~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Sorry to hear about situation with OH work Belfa

I don't know if this will help anyone but we had lots of nights of screaming and looking very pained, tried infacol for days and no better. Touch wood she has massively improved now we have raised her mattress at one end. Also raised pram mattress and change mat. We make sure we hold her upright after feeding for 30 mins and I even Brest feeding her with her top end slightly raised too. Sorry if you've tried that but just thought it might help if not.

Baby has an umbilical granuloma and having to go to gp next week to have treated with silver nitrate. Sounds like it will be painful, does anyone have any experience of this?

Elliot, my little one has exactly that when trying to pass wind and trying to poop. I give Marcie little tummy rubs, also the bicycle legs and try and keep her upright which helps a bit. Wish it was easier on her.
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Hi all
Are people's little ones having trouble passing wind?? Or are we talking burps? Maggie doesn't seem to really bring up any Wind but struggles at the other end with it. I've done bicycleegs, anything else that can help?

My Lo has trouble with pumping at times. I wind her after feeds and she doesn't bring up much wind. She always wakes at about 5am pumping really hard and clearly in some pain with it. Sometimes it eventually passes on its own, sometimes I have to get up and walk round with her for a while and sometimes I bring her into my bed and rub her tummy while she lies next to me. I feel bad because I can't help but laugh sometimes when she's doing these huge pumps but it must be awful for her. She usually goes back to sleep and then once awake again she sits in her vibrating chair while I have breakfast and she usually does a few more big pumps and a big poo
Lucy, doc basically told me to ride it out, pointless visit too. She's so uncomfortable all the time tho, it's horrible and can't wait for it to be better- like I'm wishing away her newborn time!

I know that feeling!! It's awful but I can't wait for this to be over! More for her sake than mine! X x
Caseysmummy that did help, especially as I am going through yet another four hours of cluster feeding/using me as a soother

Belfa, sorry to hear about your OH job. I'm guessing it was unexpected too. Just remember that babies don't need many material things and they don't remember this time. As for the pee issue I'm still struggling here with pelvic floor exercises. Not yet able to stop peeing midstream yet.

Those of you further ahead than me please tell me that your baby started to settle again after the 6 week growth spurt. I had a lovely little boy until about 4 days ago. Now he goes through a stage of cluster feeding and being clingy between about 8 and 11pm. Last night he also wanted feeding every 2 hours during the night. I want my nice little boy back :-(

That must be really hard Belfa. Hope he finds something else soon. I second what everyone else has said though that babies only need food, warmth and love. X
At 13 weeks babyscotcher lily is sleeping from around 10pm til 6am then having a feed and nappy change and going back down til 9-10 am then having a feed, change and a little playtime then sleeping til next feed and it goes on like that til bedtime. We have the odd bad day bit I finding the heavier she gets the better she is.

Sorry to hear about that belfa. Like others have said baby doesn't need material things. I hope things get sorted for you soon though.

Also I've found a great app for white noise it's called baby shh on Android and for example lily falls asleep everytime we go anywhere in the car it has car driving noises on the app and I've been putting her in bed and putting it on and she will fall asleep. There's lots others too such as hairdryers and hoovers, train and heartbeat and you can record your own sound too it's fab xxx
Sounds good Caseysmummy. My work bought me a ewan dream sheep as part of my maternity gift and last night it was a god send. I had forgotten about it as he didn't seem fussed with it to start with but last night it really seemed to settle him. X
We use an app called rainymood, have done since before little one was born for ourselves! It's a recording of a thunderstorm and it's great. Relaxes us all :)

I just read this and thought I'd share it as it made me feel better about her only finding comfort in my arms.

Had lily's scan on her hips today and all is good.

R.e wind issues I found infacol really helpful for both ends. Lily's wind issues settled out after a couple of weeks xxx

Please say that link made someone else feel emotional too?? Lol! I get so frustrated when baby just wants boob alllll the time... But when she occasionally sleeps for longer than an hour I kinda miss her and her colicky self! :) I may not say the same next week when hubby is working evenings!!
Yup, made me emotional too Karen. Lucas has had an unusual late evening nap so this is the first evening without cluster feeding and I'm slightly missing the booby cuddles. Will go as far as saying I enjoy breastfeeding now, still occasionally painful and we still need to master feeding whilst out but I don't have the regular 'i want to quit' rants anymore.

I'm really wishing I could still breastfeed. Now she's bigger I think she could really enjoy it and do it now. Plus I'm hating formula feeding. Does anyone know if there's any way I could get my milk back or is it impossible now? Xxx
I'm really wishing I could still breastfeed. Now she's bigger I think she could really enjoy it and do it now. Plus I'm hating formula feeding. Does anyone know if there's any way I could get my milk back or is it impossible now? Xxx

I don't know what the timescale is for drying up but with plenty of skin to skin and hand expressing I believe it is possible x
Glad you are feeling better about it all Pismo.

Caseysmummy- it is supposed to be possible. You have to express (hand or machine) at least 8 times in 24 hours and if possible get baby to latch as often as possible even if there is no milk to stimulate hormones. Eventua lly your supply should come back sufficiently. Takes some women days and some weeks so takes some perseverence.

My supply is dwindling as I am not expressing often enough. On one hand I feel that I have given him 7 weeks of my milk which is pretty good going but I like that he still has a couple of bottles of my milk each day. He latched last week for one feed a couple of days in a row but not had any success since. Warring with myself over what to do at the minute. X
Yup, made me emotional too Karen. Lucas has had an unusual late evening nap so this is the first evening without cluster feeding and I'm slightly missing the booby cuddles. Will go as far as saying I enjoy breastfeeding now, still occasionally painful and we still need to master feeding whilst out but I don't have the regular 'i want to quit' rants anymore.


I feel the same... I do enjoy it now most of the time! I debated quoting every day for the first three weeks but don't get tempted daily now! Do wish it was more spaced apart so I knew if I'd fed her I'd be safe for a little outing but still never know when she'll strike again lol x
Someone said to me don't decide to stop bf on a bad day. If you've had a good day and still want to stop then That's the time to do it if you want to. Kind of made sense to me.

Any hand ducking going on with other people's LO's?? Maggie just started to yesterday and not sure if it's feeding related, comforting or just exploring. She makes a lot of noise going it either way ha!
I'm really wishing I could still breastfeed. Now she's bigger I think she could really enjoy it and do it now. Plus I'm hating formula feeding. Does anyone know if there's any way I could get my milk back or is it impossible now? Xxx

Relactating is possible!!
Glad you are feeling better about it all Pismo.

Caseysmummy- it is supposed to be possible. You have to express (hand or machine) at least 8 times in 24 hours and if possible get baby to latch as often as possible even if there is no milk to stimulate hormones. Eventua lly your supply should come back sufficiently. Takes some women days and some weeks so takes some perseverence.

My supply is dwindling as I am not expressing often enough. On one hand I feel that I have given him 7 weeks of my milk which is pretty good going but I like that he still has a couple of bottles of my milk each day. He latched last week for one feed a couple of days in a row but not had any success since. Warring with myself over what to do at the minute. X

Not been around for a while but wanted to say this sounds like something I could have written! Basically stopped breastfeeding because ds was prescribed gaviscon. He wouldn't take it off a spoon so have to mix it with the milk in a bottle. Finding it hard to keep up with the demand by expressing so hhe's having formula too. It's hard to find the time to do it as well with 2 under 2. Now I think my supply is starting to dwindle... I'mnot sure Iif it's worth the struggle anymore. But worried to stop all together in case I regret it when I'm all dried up!
Had our 6 week check today and I'm a bit gutted she didn't check my froof to see that my healing was okay - I'd trimmed and everything :shock: :lol:. I wasn't going to go back on the pill but have decided to as my pcos symptoms are really bad and I have put on a stone since giving birth (totally horrified by this) so I need to get my hormones under control.

LO is gaining weight so quickly, looking forward to seeing how much he weighs tomorrow but he's finally starting to fit in to 0-3month old clothes so can get some use out of the outfits people have given him.

Is anyone else suffering with nightmares where you wake up thinking the baby is in the covers? I didn't realise that was a post-pregnancy thing until someone asked if I was getting them x

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