~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

el1en I can sympathise. I'm breastfeeding and I'm ALWAYS starving!! I also have sweet cravings after everything I eat. I just had I stop all dairy as it seems baby is allergic so that may help as I can't have choc and cake as easily as before but I was having a bar if chocolate every meal! Also il eat lunch about 12 and by 2 I'm famished! Needless to say I can't shift the extra stone :(

I've just stopped dairy too as heard it can help with the terrible wind ds suffers from. Hopefully it'll help me lose weight too!
Thank you, it's nice to hear I'm not the only one. Had a mild meltdown last night with her feeding it seeking to want to feed every half hour to an hour, starting about 7pm, by midnight I was just sat crying. OH was good though and stayed calm and he got her down just after midnight and only just feeding again now!! (05:15). Obviously woke up confused and panicked that it had been so long ha can't win!

I've had plenty of those meltdowns when she wants constant feeds! Get jealous of my husband going to water garden etc as I'm just stuck on sofa!!
I had one of those at 4am this morning. I don't think have spent more than an hour away from Lucas since he was born, it makes me sound awful but I just need a little me time... Does that make me a bad mummy? I love him unconditionally but it's like being oncall at work 24/7 but OH doesn't see that.

Flosi - I know it's easier said than done but please don't be too hard on yourself. You carried a child for nine months and your body is bound to change, however it doesn't have to be forever just give it more time. We have so much pressure put on us at such an early stage after the birth of our babies that it can.be quite damaging to our self esteem.

Pismo of course it doesn't make you a bad mummy! Everyone needs a little me time. I can barely shower in peace these days. I would love to be able to sit and do my nails or something. I feel bad for my oh sometimes because I forget he doesn't get much chill time either. When he comes in from work I tend to give him baby straight away so I can make supper. He does get a couple of hours after supper for chilling and a long bath. God Id love a long bath but unfortunately my oh still panics a bit if Lo twists/cries. Generally after I've had a 10minute shower oh is standing waiting to hand her back "because she's hungry", nope she just needs settling but oh is in a panic so it's easier to take her back
Your definitely not a bad mummy pismo. We all need me time. It's quite understandable to want it hun. I tend to sit lily in her bouncer and bounce her whilst I crochet just to get a little peace to do something I want to do. Usually do it straight after shes been fed and changed. I'm finding at 12 weeks she's got a little more settled than she was ( we still have bad days) but today she slept well and has been happier.

Im changing my diet so I can lose weight! Instead of chocolate I've bought some graze mix and fruit. Dried fruit and lots if fresh veggies to eat. I'm currently at 10 stone. But since having babies I've carried on like I was pregnant. I didn't eat hardly for2 weeks but have more than made up with it since then. Also going to be more active too. I'm having no more babies so I'm going to get into shape. And feeling very motivated today. Xxx
Thanks for the well wishes, I've kept feeding through it and think the antibiotics have kicked in as feel so much better than I did, mastitis makes you feel really awful!!

Charlie those photos are lovely :-)

Hope everyone's ok

I know what you mean about figure flosi, I can't fit in any pre pregnancy clothes yet, and although I haven't been kidding myself I have a lot of weight to lose, I didn't think I looked as awful as I do until I saw a photo today taken at my mums last weekend :-(

Baby is feeding for much longer than normal during the day and much more frequently, yet going longer between deeds at night, the last few nights, is that normal? For example last night I finally got her down at 11:30 she slept until 3:25, fed and nappy change back to sleep by 4 and awake again at 5:30 (couldn't get her back down after, she was wide awake then). Day before hot her to sleep at 9:30 (I take her up into our room by 9 to start to settle her, sometimes it takes 30 mins some times hours)she slept from 9:30 to 1:40 (massive sleep for me) feed and nappy change back to sleep by 2:20 slept until 3:30 feed and changed back to sleep by just gone 4 until 6am. Not complaining as she wa feeding every 1.5 yo 3 hours through the night. I'm feeding on demand, do for example at the mo we came up to bed at 8:39 and she's still feeding, I'll try to settle her once finished, so already she's had 40 mins of milk!

Sorry for the long post xx
Thanks girls!! Not sure why it is bothering me so much, might just be that we have a wedding coming up and two outfits I brought look horrible on, (I hate trying stuff on in shops) I am hoping that after a month of walking and riding two horses on a near daily basis to look a little better than i do now !

Seems silly to still be getting upset and crying over little things at 5weeks! No body put tho bit in the manual x
Hi all, not had much chance to read - baby j still wanting to eat every 2-3 hours, and we've had a few birthday celebrations taking up all our free time.

I can't fit into any of my pre pregnancy jeans yet, despite only being 1 stone heavier overall - I'm still all bloated and it's been 7 weeks! I experienced most of labour and a c section so the midwife said that's the longest recovery time. Great.

Starting to fit normal life around baby though, which feels great. Silly how little things like walking the dog or going shopping can really mean a lot after not being able to do them for a couple of months.

Hope you and all the May babies are well
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Hope everyone is well and glad your mastitis I'd getting better blueeyes.

Last couple of nights have tried my little man on the breast again after all this time (have tried a couple of times with no success). Tonight he actually got it and fed properly for about 15-20 minutes. I am so chuffed. I will still mainly bottle feed and express like I have been doing but will try to breastfeed at least once a day so he remembers how and then at least if I get caught without any milk while out I know I can feed him that way. Was a lovely feeling and has spured me on to keep expressing too ad was nearly getting to the point of giving up now at 6 weeks. Sorry for the gushing but am really proud of him and my boobies.

Have had a grizzly patch with him about 9.30pm for the last 3 or 4 nights for no apparent reason. Just wants to be cuddled and then he gets to a point where he starts screaming and wants feeding (even if he only fed an hour beforehand) and will eventually go to sleep about 10.30-11. Is very frustrating as he propperly sobs and I hope it doesn't become a pattern. X
Worst night so far!! Baby doesn't sleep til gone one despite trying a relaxing routine before bed, warm bath, feed in dark room etc and she wanted to be breast fed for two hours straight but wasn't really feeding just sucking and squirming, so tired :(
Aw Karen I'm sorry to hear that- 2 hours on the boob is hard going. Does she nap during the day for you?

Well done babyscotcher that's good to hear, must make you feel nice

My Lo is in a fab mood today, lots of smiles and play time

How confident are your oh's with being left with baby? I'm hoping to go to the cinema with my friends this coming weekend and leaving Lo with oh for the first time. Previously she has gone to my mums. Oh might end up taking her to his mums for them all to spend the evening together which is fine but I would like it if he could begin to spend a bit of time just the two of them, I'm hoping to start the gym one or two nights a week, just an hour or so each time but I know oh needs to build his confidence
My OH hasn't been on his own with Hayden for longer than 2 hours while I've slept in the next room. I think he would be ok but I would probably get a million texts with a million questions! He always says to me, how do you know this? How do you know that? Well my response is because of this forum and reading! I did buy him a book but God knows where he put that!

Aw Karen I'm sorry to hear that- 2 hours on the boob is hard going. Does she nap during the day for you?

Well done babyscotcher that's good to hear, must make you feel nice

My Lo is in a fab mood today, lots of smiles and play time

How confident are your oh's with being left with baby? I'm hoping to go to the cinema with my friends this coming weekend and leaving Lo with oh for the first time. Previously she has gone to my mums. Oh might end up taking her to his mums for them all to spend the evening together which is fine but I would like it if he could begin to spend a bit of time just the two of them, I'm hoping to start the gym one or two nights a week, just an hour or so each time but I know oh needs to build his confidence

Bit hit and miss with naps, had two hours today which was nice!
Karen was it you that also has the new uppababy Pram? Xx

Yeah I have x

Someone on here just shown me this ..

I've contacted them for a cover now. Not sure if you would have seen this in another post. Xx
Wow today has been constant. Hubby back at work. every time I put little lady down she either gets hiccups, cries or has been sick. She seems to cough and splutter when I BF her. Been on boob half the day. Have to keep releasing her as either gets latch wrong starts chewing on nipple or I need to wind her so she doesn't make herself sick.

Has anyone looked at the mothercare pre sale? I've ordered a few bits as got given some vouchers as gifts. Trying to think ahead.

Hope everyone doing ok x
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I've spent £50 in the mothercare sale. Getting kitted out for 3-6 months and a couple of cute bits for 6-9 months. I wanted to have a look at the toys to but the website was going so slowly I just bought what I had. It's a good sale
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I spent £35 in the presale buying some newborn summer bits as Lo is just starting to fit in them now. Got some clothes for that plus a tub of formula and a couple of hanging toys.

Finally been discharged from the hospital outreach team today after his last blood test and had him weighed. He weighs 7lb 4oz. He was 6 weeks yesterday and is just starting to fit some of his newborn clothes. Has also had another 2 small feeds on the boobs today. Happy mummy today although he was frustratingly grizzly this afternoon, think it was perhaps to do with his blood test upsetting him as seems to have settled down this evening. X

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