~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Hahaha! I know! I've always had the rule off don't wake the baby at night!! He seems to have settled down with his last few feeds and has started draining his bottles so I'm happy!! And not waking him!!

It is a massive shock when it's you're first baby. I wasn't quite prepared for how trapped in the house I felt in the early days. The first few weeks really are just eat and sleep for both of you! If she's unsettled just keep offering her the boob, they need to feed really regularly this early on to establish you're supply. And if it settles her that's obviously what she wants!

We're going out today to get Thomas registered. I'm at an annoying stage where I feel quite energetic but then I can't do as much as I would like to cos I had a c-section. We went to the shop yesterday and after an hour I physically couldn't walk any further!
Can you add mine please although born in April Marley born 22/4/15 7lbs was due 9th may but had emergency section after failed induction
Hi there ladies! Seems like I'm not the only one who popped early? - I hope I can join even though I had my twins in April? I was due May 15th, but ended up having my babies in April...so I hope that's alright :) I haven't had much time to be online as my girls keep me busy all day and night long, but I hope to be online more often from now on! :) Congrats to all the mummas out there who've had their babies already and good luck to those having theirs soon
Violet Beatrice was born 6.25am and Myla Evangeline at 6.37am on April 10th
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hey I have Millie born 7th may 5:48am, 7lb 2oz,
was due 27th april but wanted to keep me waiting :) xxx
How are you all doing ladies?

I wrote on Monday how I'd had a twisty baby feeding constantly over the weekend and little monkey you suggested she could be having a growth spurt...you were right, at her first weigh in last Friday she'd lost 70g since birth and was 7lb 9oz but on Tuesday she weighed 8lb 5oz!! Huge increase over the weekend

Emelia is clingy and won't settle unless she's on someone so we've been working to get her into her Moses basket, still got work to do

Enjoy the weekend everyone
That's good she's putting the weight on El1en, hopefully she'll settle down a little bit with her feeding for you now.

My eldest was one for never wanting to be put down. I'm actually a bit amazed how easy Thomas is compared to him! He usually nods off on one of us, because I hold him upright against my chest for about half an hour after his feed but then I can put him down and he's out for the count till his next feed! My eldest there was no putting him down and even once we got that you could, he'd sleep for half an hour max.

How about trying swaddling Emelia so she's all cosy? You could also try putting something that smells of you in the cot. The first night we got home I slept with Thomas's comforter down my top to get my smell on it and put it in the crib! I've seen people on here suggest a hot water bottle to so baby isn't going from warm mum to cold bed too. Thomas has been fine in the carry cot downstairs (another thing my eldest hated!) but in the crib upstairs we found he's settling better with it at a slight angle.

I dunno what has been up with my little fella last night and today, but in the night he was wriggling and grunting constantly. He woke every two hours wanting feeding but only having a couple of ounces and from 9am waste fussing constantly with nothing settling him. I gave him a bath in the hope it would chill him out, thankfully it paid off and he's currently asleep on me after having another couple of ounces. The MW is meant to be coming today and I just hope she doesn't show up soon so he can get a decent sleep.
Morning everyone, I belong in here now: Aria Bethany was born on 14/05/15 at 12:51 weighing 6lbs 13oz.

Breastfeeding has been a complete failure, it seemed to start ok, then I've just run out of milk. Nothing there at all. I nievely allowed her to chew my nipples for the best part of 6 hours yesterday, believing she would get something and the poor thing was still starving. So she's now bottle fed and guzzling it down :) but my nips have had it.

We had a rough night as she refused to settle unless being held, so OH stayed up with her until 4am, then I took over. I need to try some of the tricks to make her basket more inviting. She slept fine in the hospital cot too :roll:
Congratulations Durhamchance! Lovely name for your little girl.

I'm sorry bf is not working well for you. Are you going to try again when you're less sore?

I know how you feel re putting baby down. Emelia was a nightmare to start with, I kept thinking "all I want is a cup of tea without worrying I'm going to spill it all over you"
My midwife suggested co sleeping instead of trying to use the basket but I really hated the idea. I did try eventually and it helped but I just didn't feel comfortable do stopped.

She's 14 days old now and thankfully the last two days I've been able to put her in the basket!! Sometimes it takes a few attempts but atleast I get some space (that sounds awful but you know what I mean)

Definitely try putting breast pads or a tshirt of yours in with her!
Sorry to hear you've had trouble breastfeeding Durham. I had trouble until my milk came in and then had to express as she struggled to latch and would be too tired by the time she did. My milk ran dry expressing after a couple of weeks so lily is bottle fed now too and she's much happier and putting on more weight now although they've just changed her milk to the nutri prem 2 from aptamil as although she was gaining weight she was slowly dropping percentiles she's now 5lb 5oz so hoping she starts gaining more weight.

I have no advice re getting baby to sleep in basket as lily also prefers to be cuddled although I have found she will sleep in carrycot if it's slightly raised so she's not flat on her back.

Hi all, mayflower please can I be added. Joseph born 11.27 on the 8th of May weighing 7lb10

I have another one here that wouldn't go in his crib! He would sleep all night on our chests if we let him but that's not exactly possible.
I've definately got a good case of the baby blues at the minute whilst my hormones are all over the place, I'm quite weepy and anxious about everything. Also finding it difficult to eat as have no appetite but I'm forcing myself as I'm breastfeeding. Anyone else felt similar?
I've allowed all the family to come and meet baby today so I need to put a bit of a front on .
Hi jessiecat

I found I had to force myself to eat for the first week and was hormonal. My oh kept trying to force feed me chocolate and I was getting so angry with him for it- I didn't want chocolate! He was doing his best to make sure I was being healthy but it was irritating. Eventually I found some white chocolate cookies and ate 2 packs - they were heaven, after that my appetite came back and I feel much better in myself, sorry your feeling weepy, it will pass thou
Aria is asleep in her basket right now! I've gently swaddled her and there's white noise coming from the washing machine. I'm going to put a rolled towel under her mattress sheet later so she feels less exposed. She is only tiny after all.

Also wanted to share this, both of my babies at the same age wearing the same sleepsuit. There's no argument that they are full siblings! They could be the same baby lol x


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Durhamchance, sorry Bf didn't start off great. After both my sections my milk didn't come in until after 4-5 days which is apparently quite common after a section. Maybe see how your boobs are in a day or two and try putting her on the breast again then? Your little munchkins both look so sweet on your picture, even their hair is identical!

Jessiecat, hope you're feeling better soon. Don't be afraid of telling people how you're feeling. I felt really similar after my first and it turned into PND. I tried to convince every one I was coping when really I was feeling so dreadful. It's only really now after having Thomas and comparing what I'm like now with then that I realise just how ill I was.
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Durham they really are identical, both so cute as well, I thought my 2 looked alike but yours really have a strong resemblance!

Sorry to hear your still feeling down jessie, you've been through so much this pregnancy and now your babies here, it may all just be coming to the surface now hun. I wish I had more advice hun. If you ever want a chat you've got my number hun.

Thanks everyone, I picked up a bit yesterday and doing ok so far today though I ony had 2 hours sleep last night so may not last. I'm looking forward to recovering fully from the section so I can get out and about, I think I'm worse because I'm just moaping about at home thinking about how tired I am as apposed to having a focus. Plus I've not been able to walk for 6 months with SPD so just an hour out shopping would be great!!

How you all doing? Have any if you tarted doing tummy time? My LO can't stand it lol maybe a bit young yet though?
Also he has really dry skin all over, it's like it's pealing off, I'm assuming he's just getting used to being dry and clothes in the big world?
Jessie glad your feeling better hun. I'm the same when it comes to no sleep I feel like bursting into tears over anything and become very snappy! I tried tummy time with lily for the first time last night as she was so small before we used to just lie her on her tummy on my chest which she loves. She wasn't overly fond of tummy time on the floor but can lift her head for a few seconds so would settle but will keep at it I think.
She also suffered with really dry skin for about a month and the nurses in hospital recommended a baby massage with olive oil (the stuff you buy for cooking with as it absorbs into the skin better). It worked a treat and her skin looks lovely now.
How are you feeling recovery wise hun?

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