~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

I gave up on bibs. Now I use muslin cloths tucked into his collar. Covers his body - great save for when he threw up on me.
Caseysmummy it's the caboo NCT that I've ordered as well, looks really easy to work which is what I wanted. I love the look of some of the others but I'm too much of a wimp to try anything that's not straight forward lol.

Aww button the bouncer is a great hit here, where do you put LO when you need to eat/have a wee etc lol
I haven't had experience with the caboo caseysmummy so I couldn't compare but the stretchy is super easy to use and my OH will wear her too. Will need to post a pic!

Jessie I put her in her moses basket which she loves, i guess when she grows she may like it more lol
Bouncer is hated here too
As soon as I put her in she cries where as my son loved his xxx
Hi guys. Can you add me to the list. Baby Lucian Bryan Scotcher born by energency C section on 24th May at 12.41pm weighing 5lb1oz.

We are both still in hospital as had a couple of little problems to keep an eye on. X
Our bouncer has been a god send! Easily the best present we've had. I don't use it tons but oh does and we put her in it and the bouncer in the table while we eat our meals.

Lovely name babyscotcher, congratulations

We had a big day out yesterday at our county show, lo was very well behaved, she slept most of the time and seemed content in her pram when awake. After sleeping so much I was worried we'd have a bad night but we had our best night yet- bed at 10, up at 1 for 30mins, up at 4 for 30mins and then up at 6.30. Would love this to be permanent but I know it was only one night

Off to a breast feeding workshop this morning to get some info on expressing, we're at a wedding the second weekend in June and mil is having lo on the evening and wants her practiced on the bottle so I want to start expressing this week
I am hand expessing at the minute to send down to neonatal which is a wierd thing to do. Think from what I am getting though that I will have plenty when my supply comes through. Was told not to use a pump yet as would be too harsh until my milk comes in properly. Just got to hope he takes to the breast now as has been tube fed for a couple of days. He did take a feed on the breast when he was first born tho and seemed to get the hang of it. Fingers crossed. X
Babyscotcher my little girl was in neonatal for 2-3 weeks as she was prem. How are you handling it hun. I know it can be very hard. It's good that your hand expressing and being successful with that. I struggled to hand express my colostrum but when my milk came in I found using the machine very helpful. She was also tube fed until 24 hours before she was discharged. She struggled to latch purely because of her size and being born before 34 weeks. I started to bottle feed her before we left but if I had persisted with breastfeeding she would have been fine. But with loosing her twin my oh wanted to be able to help as much as possible so that's why we chose to stick with bottle. The nursing staff will help with breastfeeding as much as possible too though hun xxx
Evening ladies

I've done a separate thread but just wanted to let you know that it was bad news at Arias X-ray today. She's been diagnosed with hip dysplasia and has to wear a harness. I'm struggling to deal with it.
All these naughty May/June babies.

Caseysmummy- Finding it really hard being on the ward with the other mums and their babies without having mine with me. Think they are going to discharge me tomorrow which will equally be hard going home without him and also as can't drive after the section I cant come see him except in the evening when OH is here. I dont feel like a mummy yet when he was crying earlier and I couldnt pick him up to comfort him.

Durham- that must be hard to aee that but hopefully they can sort it all now. They dont remember any of it.
I know it's hard hun. The nurses should encourage you to be involved in his care as much as you want hun like nappy changes and tube feeding. We learnt how to do it so we could be more involved hun so just ask hun. If your trying to establish breastfeeding ask if they have any parent rooms for you to stay in so that you can express and be able to try him to the breast hun. I lost lily's twin so they kept me in a private room to recover so that I didn't hear the others babies as lily wasn't with me either. I'm not sure about your nicu but if he's crying ask if you can get him out for a cuddle hun don't be afraid to ask the nurses anything. Remember he's your baby and they should try to help you help him hun. If you don't mind me asking how come he's in nicu? Is it because he's small.

Sorry to hear that Durham, it's good that they've found it now so they can treat it hun. I hope she's okay xxx
They have said about the rooms if we can get him back to feeding every 3 hours but at the minute he is on a sugar drip and feeding every hour and it isnt realistic to breast feed that often. I luckily seem to have more than enough milk for him so hopefully he wont need formula top up.

He is in scbu rather than nicu because he doesnt seem to be able to regulate his own blood sugar and is struggling a little bit to regulate his temperature. I couldnt pick him up etc. earlier as they had just put him on the drip but I had some lovely skin to skin with him this afternoon. I know he will be fine and hopefully he isnt in there too much longer as he is fine otherwise... just little. Sorry for the rant girls... just want to be able to get him home and do all the things I have been dreaming of... even the sleepless nights and yukky nappies.

How are you girls all getting on with your new arrivals? Most of the May mummies are over here now I think. How exciting. X
Aww I see bless him. Lily was put on a glucose drip for a couple of days after birth as she had neonatal hypoglycaemia which I think can be fairly common and had to have a heated mat so she could keep warm. She was mainly in there to grow as she was a teeny 3lb 10oz. She went through all 3 rooms as at first they weren't sure how poorly she was with her twin passing but she went down to room 2 on her drip the same day she was born to keep an eye on her sats the only reason she stayed on there was because there wasn't enough babies to staff scbu at the time but went down there a week before she was discharged when they started to fill up a bit. Hopefully he won't need to be in there too long xxx
Thats comforting that Lily was only on it for a couple of days and she was much smaller than Lucian is. I am hoping he isnt in there for longer than a week but obviously they want to get me out of here and to be honest as much as I want to be here for him I dont want to be in hospital anymore either as this is my 9th night here. Sam xxx
Sorry to hear that Durhamchance. At least it's been caught early whilst everything is still developing.
Thanks Orion x

I'm sorry, I don't feel I should be moaning when there's other babies in hospital and such. I just wish I'd been more prepared for it, it's come as such a shock.
Everyone is entitled to a moan Durham or alternatively to sing their baby's achievements from the rooftops. Hopefully this will get her all sorted out though. You might be lucky and she might not need it on for the whole 3 months and be out even sooner. X
Quick question - What's the best way to prepare for a day out?

I know a made bottle will last 2 hours, but what if you're out longer?

I'm not up to it just yet, but i want to be prepared.
Orion you can get milk powder dispensers where you put enough milk powder for each feed in each slot and you just put your water in your bottle and mix just before a feed. I'll try and link a picture hun. You can get them from boots. I found them a life saver for days out and you can purchase them from most supermarket's and places like boots and mothercare xxx

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