~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

I used to co sleep jessie with my son if I can be of any help. I would have with lily if she hadn't of been prem.

So have taken lily to be weighed at clinic today. She's gained 10 Oz in 2 weeks and has started to drop percentiles again shess dropped 2. She started being sick a lot more again yesterday and they think it could be due to that. I'm still giving gaviscon. She's also very constipated and had streaks of blood in her poo this morning so ages told me I need to see the gp today so waiting for a phone call from them with an appointment for later on hopefully. We worked out she's taking more than enough milk so that's not the issue so they're thinking it could be the reflux sickness again. My poor last can't seem to catch a break atm. Everytime we see the hv were referred to something or there's an issue with her weight gain etc. Think I'm going to do a diary of her food intake and nappies so that I can keep an eye on it and show the Dr's in future xxx
Poor little mite Caseysmummy, good idea with keeping a diary to try and get to the bottom of it.

Jessie I co sleep, well if you can call it that! I have a snuz pod attached to my side of the bed but during the night I sleep with the side up. For morning naps I'm confident not to need the side up but I'm trying not to create a rod for my own back by having him used to me holding his hand in his sleep etc.

I'm really enjoying the carrier. They have a YouTube video of how to use it, I would watch that as you can see all the features of it. It's not as easy as they make out to get baby in though. They show the model slipping the baby in but find it easier to take the front section off and put him in it and then attach it on to me (again that might make more sense watching the video). It has a metal splint that you put in the back section for when you have the baby on your front. I read a lot of reviews and feel that baby's hips are defiantly well supported in it and that although it's more expensive than some, it will last the longest due to the different positions x
Caseysmummy, did you manage to get an appointment with the doctor? How did that go?

Belfa, I've seen the video, and yeah, it does seem like the hips are supported. I have a bjorn carrier, haven't used it once (not even tried it on actually!) as I think babys legs are just gonna hang! I might try the stokke one in the shop to see how baby likes it :) he enjoys this connecta, but I only put him in when I know he needs a nap, perhaps I should try it when he is wide awake and see what happens.

Jessie, we don't cosleep... But I do have a nap with the baby on our bed in the morning. He doesn't seem to settle in his crib after 5am... *sigh*
P.s. Jessie, I never bothered buying chicco next to me, by the way.
Yeah I did bigbee, they think the blood was from an anal fissure? They've prescribed lactose to help soften it up an allow it to heal :) xxx
Damn! That's debunked my theory that he's waking 2 hourly because he's being disturbed by me!
We co sleep and I know I'm a quiet sleeper and I barely move but I'm clutching at straws and wondered if he wants his own space.

Bigbee do you still find baby to be really fussy from 5am? We seem to do nothing but fuss every night 5-6, then we might get another hour.
She goes down in her crib then when she wakes she comes in for feeding and we fall back asleep that way.
Jessie, we are also still on two hour feeds, but he has been very hungry in the last few days. Feeding A LOT! This is very out of character for him.

Yes, he normally wakes up just after 5, and thinks it's play time. This is the only time in the day when I can leave him on his own and he is content. He chats, smiles, and just entertains himself. I try to get another hour of sleep then! Once he tires himself out, he falls asleep for a couple of hours. It's so unpredictable.

I am going to swaddle tonight!!! We have done it before, but not consistently.

Do you also find that it takes ages to settle in the evenings? His naps get worse as the day progresses, and come 6 pm, he doesn't stop fussing!
Bigbee if he's feeding a lot he may be going through a growth spurt hun. That's usually a sign. Lily's also feeding lots today so I think she may be doing the same. Also fully draining her 4oz bottles.

Have you tried bath then feed in evening. With my son I used to use bedtime bath and that used to send him off to sleep after his evening feed. It could be that if he's not napping well during the day he could be over tired come 6pm though. They fight naps so much although I don't understand why as if someone offered Mr to nap I certainly would take full advantage lol xxx
Caseysmummy, that's what i thought. Next week's health visitor appointment will tell... Hopefully he is putting a bit of weight on!!

I try to feed, bath, feed at night. But he loves baths and gets really excited. The other night I decided not give him a bath as thought that might help, but it didn't. He was fussing until I did give him a bath!!!!!!!

Well done, Lily! That's good effort. 4 Oz is a fair bit!
Caseysmummy hope Lily ok.

Jessie I also co sleep with a snuzpod.

Took my little lady to be weighed today, she is up to 8lb 7oz now, getting a little chunk. Not bad for 5 weeks, she is still comfortably in her newborn clothes too.

Think I pulled a muscle in my neck, I used our carrier for the first time as our local children's centre make you lock pushchairs up outside, mine is too complicated with adapters etc.. It's only 5 min walk. But think the carrier is a bit poor quality with support etc. booked our family holiday for next year too, so excited taking our little lady back to Zante.
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I went a big walk with my carrier today too - what a shift walking with an extra 10lbs on you, I'll be super fit the bigger he gets lol.

What are the symptoms of silent reflux? There's definitely something going on with Alex. He coughs during feeds and he's quite nasely then again he sometimes seems in pain during feeds so k go back to colic?x
Silent reflux is basically the signs of reflux without the sickness. Lily's symptoms were arching her back during and after feeds. Coughing and throwing up lots after. Sges also quite nasaly but I never associated it with the reflux. The NHS website gives good info about it though hun. If you see your gp don't let them fob you off by saying feed less as my hv told me that's wrong as they need the milk. I know if I don't give lily at least 3 Oz she will cry as she's still hungry. If they do diagnose hom with reflux and prescribe him gaviscon or similar I would suggest giving cooled boiled water with it as it makes them constipated hun.

Lucy sounds like sges doing really well hun! Hope your neck feels better soon.

Bigbee have you tried a white noise app to help him settle. It works 9/10 times with lily. There's lots of different sounds such as car, hoover, shower etc.

Lily's been grisly all day. She's feeding regularly more often than 3 hourly and draining bottles sp I'm pretty sure she's having a growth spurt wish me luck for tonight. She's just had last feed but if it's a growth spurt I think it will be a long night.. I hope not though as she hasn't slept much all day. Xxx
Thanks all who replied about co sleeping. We have a chicco next to me but apparently it's still not as next to me as he'd like and he won't go in it lol. He sleeps in my arms in bed (I can feel the shock from some readers lol) it just feels natural, he's happy, im a light sleeper and believe i'm in tune with him enough to wake if he needed me. I quite often find that I wake up for what seems like no reason and then he wakes up a few minutes later wanting to be fed.

Bigbee it's taking longer and longer to settle him. By 8pm he knows it's bedtime (used to be about 10pm but he's bringing it earlier) and just screams until I take him upstairs and lie down with him. No amount of jigging, rocking, bouncing will work he just wants to lie down in bed with me and then he will instantly calm down and just lie with me until he falls asleep. Problem is that's now taking about an hour and a half! So we lie down together, it's lovely and I love that he needs me there and nothing else but an hour and a half is a long time to just lie still. I can't sleep because he's still moving around a bit. Then after just over an hour he will decide to have a last feed before he drifts off. He point blank refuses this feed until he wants it, he will never take milk unless he's starving so there's no getting him to sleep any earlier this way.

Still wakes at 5am (and lots in between can I add) but he doesn't want to get up he just fusses constantly until 6am and then will fall soundly asleep again for another hour. Again because he's moving around I can't sleep so i'm always awake 5-6.
Oh well, he'll get there. I'm loving this happy smily age and i'm grateful at him being such a good baby, he's really easy through the day and will happily sit in his chair or mat for ages and watch me do the housework, I know others don't get that. I'd just killl for 3 hours! lol.

How was Lily last night Caseysmummy? Did she sleep ok in the end?

I took my baby to baby sensory yesterday, hes probably still too little to really appreciate it but he did enjoy looking around at everything, his eyes were all over the place lol. I do love this little fella, he's such a good boy really xx
She slept surprisingly well jessie. She woke around half 5 which is usual for her and has her feed and change the went back to bed til 9. My little boy actually got into my bed with us last night which he hasn't really done since I was heavily pregnant. It was quite nice snuggling him up for a change.

I used to sleep the same with my little man jessie. He wouldn't settle anywhere but my arms and was lovely to be able to do tbf. I sometimes wish I could with lily bit I know that you shouldn't with prem babies.

Were grumpy again today but not sure why though. She didn't like being in the trolley in asda or being in the car today. I managed to buy both children lots in the sale for only 28 pound! Was chuffed and also wormed the puppy. So got a few bits done. Now to tackle the housework... That's if lady muck will let me lol. Xxx
Oh btw ladies who need to by school uniform for Sept asda have some right bargin. Trousers for boys in grey and black 1.75 and 2 polo shirts for 1 pound and jumpers for 1pound. I bought a few polo shirts. Still need to buy him jumpers but will have to get the from school shop as his are purple. Xxx
Aww snuggles with your little man sound nice. A shame you can't co sleep with Lily but through the holidays you can have some lovely lazy mornings with both kids in bed snuggles with you :)

I've been busy baking today, 3 weeks since going dairy free for my little man and he's so happy and healthy now! I'm just trying to keep my diet well balanced so I've made some fruit, nut and seed cereal bars. It they we're any healthier I think I'd start turning green lol. Might help to relieve my oh so many hunger pangs though.

Ooh il have a look at asda Caseysmummy, thanks for the heads up xx
Does anyone's little ones have heat rash? I think our little lady has it a bit on her face and neck. The ladies who weighed her seemed to think that was it. It just looks so sore.

Sometimes she won't settle in the snuzpod so I pop the side down and put my arm against her and it seems to help with settling, I have drifted a couple of times holding her but I lay on my back and make sure she is upright which I think is a bit safer. Tends to be more around 5am. She goes down ok at night.

Neck ok ish today though still hurts when I turn my head. Get hubby to give it a nice rub later.

The cereal bars sound yummy. I never thought if making them.


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Caseysmummy, I have a white noise app, and Ewan the sheep. I don't find t works for us. I've seen white noise do wonders for other babies. My friends girl hushes up as soon as my friend puts the app on!!!!

Jessie, we are the same. Baby won't eat unless he is starving. I have tried to fatten him up, but he just screams! Also, don't worry about sleeping with your son - at the end of the day, you have to do what works for you guys.

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