~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Hi ladies. Welcome to all the new mums and babies.

Our little man is not putting on weight. His weight has plateaued which is quite upsetting. He has only put on 100 grams in the last week. Same the week before. He is a happy little chap, so I am not that concerned, but it is still on my mind quite a lot. Not much I can as he is breast fed. Boo!
Hi ladies. Welcome to all the new mums and babies.

Our little man is not putting on weight. His weight has plateaued which is quite upsetting. He has only put on 100 grams in the last week. Same the week before. He is a happy little chap, so I am not that concerned, but it is still on my mind quite a lot. Not much I can as he is breast fed. Boo!

My son went through similar and it really worried me and I started giving him a bottle of formula a day. But actually this made no difference to his weight. He is now a happy 2 year old and has lost weight in the last few months but he eats like a horse! I think babies gain weight at different rates. You may find in a couple of weeks he's gained loads. Try not to worry as long as he's happy, wreeing and pooing.
Buttonbear that is frustrating. My GP did the 8 week check and injections at the same appointment. Makes sense as they have to check they're well before giving them their injections anyway.
Orion that makes so much more sense not sure why they didn't do the same to save all this faff!!
How frustrating, buttonbear!

Maisie's GP is going to do her 8 week check and immunisations together. It's a shame yours didn't do that.
I've got two appointments for Sophie, a week apart- one with doc and other with nurse! Annoying!
I have mine 2 days apart. Not looking forward to it. Going to get the calpol in just in case. X
With my son he had an 8 week check and his first injections at the same time. This time lily had her check at 7 weeks and injections at 9 weeks. It's weird how it varies from practice to practice. I would be annoyed too button.

Bigbee I wouldn't worry hun. They don't tend to worry unless baby drops a couple of percentilesm . Lily was put on her nutri prem because she had dropped one percentile and was continue too drop every week even though she was gaining it was only an ounce or 2. But sges formula fed sp I'm not sure if it's different. They do slow down weight gain at different stages too.

Karen that's brilliant I net it's just what you needed hun!

Lily's eczema looks sore at times but doesn't cause her to be in pain but on her cheek and fists you can see its itchy as she is constantly ribbing her hands on her one cheek and sucking her fists. It's already looking a lot calmer though.

Ive started a proper bedtime routine for lily now to tie in with my sons. He goes to bed at 7.30 every night. From tonight I've bathed lily at 6 and fed and put her to bed by 7. I'm putting her to bed awake she can fall asleep on her own which she did within 45 mins in which I kept coming in to check on her. She will probably wake for a feed around 10-11ish and go back down before midnight.

Now just to wait for my oh to come home from work with a nice glass of wine and chill... but I still have the washing up and tidying up to do :( xxx
Bigbee is baby sick a lot? Sorry for the detail but we we're getting poos every hour as well as a hell of a lot of sick, a breastfed baby hours digest nearly all the milk so this shouldn't be the case. This was one of a list of symptoms that made us realise baby had food allergies. Just wondering if the weight troubles your having could be similar?
On the other side of that though, if you're getting lots of wet and dirty nappies then baby is fine, don't let them get you all worked up over a number, you know your baby xx
Jessie, he doesn't really get sicky... Plenty of dirty/wet nappies. Feeds whenever he wants to, so not sure why not much weight gain.

We are going back in two weeks. She said if his trend crosses two percentile lines then she might prescribe us some special formula or something.

He is a happy little boy, very active so I am not THAT concerned yet.
No I wouldn't be either bigbee. If they do put him on special formula it will be nutri prem more than likely as it's high calories. Like I say lily doesn't gain much weight without it yet. On it she's gaining half a pound a week. You might find he has a growth spurt soon anyway hun xxx
No I wouldn't be either bigbee. If they do put him on special formula it will be nutri prem more than likely as it's high calories. Like I say lily doesn't gain much weight without it yet. On it she's gaining half a pound a week. You might find he has a growth spurt soon anyway hun xxx

I'm finding that the 2 words "growth spurt" have become terrifying words in my vocabulary. What they really mean is "your heads not likely to touch the pillow tonight"! There does seem to be a big leap at 9 weeks though that I think we're still in the middle of so although not much fun for us, perhaps your boy will pile in a bit Bigbee.

Ladies can I share something that's made me feel good?
There's a lady about 45 mind from me currently too poorly to feed her baby and he won't take formula so I am meeting her tomorrow with donated breast milk :) it feels like such a special thing to do. I wanted to donate to the local hospital for prem babies but this little baby will still need his dinner whilst his mum is unable to feed so still feels really good to help :)
Aw Jessie that's lovely! That's a really special thing to do, good on ya

I'm having my first night out with my friends tonight wetting the baby's head! I'm so exited but so nervous. We've had a rough couple of nights so thought I should cancel but oh has insisted I go as he knows I've been feeling a bit down when he gets to go to the pub every weekend, it's given me serious cabin fever! He's nervous to do his mum is staying home so he can drive there if things get too much
Jessie, that's lovely! Good on you, what a selfless thing to do.

Thanks ladies. Yeah, if baby has to go on special formula, we will have another problem - he is not likely to take it. He doesn't seem to like bottles. I've tried Dr brown's, Medela Calma, now trying tommee tippee. He takes an ounce and then realised it's not boob, and comes off. It takes about an hour to give him 3oz. Tried different teat sizes and everything.
Have fun El1en! you deserve it.

Bigbee stick at what you're doing, you know your boy best if he's having wet and dirty nappies and is generally happy then tell them to back off he's obviously just a slow gainer. Maybe it you're about at home air fee extra feeds to see if he'll take it and don't let him go longer than 3-4 hours but don't let them worry you. It annoys me how much pressure is put on us for a baby to follow what the book says xx
Bigbee try nuk orthodontic teat bottles. Lily would only take them to start with and will now take tommee tippee and start with size 2 tommee tippee and the flow will be very slow for him on size one.

Growth spurt is a word I dread now too jessie for me it means sleepless nights and grumpy days. And no me time at all.

Hope you have fun Ellen.


Lily's trying to suck her thumb! She's finally wearing proper pretty little dresses too now :)
Aw cute dress!

That's an amazing thing to do Jessie!

Bigbee we also use Nuk bottles and dummies because LO doesn't seem to have to go to much effort with them lol x
Thanks girls, I'll try Nuk bottles...

Lily looks lovely :)

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