Feel back to pre pregnancy now. Although my knot stitch hasn't dissolved but got my 6 week check on Friday, so I'm not worried.

Sleepwise it's getting better now we've got into a routine she has her last bottle around midnight and sleeps til 4.30ish then is up again around 7-8am and it's 3 hourly after that. She still sleeps most of the day but I found she started sleeping better when I put her to bed in her pushchair carrycot as it was smaller than her crib, plus she's very slight raised so not completely flat. But she was terrible for the first couple of weeks when she came home. I think it's because she's used to be being squashed into a tight space!

Lily lost 4 or 5 Oz then by day 6 she was almost back to birth weights he was off by 14g or something silly. But she's been slow at gaining being prem hun.

I'm dreading cutting her nails. I cut my sons finger when I did his as a baby. Ive got a baby nail file but lily's aren't sharp they just papery and gets hang nails frequently lol xxx
Am keeping track in here even tho baby isnt here yet. SIL suggested to me to bite babies nails like you would your own as you can feel easier that way and therefore are less likely to catch them. Obviously I havent tried that yet tho. X
Hello!! I can come in here now!!

My little girl was born on friday night :) just in love so so much!
Caseysmummy spuds like you've got a great be dime routine on the go now, I hope it continues!!
I coul bite my first sons nails but my newest seems to have nails of steel lol.

Welcome button :) you doing ok wih sleep/hormones? :)
Wow caseysmummy that routine sounds awesome! I would be so so happy if I can get one stint of three hours during the night. Emelia is currently snoozing in her bouncer and I'm doing my best to keep her asleep for another hour so that I can put her to bed at 10ish. although I can see her eyes want to be open so she'll not snoozeuch longer
Hey ladies can I join please. I gave birth to Max on 11th may at 4.57am 6lb 8oz.

I have had huge problems breastfeeding him since day one as he will not show any interest in latching on at all, it was stressing me out so I'm now expressing (hired a medela pump) and we are both much happier!
I think bring in nice helped lily's routine tbh and helped us get into a routine before we got home as unless she woke beforehand we fed and changed her every 3 hours. But nows she's home she wakes up for them. Ive always said that as my son had no routine my next baby would as my sons still terrible at going to bed at times.

Is anyone struggling to get wind up from their babies? I can wind lily for an hour and nothing. Is there anything I can give her as she's too young for gripe water xxx
Jessie i feel really good, minus the usual pains and aches from birth lol!

Lo is just amazing I cannot put her down :) she has taken to breastfeeding so so well i cant believe it :) got mws out tomorrow where she gets weighed! Nervous hoping she hasn't dropped lots!
Button I know exactly how you feel, I could stare at lily all day! Glad breastfeeding is going well. Good luck for tomorrow although I'm sure she'll be fine hun xxx
Caseysmummy have you tried infacol? It's suitable from birth and does make a difference. Emelia hates being winded and I struggle to get anything up. I've been using the infacol and rather than burps I now get hilarious pumps, I didn't know a baby could make so much noise and pump so much.
Ellen is right, I was going to suggest Infacol too, I used it with Blake last time, wonderful stuff x

Had a wonderful nights sleep last night! Aria had her last feed at 8/8:30 and we went up to bed together. She settled straight away and I was asleep by 9pm. At 1:45am I woke to use the toilet :shock: then I sat on the edge of the bed waiting for her to wake up! Fed and changed her and everyone back asleep by 2:30. OH fed and changed her at 4:30 and she's just stirring now.

I usually have to spend the best part o n hour after each feed settling her into her basket, but last night she just went straight back to sleep bless her :love:

Our MW is coming today too Button for weighing, heel prick test and to take my staples out (ouch) I hope she hasn't lost too much as she doesn't weigh a lot as it is!
Fab night Durham!!

We had 10-1.30 then fed her and changed her. Woke again at 2.30 for top up and now only just woke at 7.30 so not a bad night!

Boobs are like bricks though soooo heavy and awkward lol

Agree with the infacol going to get some for us to try out too.
Good to see some people are having good nights buttonbear and Durhamchance! I was up at 11, 1.30 and 3.30 for an hour or more each time. Finally got her into her basket at 4.30 and was hoping for a couple of hours but oh got up for work at 5.30 and shut the bedroom door loudly waking her up :( she did settle again but has only just gone down for a proper sleep now.

I'm feeling guilty right now thou, after oh woke us up I got so angry and had a right go at him, I then decided to make myself a cuppa (annoyed again as the only thing I've asked from oh is that he makes me a cuppa before he leaves for work as most days I don't get a chance until 9 or 10) and then saw he'd drank all the milk so threw my tea down the sink and stormed out. I quickly realised I was being silly and went back through to say sorry only to find he'd rushed out to work obviously wanting to avoid the situation. I got angry again that he'd just left without saying anything or asking if he could do anything.
That was about 6am and now I don't know how I feel, I've calmed down and want to say sorry but I'm still annoyed about the lack of support. Men just don't get it. I'm shattered
Wow you're all getting so much sleep!!
Joseph settled at about midnight until 2.30 then between umpteen feeds, changes and settling he finally went back down at half 5 until half 7.
It's gutting as il just feed and settle him, he looks sound asleep and just as I lie down he does the loudest poo! The most annoying thing is he'd happily stay asleep but obviously I have to then drag him up and start all over again!

Eileen i would be annoyed too but on the grand scheme is it worth your upset and falling out? I'd make sure he understands why you're upset but then I'd want it behind me. Maybe just a little chat about what you both need from each other right now would make all the difference? The early days are about surviving and it would be easier to be in it together!
That said, it would take me a while to get over not gaving enough milk for a cuppa!!
Will get some infacol to try thanks ladies.
If it makes you feel better jessie I had a terrible night last night. She cried every hour wanting feeding for some reason not sure if it's a growth spurt bit nothing but milk would settle her.
Ellen I would also be annoyed but would probably just mention how you felt when your calmer hun. I'm very snappy with no sleep either so I can understand hun. It is all about teamwork and I find myself getting grumpy if my oh hasn't helped during the night as he's still off work atm. But he is a heavy sleeper so would get up if I woke him. I'm gonna go back to bed for a bit now my little boys at nursery I think as I've got a cracking headache from no sleep xxx
Oh bless you all, I'm feeling guilty now! My OH has been wonderful too, he's totally on top of the laundry and housework. He made lunch for my best friend today, he's cooked all our meals and done the washing up.

The MW took my staples out this morning, so my scar is feeling much less tight. Aria only lost 7oz so no cause for concern, but she did squeal during the heal prick test :(

I took this photo today, she was in her bouncy chair looking at the toys :hugs:


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Fab news Durham!

I agree with OH mine has been amazing, literally doing everything as with MIL and FIL! Feel very very lucky. Although ive been up and about doing laundry and such as I feel great :)

Mw came today and LO has only lost 500g so I am SO chuffed with that :D Boobs are like bricks today lol honestly people would pay good moneu for these bad boys hahaha

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