~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

I have this Belfa! Even though I know he's in his crib I search the bed in a panic for him then I fully wake up and relax! It's a scary 10 seconds! No one told me about them, not very nice xx
I've also had that's couple of times, it's horrible. I panic then look over into the snuzpod and am able to relax.

I'll get our little lady weighed on weds, she is still in newborn stuff comfortably, a couple of 0-3 bits fit but I find tesco clothes come up small. I had to organise all her clothes as got given so much don't want to miss anything out.

I can't believe she is a month old Friday, it's an extra special birthday present for me :) the thing I'm most excited about is getting a 'mummy' card.
I get a lot of those nightmares Belfa, I thought I was just being a crazy new mummy! I get such a fright

Had a good day today, we took Lo swimming for the first time, she seemed to enjoy it, she didn't scream anyway, she babbled a bit and seemed to enjoy being wizzed around by oh. Can anyone advise on putting baby underwater? Some people say to dunk them for a second or two but I've also read not to do so until they are much older, my Lo is 10 weeks. I just want her to get used to it a bit. I've been splashing water on her face in the bath and did in the pool to and she's fine with that

I've been and had a copper coil put in tonight, it didn't hurt anywhere near as much as my first one, I guess it's true that it's easier once you've had a baby. I feel good knowing I can have sex without worry now, I was not enjoying the worry when using the pull out method.
I also get those nightmares! A few times I've woke up in a panic and then saw him in his moses basket fast asleep.

You can put a baby underwater from the day they are born but only for a few seconds at first and only a couple of times within a 30 minute period. I took my 1st baby to water babies swimming classes and they do underwater swims pretty much from the beginning. You just want to put them under very slowly and at an angle where they are on their tummies. So you hold them out in front of you so they are in a swim like position and then lower them into the water. I hope that makes sense. My boy is now 19 months and is still doing water babies and is very used to going underwater!

I'm 5 weeks postpartum this Thursday and still having some bleeding. Not lots but enough to still have to wear a pad which is annoying. I had a 3rd degree tear and it still hurts after a bowel movement (TMI). Has anyone else experienced this? I have my postnatal check next week but they were useless last time I had one with my first child. I have to go back the hospital in August but that seems so far away and I go on holiday next week! I just want to be able to go swimming with my 2 boys and hubby so fingers crossed the bleeding stops!
I'm going to try relaxation I think. I found breastfeeding so much more convenient last time l. Plus I think it will be benificial to her eczema, I'm not sure but since she's been fully on formula it's slowly got worse. It started to bleed yesterday. I'm using yellow soft paraffin the hospital gave us. We have an appointment with the gp tomorrow so not long to wait. I have to say though this past couple of days lily's becoming much more of a smiler baby as she's waking up with smiles and not crying and sges started to get excited when we play :) kicking her legs and waving her arms around its lovely.

I also have them dreams. I have woken up once and she's been in my bed and I was so tired i couldn't remember I'd put her in which was very scary so now I wake myself up fully if she wakes during the night and make sure she goes back to bed. Ive been putting her down awake a lot more and she's been settling off on her own or with the baby shh app. I had terrible trouble with my son when he was little he had to be rocked in his pushchair to go to sleep and I said I would never do that again so I'm starting earlier this time, she doesn't get upset like he did when I tried it so I'm hoping that's a good sign. Xxx
Glad you are feeling better about it all Pismo.

Caseysmummy- it is supposed to be possible. You have to express (hand or machine) at least 8 times in 24 hours and if possible get baby to latch as often as possible even if there is no milk to stimulate hormones. Eventua lly your supply should come back sufficiently. Takes some women days and some weeks so takes some perseverence.

My supply is dwindling as I am not expressing often enough. On one hand I feel that I have given him 7 weeks of my milk which is pretty good going but I like that he still has a couple of bottles of my milk each day. He latched last week for one feed a couple of days in a row but not had any success since. Warring with myself over what to do at the minute. X

Not been around for a while but wanted to say this sounds like something I could have written! Basically stopped breastfeeding because ds was prescribed gaviscon. He wouldn't take it off a spoon so have to mix it with the milk in a bottle. Finding it hard to keep up with the demand by expressing so hhe's having formula too. It's hard to find the time to do it as well with 2 under 2. Now I think my supply is starting to dwindle... I'mnot sure Iif it's worth the struggle anymore. But worried to stop all together in case I regret it when I'm all dried up!
That happened to me buggy, I was finding it harder to find the time to express once I was getting out and about more often and then my supply went down so I stopped as I felt the time spending taking him somewhere was better then sitting expressing.

Glad I'm not the only one having the dreams though I'm sorry some of you are suffering too. When I woke up to the dream last night I disturbed my husband who said I was totally manic digging through the bed!z
Well after a bit of a stressful night with Marcie having a temp we are waiting for them to re check this mornings urine sample in case she has an infection. Last night showed white cells in it so if still there this morning they will put her on antibiotics as don't want to wait 48 hours because of her age :( otherwise we can go home. My poor little munchkin looks all sorry for herself. On the positive her temp has gone back down.

Update... We can go home.
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I hope you've got room for another in here?

My name is Alea and I've just joined this forum. I had my daughter Maisie Grace on June 23rd at 34+4 and yesterday we were able to bring her home! She spent 3 weeks in the Neonatal Unit and has settled in wonderfully at home.

She's the first child for my OH and I, and we live in Hertfordshire. Looking forward to getting to know you all!
Hi Alea and congratulations on your little lady, I bet it's lovely having her at home. Feel free to post about anything and everything xx
Congrats Alea :) lovely name for your little girl x
Congratulations Alea and welcome how is she settling at home?

We've had a busy day, went to the clinic first thing, Emelia weighs 12lb 6oz now, she hasn't grown quite as much as previously but is still on the 75th centile.

After that we rushed home to meet the vicar to discuss her christening. All booked in for October. I know a lot of people don't do Christenings now but it's very important to me and also family tradition.

We've started on some special eczema cream, poor Lo came out in a horrible rash yesterday, she'd had a bit for a few days but yesterday it got so much worse. Oh suffers with it bad so I figured she'd get it to poor thing. Hoping the cream helps
Congratulations Alex. What a beautiful name. My little girl was born at 33+3 weeks. We sadly lost her twin during labour. My little girl Lily spent just over 2 weeks in the neonatal unit. It's lovely to have them home isn't it! Lily is our second child we also have a 4 year old boy too.

Well today we've had little lady in the Dr's as we had her second lot of injections and she's been suffering with really dry hands and cheeks. She's has got eczema and we've been prescribed zero Base moisturiser and hydrocortisone. I have eczema and both of my children have or have had it. Ellen the Dr told me to not use any bath products ( which I wasn't anyway as I know how sensitive my skin is ) but to instead use the moisturiser to wash her with in the bath then dab her dry? I didn't know I could do this before so maybe it's worth a try with your little one too hun.
She's also been diagnosed with relux as she's rather sicky and she screams during and after feeds so the gp prescribed her infant gaviscon to add to her milk during a feed as it's worked wonders so far we've had no crying during feeds and I've used it with the lady 3 feeds I can use it up to 6 fee.ds a day.

Sorry to hear your little girks not been well lucy. How is she now hun?

Ellen I also want to get lily christened. I also find it important and it's a tradition in my family too. We still haven't christened my son also so we will have them done together we can't decide on godparents and it's a desicion I want to make properly and we've just not had the money to do it yet as we bought a house when my son was a baby. But I want to get them christened before lily's first birthday, she has been blessed when we were in hospital as we also had zara blessed and wanted to have them blessed together. Xxx
Well today we've had little lady in the Dr's as we had her second lot of injections and she's been suffering with really dry hands and cheeks. She's has got eczema and we've been prescribed zero Base moisturiser and hydrocortisone. I have eczema and both of my children have or have had it. Ellen the Dr told me to not use any bath products ( which I wasn't anyway as I know how sensitive my skin is ) but to instead use the moisturiser to wash her with in the bath then dab her dry? I didn't know I could do this before so maybe it's worth a try with your little one too hun

Does your Lo have it all over or just in the typical elbows, knees etc? Thanks for the advice, I haven't been using products as like you I expected her to have sensitive skin because of her dad. We've been given a bath oil, dermol 500 lotion and also hydrocortisone. I've haven't used the hydrocortisone yet as I'd really like to avoid it, my oh has paper thin skin on his legs from using it and when he scratches now he rips it open. I'm going to keep going with the lotion and I'll try the hydrocortisone in a few days if we've had no improvement.

How nice that you'll have them both christened together, and it will be nice for them to know that they've got a sister in heaven helping God watch over them

How was she with her 2nd jabs? Easier than the 1st? Emelia screamed and screamed 1st time in dreading the next lot
Thanks caseysmummy she has really perked up now and back to her milk guzzling self. She Had a temp of 38 Tuesday night and being so tiny ( under 3 months) they put a cannula in, made us stay overnight and checked everything obvious. Not really sure what it was but glad she is back to herself now.

Hope your little Lily's eczema improves, my brother had it bad as a baby.

We also want to get Marcie christened. We aren't religious but with her being such a special little girl I want her done.

I got 1 really hard lumpy breast this morning. Feels like a backup of milk. It's so uncomfortable. I've done a hot compress which helped I think.
Lily's eczema is on her hands, elbows, ankles and cheeks currently. I know what you mean about hydrocortisone hun. Ive just used a tiny dab in each area twice and it's already improved each area so will use it for today then hopefully the moisturiser we were prescribed will be able to control it from then. I found with eczema you just need to keep on top of it, I found it easier to do as a mum than I ever did to myself iykwim.

Cannula are awful. Lily had one for around 4 days when she was born for antibiotics and glucose drip but she knocked it put a couple of times and was horrible seeing them put it back. I'm glad she's better though hun. Nothing worse as a mummy than seeing your baby unwell.

Her injections were just as bad as her first, she reacted about the same but possibly cried a little longer but I fed her straight after her first but she was fed just before yesterday so I think that's possibly why. She's been fine so far just been a little niggly at times xxx
I'm really not looking forward to LO's injections.

Is Lilly's eczema sore? I had a friend who had it when we were young and she was always in pain but I'm not sure if baby eczema is different? Hopefully she's not uncomfortable.

Glad nothing serious turned up with Marcie. We will get Alex christened too, again we're not religious but I like the tradition of it plus our church is being closed so it means something to us to have him christened there before it does as my grandpas funeral was there and Alex is named after him x
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

Maisie is settling in very well at home and we are so so in love with her.

How are you all today?
Feeling FRESH! Sophie only woke for one feed between midnight and 8.30am, miracle for me! She hardly sleeps in the day tho
Hi everyone!

Gosh I barely get time to get on here what with 2 children and my own business to run but I do read how everyone is getting on as much as I can.

LO is now 9 weeks tomorrow and just amazing, her little personality is coming out, we get so many smiles now I just melt each time. She is such a happy content little baba and her big brother just dotes on her!

She was meant to have her injections today but got a phonecall saying the GP hadnt completed her 8 week check so cant go ahead with injections until thats done. SO annoyed as no one told me or contacted me about it till the morning of her injections!!!

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