~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Does anyone's little ones have heat rash? I think our little lady has it a bit on her face and neck. The ladies who weighed her seemed to think that was it. It just looks so sore.

Sometimes she won't settle in the snuzpod so I pop the side down and put my arm against her and it seems to help with settling, I have drifted a couple of times holding her but I lay on my back and make sure she is upright which I think is a bit safer. Tends to be more around 5am. She goes down ok at night.

Neck ok ish today though still hurts when I turn my head. Get hubby to give it a nice rub later.

The cereal bars sound yummy. I never thought if making them.

Sophie has had rash like that on face and neck a lot, health visitor said its fine and to apply a bit of e45 cream to mousturise it x
It does look like heat rash hun. I agree with karen about moisturiser.

bigbee I'm not sure what suggest hun, it may just be something that gets easier as he gets bigger hun, lily's getting better on the whole at sleeping the older she gets. But we do have days where she cat naps for a up to half hour at a time then is really grumpy round bedtime. The only way I used to get my son to sleep in the day was to rock him in his pram on am uneven floor. My fil suggested it as their eldest was similar and never wanted to sleep.

Jessie that sounds yummy. Yes it's lovely to snuggle him. One thing I'm sure of is he will always be a mummy's boy ( that's second to his grandad) but at home he is. Where as I'm a complete daddy's girl, he's like my best friend and speak to him on a daily basis.

Thanks ladies, her poor face looks so sore. I'll get some E45.
Lucyboo are you breastfeeding? Does baby have any kind of sickness/reflux symptoms? And is the rash just in one spot or all over the face?
Lucyboo are you breastfeeding? Does baby have any kind of sickness/reflux symptoms? And is the rash just in one spot or all over the face?

Yes Jessiecat to the breastfeeding and reflux symptoms. She doesn't have reflux after every feed, just occasional feeds and it seems to be on her checks and a bit near her neck.
Just keep an eye on the rash. My sons started on his cheeks and then stowly spread across his body until he was completely covered. The doctor said it was viral but I knew it wasn't. He also had bad reflux, wouldn't feed in the evenings and colic. I did my own research and they we're all symptoms of a cows milk allergy. I thought it was unlikely but dropped dairy completely to see if it made a difference and my god is he a different baby!! Very little sickness, doesn't cry, takes more milk etc. best thing I did! Just something to be aware of. The all over body rash only lasted a day but it was on his face for about 3 weeks (it can take up to 6 for dairy to completely leave your system). If the rash goes when she's cool then obviously just that but if there are other symptoms as well then maybe read up on cows milk protein allergy 86% of babies true out of the allergy so if you think it could be that don't worry about it being a forever thing xx
THanks Jessie, it is still on her face and neck at the moment but will definitely keep a close eye. Funny you say that I'm pretty sure my brother had it back when he was a baby. x
How's the rash now lucyboo?

Ladies stop being so quiet, I have nothing to read on my many many night feeds
I agree Jessie. I am usually still up at least twice in the night.

I am getting quite frustrated at night when it comes to burping my Lo. During the day we have no problem but at night he falls asleep on me when he has his bottle and then no matter how hard I try will not burp. Problem is that if I then put him down within half hour he is usually sick. Not massive amounts usually and thankfully he sleeps with his head sideways so no risk of him choking but still have to mop him up. Any tips girls? X
Hello ladies sorry I've been quiet lily has had me up 2 hourly for the past 48 hours and my brain has turned to mush again. Were currently lying in bed after a feed trying to convince mummy it's playtime, whilst mummy's trying to convince her eyes to stay open a little longer lol. Sorry no advice yet baby scotcher. I lie lily on my chest for around 10 mins and that usually works hun xxx
Hi girls it's been ages since I've had time to write on here

Sorry babyscotcher I can't really advise. I can't burp my Lo at night either but luckily she isn't sick. I try to get her to burp but she won't and then she wakes up with really bad pump pains bless her.

Caseysmummy how is Lily's eczema? The lotion has been working a treat on my Lo's skin, it's so much better

I can't believe my Lo is 12 weeks old, it's crazy, she such a lovely baby now. After the stressful weeks on colic she now barely cries and is just so happy. She's very vocal and a right diva, she lets me know if she's not facing the right way if there's something she wants to look at but she so smiley and happy

When do most babies develop good head control? We still haven't cracked it yet. We do little bits of tummy time but she doesn't like it. My friend had a baby 3 weeks before me and her Lo could hold her head at 8 weeks. I know everyone's different and it's not a competition but I'm just curious
My LO has good head control and can do push ups when doing tummy time. He is very strong though so I don't know what's average.

I have the same problem babyscotcher and by late morning he's in pain with all his trapped wind. I sit with him sitting up on my lap whilst I go on Facebook etc for 30mins and it seems to send the gas South x
My little one has really good head control but he is generally quite strong. Already started to push up with his legs if you stand him on your legs and he is only 9 weeks. All babies are different though.

Oh dear Caseysmummy, hopefully lily gets over that pretty quickly.

We have had a grumpy boy in the afternoon the last few days. Wakes up at lunchtime and then fights going back to sleep all afternoon and evening until bedtime. Wont sleep for more than about half hour. Resorted to putting him in the car yesterday just to get him to sleep. X
Oh and thanks girls. Just nice to know I am not the only one who struggles with night time burping. X
How's the rash now lucyboo?

Ladies stop being so quiet, I have nothing to read on my many many night feeds

It's still there, slightly worse than it was but still only on her face and neck. Given her a nice bath tonight and trying to keep the area dry, weird thing is it's where she isn't covered up. Where she has clothes she is fine so keeping the air to it isn't doing much. If it doesn't improve I might call docs or look into cutting out dairy.

We have burping issues at night too, can take over half an hour sometimes. I lay Marcie up over my shoulder which helps too and walking around sometimes helps.
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I feel rubbish :(
My health visitor advised to try a milk ladder with baby, so see if we can reintroduce dairy by starting at the bottom with the lowest amount of milk (a biscuit) and working up. I ate a biscuit yesterday and since then he's got poorlier and poorlier :( I feel like every time I feed him I poison him more :( poor little fella
Baby J is 10 weeks old now but he's been quite strong physically from the start. From about 3 weeks old he would lift his head if he was lying on our chest. Now he's lifting his head lots at tummy time, pushing off and kicking lots with his feet, he prefers to sit up (still supported on his back), but he can hold his head up really well when sat or when being carried.

He's gurgling a lot as if he's trying to talk. And can hold things in his hands, which end up in or by his mouth.

He's growing so fast.
Lily's eczema is hit and miss. It starts to look like it's getting better then it comes back really bad I have a feeling her creams not sitting well on her skin it makes it weepy at times so back to the Dr's asap as I've given it fair chance to work now.

Lily's head controls getting better day by day she's 16 weeks old today but only 9 corrected so that's what we have to go by for development milestones really according to the hv. She does push ups on tummy time but hates tummy time. But you can see when holding up sitting up right her heads less wobbly now. She's just started to take an interest in the tv when my sons watching cbeebies and will sit for half hour on her swing watching it with him. She also loves ring sung to and talked to and smiles at me if I've been out the room and come back in. We slept better last night thank goodness I feel much better for it.

Jessie don't feel bad. It's trial and error with something like that. Once it's out of your system he should start to feel better hun and try again in a month or two hun. Just go with your gut hun xxx
Well it looks like Marcie has a bit of eczema. Been given oilatum cream to use on it, doctor didn't think it was related to me eating dairy as she is gaining good weight. i feel like I was taken more seriously this time. Also been given baby gaviscon as she still suffering with her tummy and mild reflux. Hoping it'll help.
Glad you've got it sorted lucy. With the gaviscon offer plenty of cooled boiled water as I've found it really constipates lily. We've almost ran out this evening so I'm unsure what to do as they didn't give it to me on repeat. I may ring in the morning to see what they'll do. Xxx

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