~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Ladies you must have a bath wih your baby if you have not done so already. I shared a bath with him last night and it was such a lovely experience, I felt so close to him. I had him lying on my chest and he licked the water off my boob lol very cute. We cuddled and I held him in the water in different positions, I think he liked it being so deep and he even had a breastfeed in the bath. Such a special time you have to do it xx
Aw Jessie that sounds lovely. Think I'll give it a go :)
You definately should. I waited until hubby was about so that he could take baby once he'd had enough so I could wash hair etc but we had about half an hour first :)
He likes his baths anyway so I'm sure that helped, he even had a few smiles :) xx
Aww Jess that sounds lovely, might have to give that a try at some point. Although is it really bad that id be paranoid they'd poo in there???

Also just over six weeks now and still bleeding, anyone else still?
I'm not bleeding anymore now, coming up to 4 weeks but I had a section so don't know if that makes a difference.

We've just bought a mamaroo for Hayden in the mamas and papas sale. He loves it!! Bonus is I can control it from my phone too haha xx
I loved having a bath with lily. I found it a really good bonding session. I may have one tonight with her as she loved it last time. Xxx
I have thought about sharing a bath with our LG. she is getting better at bath times now ( we have one of those bath support seats) filled the bath a bit deeper so she definitely loves having the warmth of more water.

Elliot my bleeding has really eased, it's just really light now 3 weeks down the line.

Well we are getting there on the 3rd day of daddy back at work. Though she had a grumpy moment earlier, thing it's her poor tummy. Fast asleep on me now.

Think we are going to book our holiday this week for next summer at the end of my mat leave. Just trying to decide where to go. Found a nice all inclusive in Zante, we normally prefer going out and about but I think not having to worry with our little lady will make our lives easier not having to venture out in the evenings. We got engaged there 2 years ago so will be nice to go back as a family :)
Jess thanks for letting me know, nice to know someone else went past six weeks! It's still getting be down though, just feel like I can't crack on with exercise and things until all stopped. Running with sanitary towel not good! Ha

Still drown Maggie at each feed :( don't know where all this milk has come from! I wanted to get into an expressing routine to be able to jeZve her for a bit but in scared too now I case I get even more supply!!??!!
Jessie - that sounds lovely. Will try having a bath with Lucas next time. Sure he'll love it as is already really relaxed in the bath as is.

Three weeks pp here and the bleeding has already started to fade away, just an annoying small amount that still requires a panty liner.

Lucy - I can't wait to book our first holiday as a family of four. Will probably aim to go away at the end of august next year. Will you book for oneweek or two? Nice that yyou'll be going back to the place your OH proposed.

Moving house on Friday and so far have not packed nearly enough, feeling really stressed, why I thought it would be a good idea to move with a three week old I'll never know.

Pismo we will probably go for a week. Not sure I could do longer in an all inclusive though might be option of ten days. Depends on flights as will be start of summer season.

Good luck with the house move.

Well we officially have a screamer today. Think she has worn herself out crying. Every time I put her down she has cried until we pick her up again. I'm going to call the doctor in the morning as hubby was convinced she was ok with the formula and reflux but seeing our little lady cry like she is in pain just makes me want to cry too.
Hello ladies.

Lucy a holiday sounds amazing! I quite like all inclusive as like you say the option is there and you could always go out for dinner if you wanted to also. I would definitely get her into the gp as they will be able to help or put your mind at rest and advise on what's best to do.

Pismo hope the move goes well hun.

Elliott I bled for 5-6 weeks then immediately started my period.

Had a bath with little lady last night and she really enjoyed it was lovely.
Took lily to baby clinic this morning and she's now 9lb 1 and she's getting really chunky now she actually gives me a dead arm if I hold her in the Sam position for too long! She's been referred to physio due to her head is uneven. It's slightly flat on the right hand side and her ear is also floppy there. It's because she was so squashed in my tummy it was where her head was positioned and since sges been born she prefers to sleep on thar side. We've already been taping her ear back ( Dr told me to) to prevent her ear from folding over and sit back like her other ear. She's also been referred to a dietician due to being on nutri prem. I feel like the hv I saw today was really on the ball with us as my hv never pointed out she should be referred to physio ( it's due to she may get a stiff neck and may hurt her to turn her head in the future if she continues to just lie on her right hand side) oh and shes got eczema on both hands, ankles and one cheek which is what I suspected but was told it's just her adjusting to life outside the womb and cradle cap on her head which sges told me how to treat. Poor little ladies got it all going on atm. Plus she's got her hip ultrasound on Friday. I'm glad she's keeping me so busy as I'm having a hard time with my grief atm as soon as it's quiet like now it hits me like a ton of bricks. The what ifs have started again and urge to do something to get her back is overwhelming atm, it's irrational feelings but they take over at times, I just want to be my normal self again and to have her here. I'm just glad ice got my other children to keep me busy so it doesn't overwhelm Mr all through the day and it's just first thing in the morning and Last thing at night xxx
Caseysmummy I'm glad lily is distracting you a bit, she's got a lot going on bless her. my Lo had a stiff neck for a while, the proper term begins with a T. I was told it's common in instrumental births and after our difficult time and ventouse I'm not surprised. She never seemed in pain with her neck she just wouldn't turn it to one side. She's 9 weeks now though and will turn it no bother, I tried having toys on the wrong side and talking to her from the wrong side to make her turn it but she wouldn't, she just kept facing the same way until one day she didn't, all by herself.

Emelia getting there with head control, I can't wait for her to hold her head properly, I think she will seem a lot less fragile then.

We are loving life atm, after the weeks where she was colicy and always seemed unhappy she is now such a happy little thing. She does wake at 5.30 with really bad wind pains and gets upset while pumping them out but usually a cuddle and coming into my bed gives her comfort, she'll then fall asleep in my bed and when she wakes she's in a brill mood and stays that way until she cluster feeds in the evening when she can get a bit grouchy. I just love all the smiles and play time and I'm sure she will laugh soon

Hope your move goes well pismo
Caseysmummy I'm glad lily is distracting you a bit, she's got a lot going on bless her. my Lo had a stiff neck for a while, the proper term begins with a T. I was told it's common in instrumental births and after our difficult time and ventouse I'm not surprised. She never seemed in pain with her neck she just wouldn't turn it to one side. She's 9 weeks now though and will turn it no bother, I tried having toys on the wrong side and talking to her from the wrong side to make her turn it but she wouldn't, she just kept facing the same way until one day she didn't, all by herself.

Emelia getting there with head control, I can't wait for her to hold her head properly, I think she will seem a lot less fragile then.

We are loving life atm, after the weeks where she was colicy and always seemed unhappy she is now such a happy little thing. She does wake at 5.30 with really bad wind pains and gets upset while pumping them out but usually a cuddle and coming into my bed gives her comfort, she'll then fall asleep in my bed and when she wakes she's in a brill mood and stays that way until she cluster feeds in the evening when she can get a bit grouchy. I just love all the smiles and play time and I'm sure she will laugh soon

Hope your move goes well pismo
Hi ladies not been on much so need to catch up! I'm struggling with DH having lost his job. Our cars are being sold and everything. I've been quite strong but when we were out shopping for food and buying the cheaper stuff I just broke down as I looked at LO sound asleep in his pram as this isn't the start in life I wanted for him.

Quick question...when i pee and stand up after wiping a couple I drops of pee trickle out onto the seat if I don't hold a piece of loo roll as I stand up. Does anyone else have this? I'm guessing it's a pelvic floor thing? x
Oh no belfa, that's rubbish. Hope the situation resolves itself soon. Xx

Well went to docs yesterday and was totally pointless, he looked about 12 and said everything Marcie is suffering with is normal and told me to speak to the midwives ( who discharged us 2 weeks ago!!!), yes it might be normal which I know from Dr Google but poor thing is in pain. it isn't going to relieve the pains she gets sitting here watching her suffer. Least I know now when she is in pain and I can try and help.

Oh btw I shared a bath with Marcie yesterday and she loved it until she wee'd all over mummy in her dressing gown as I dried her off lol...
Lucy, doc basically told me to ride it out, pointless visit too. She's so uncomfortable all the time tho, it's horrible and can't wait for it to be better- like I'm wishing away her newborn time!
Have you tried Infacol? It's not a miracle cure as Alex still struggles at night but it does ease the discomfort slightly. I've tried gripe water too but not convinced by it x
Belfa, sorry to hear that :( we are in a similar situation. Oh only has a few weeks at work, and we are both looking for work now. If it happens that I get a job first, I will go to work and he will have to stay at home....which sucks.
Don't forget, babies don't need much. As long as they are fed and have somewhere to sleep, they are sorted! Try to enjoy your baby, he doesn't know any better at this stage.

Well, I started back at the gym at the weekend. Soooo tough getting back! But I'm loving it.

Going to Edinburgh tomorrow to see family, should be fun but I'm dreading it as it will be exhausting!
Hi all
Are people's little ones having trouble passing wind?? Or are we talking burps? Maggie doesn't seem to really bring up any Wind but struggles at the other end with it. I've done bicycleegs, anything else that can help? Could infacol?

Not mastered expressing and her taking a bottle yet so still feeling very tied down :( did go for a nice walk today but felt sad when I saw someone running whilst I was trundling along with pram. Missing running so much now!!!! Once bleeding stops I can't wait to get out even for just a 20min run which even if she doesn't take a bottle should be do-able hopefully!

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