~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

She looks gorgeous in her little dress Caseysmummy. I think the Mam stuff is really good though I have got on fine with tommee tippee stuff.


Lucian is going to think his name is Mr Man as that is what I call him so I bought him this romper from Asda. X
Hope everyone ok and had a lovely weekend. I'm absolutely exhausted. Was my birthday yesterday, got the best pressie off my girly..pic below. my mum stayed over and done one of the night feeds so we managed 6 hours solid sleep. Today had a family BBQ, got more pressies for our little lady who has been officially spoilt. I also got vouchers so I can buy myself some much needed clothes. Might hang on a bit before buying much, try and lose s bit more baby weight, already lost about 20lbs, though 4lbs in last 2 weeks, but need to at least lose another 2 stone to be comfortable. I've done it before so can do it again as rejoined my old slimming world group.

Gorgeous pics babyscotcher and Caseysmummy

Jessiecat that is a lovely thing to do.


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Aww that's lovely lucy! Happy birthday for yesterday!

That's a beautiful picture babyscotcher loving the romper!

Forgot to say yesterday I think that is a lovely thing for you to do jessiecat. I would loved to have to donated to neonatal units, for the babies who were teenie tiny. I saw a few babies born at 27 weeks bless them. My best friends little boy was born at 29 weeks and her milk ran out after 2 weeks due to trouble expressing and stress as he had to have a major surgery and I'm sure he had donated breastmilk for a while! I know my friend was very greatful for it :)

Well I had a hard day with my little lady. She didn't sleep for very long at all all day and by 7 I got her ready for bed and she was obviously overtired and just after I got her pj's on she was trying to have a poo and was screaming whilst trying and I think it was a mixture of constipation and the gaviscon has made me poo harder. I ended up rubbing her tummy for an hour and changing her nappy a few times and she fell asleep after and slept through and is much chirpier today. I thought my son and parrot being noisy was giving her the disturbed sleep but I now think it was tummy ache. Poor little lady xxxx
We have had a similar problem Caseysmummy. Poo not hard but he struggles to go and only goes once per day. Grizzle for a while when he is trying to go and then afterwards is back to being a happy little boy. He sounds like it really hurts though bless him. He cries proper tears :-( X
I have the same issue here. Alex had dropped to one dirty nappy every 48hrs and it explodes when he does go. He's only taking 2oz at a time now too and I think it's to do with being backed up x
Sophie goes 3 or 4 times but today they've been like a dark green... Online says it's because she's just getting foremilk and not the fatty milk but she feeds for over half an hour on one boob??
The fore and hind milk has been debunct as in they've found there's no such thing its all catered to babys need /weather etc.

Green can mean maybe something you're eating baby isn't liking
Lily goes every couple of days but that's been normal for her since she went on formula and her poo was really soft and didn't used to hurt her to go. I'm going to wait to see if her next poos the same as on Saturday and if it is I will go back to the gp for her I think. I think I may have to anyways as the moisturising cream seems to be irritating her skin a bit. Her tummy was clear of eczema but after her bath yesterday and I give her a baby massage with it its left little red rash on her skin. I know the Dr said it's trial and error but I don't really want to be back and forth to gp constantly as it's hard to get an appointment with the gp. I'm not sure what to ask for I has diprobase when my eczema was awful but I can't remember I'd it helped or not xxx
Marcie also was like that with her poo's but has been slightly better since introducing gripe water. Still doesn't go as often as the start. She has so much wind now from her bum it can be quite noisy. She seems ok with it.

Marcie slept from midnight to 5.45am. Amazing. Hoping this is a good sign.
We had a good nights sleep too lucyboo :) we managed 10pm until 4:30am which was lovely! His last feed was 8:30pm too so he went 8 hours between feeds. Fingers crossed it's a sign of things to come haha!

I can't believe how quick Hayden is growing! He's a little chunk now, getting harder to do things with him in one arm haha!
We are getting more and more smiles every day now too! I always said at first I want him to be brand new forever but there's no better feeling now than watching him grow and pull new faces and make new noises! How amazing is it :)

Aww he's beautiful charlie! I've got to admit I wish my babies stayed around 5-6 months old forever. It's a lovely stage as they're sleeping through and they're happy and playful. It's a lovely age but I have loved watching my little boy get bigger and I get excited for the new things he learns and sad when he grows up. It's bittersweet but I wouldn't change it for the world.

I may try gripe water lucy. This morning despite giving her gaviscon in her bottle she seemed to have terrible reflux and was very sicky and upset the only way I could settle her was to lie her on her tummy for a while. I'm not sure what to do xxx
I have gripe water but have only used it a couple of times as I think the Infacol does help though it's not a miracle cure.

Hayden is gorgeous, I totally get that it's great watching them grow though you don't want to wish the first few weeks away.

Now that our babies are more awake, what do you do with them? Alex won't put up with his bouncer or play mat for too long and he doesn't like lying his pram when he's too awake but loves being held and looking around at things. Makes it difficult to get anything done though!!

I think Alex is regressing a bit, he's gone from 5oz every 3-4hrs to 3oz every 2hrs! Have been here bringing is snuz pod down to the living room after his bath to try and get a longer stretch x
Hayden is the same at the moment 3-4 oz every 2-3 hours during the day but then going long at night and having bigger feeds luckily.

We bought a mamaroo for Hayden and he loves it. Allows me to get the housework done :) xx
Have you got a sling belfa? Maybe if you face him out whilst doing your jobs he may enjoy that. I found lily prefers to face out when really alert and in if sleepy. She loves looking around at the world whilst I'm doing housework xxx
Doh! The sling! I bought one last week. He falls asleep in it but it could maybe get him into a better nap pattern now that he's taken to cat napping. It's amazing how much he's changed in a week with his routine x
Glad I am not the only one wondering what to do with him when awake. He doesn't mind his bouncer or playmat/playnest for a while but seems to get bored pretty quick. Started letting him cry for just a few minutes though before I go to him and sometimes he just settles himself.

I have thought about getting a sling or carrier. Anyone recommend an inexpensive one to give it a go. Not sure how well it will work with my big bust. X
I bought a liberty sling for 20 pound of eBay. It's brilliant and only took 2 days to get here. Lily loves being in it. Hang in there with the play gym. Lily's just started to bat them and is starting to enjoy it now.

I'm lying here giggling to myself. It's 25 past 5. Lily's had a bottle burp and bum change and I've put her back to bed. She is whinging as she wants to come back in my bed to sleep but as I want to go back to sleep myself I am refusing and she started fake whinging as as soon as I popped my head over the crib she big smiled at me lol xxx
Haha how cheeky! Alex waves his hands around when he goes back in as he knows if he acts like he needs winded we'll pick him up again. When I put my head in his crib he suddenly goes peaceful.

Babyscotcher I wouldn't worry about your chest, mine is big too and I was surprised that baby still had room. I got a stokke carrier so not cheap but you can get them on eBay x
Belfa, how do you find the stokke carrier? I'm currently renting a connecta from NCT. I quite like it, but it doesn't have a front facing option. Stokke carrier does but it seems a bit bulky. I can shuv connecta into the changing bag, so it's handy.

I think I fancy the stokke one as have the pram, car seat and we are getting the stokke high chair. #sponsored haha

Does it support your back?
Lol casey at fake whinging Lily!

Button do you cosleep?
Who else cosleeps? I have questions x

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