~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Its true karen honestly the start is so so hard but if yoi can battle through it, it becomes worth it and much more enjoyable. My LO sleeps through now and goes at least 4 hours between feeds and she is 7 weeks. She is on for a feed and off, done! No sitting for hours like the start. Chins up ladied you are doing something AMAZING!

That sounds like a dream!! Lol x
We had a photoshoot at 2 week too, just LOVE all the pictures we go! All 50! So hard to choose which ones to frame and canvas lol

Karen that dream will come true, trust me ive BF both my babies :)
Aw Charlie those pics are super cute! We had a shoot done, a friend of mine is a photographer and did an amazing job, we got a "watch me grow" package where she will get another shoot when she is sitting up and another when she is walking. I love baby shoots

My oh wet the babies head when she was 6 days old, I can't wait for my turn with my girlfriends, although I think I've got a while to wait yet
Haha I'm shocked my OH has waited almost 4 weeks! He loves a good night out! Mine is bank holiday Sunday the end of August! :) although I'm excited I'm dreading leaving Hayden as I've not been away from him since he was born! He will be almost 3 months by then tho so I'm sure I'll be ok.

Its true karen honestly the start is so so hard but if yoi can battle through it, it becomes worth it and much more enjoyable. My LO sleeps through now and goes at least 4 hours between feeds and she is 7 weeks. She is on for a feed and off, done! No sitting for hours like the start. Chins up ladied you are doing something AMAZING!

I can second this. My lg is 6 weeks Monday and will go 6 hours at night and will go 3 hours between feeds in the day and she doesn't tend to spend ages on breast except last feed before bed.
Gorg photos Charlie!!! Im considering a baby photo shoot - need to do some research.

My mum took baby overnight last night for the first time after twisting my arm. Might have been the best sleep of my life. I was a bit teary handing her over and felt so guilty. But by the time I was wrapped up in the duvet I wasn't too guilty lol. My mum did an amazing job. Wee one slept for nearly 6 hours in a row for the first time so must have been quite content with my mum! And was still fast asleep when I got there late morning to pick her up! Feeling lovely and de-stressed. And totally loved my cuddles when I got her back!
Charlie, those photos look gorgeous. Had thought about having some done with both LO's but decided to wait, however you have changed my mind and I will be doing some research once Lucas frees me.

BF is getting easier by the day, no longer have any pain and my cracked and bloody nipple is all healed :) makes me hopeful for this magic 6 week milestone!

Colettypie - super jealous! Unfortunately both our mum's live too far away to have lo overnight, plus I doubt it would work with me breastfeeding. A full uninterrupted nights sleep sounds like bliss right now.

Also very jealous collettypie! Glad you got a nice little break. Our family also live too far away and think feeding would be too tricky anyway at the minute.

Made it to six weeks now which is good but I'm struggling. Emotionally more bab physically, although still bleeding quite a bit at times but have doc app on Monday. I just feel drained and worry that I should be enjoying his whole experience more. Dont get me wrong love Maggie to pieces and there are enjoyable times. But just feel overwhelmed and not myself, I'm missing past life and not quite sussed this new life. I'm trying to get out as much as I can and see people and walk etc just to try and keep sane and I think it helps even if some situations make me feel quite anxious.

Do others feel like this??
Right I'm finding it really hard to keep on top of the bf. My little girl has formula at night to lighten the load but I express during the night and once in the day. Anyway my breasts are now at that stingy stage where they hurt and I don't feel I'm producing enough milk. She cluster fed for 4 hours last night and I was melting in this heat, she is battering my nipple too as treats them like a dummy. Anyway I had to sleep a couple of hours as my head was banging in between this time hubby gave her an expressed feed instead of formula as said she was still hungry but didn't tell me so I get up 2 hours later and feed her again when we were supposed to. Anyway now lm all tearful and feel like giving up because I had everyone telling me our baby was hungry all day yesterday, the 4oz I had expressed that Hubby gave her last night would have covered us if we went out today now got no backup. Bloody hormones.

I think everyone feels they don't have enoughmilk but you will. I was aadamantwith ddoI ddidn'tbut looking bback I probably did. It's just really hard work! I'm 4.5 weeks in and it's got easier but I'mtold Iit doesn't really cluck/become easy until 6-8 weeks. I've nearly given up several times but each time I've been glad I've not. If baby is creating plenty of wet nappies thentthey're getting enough. Checking their weight might also reassureyou. CkuCluster feeding is also perfectly normal for a bf baby x
Well I'm putting my Lo's unsettledness these last two days down to her jabs as thankfully we've had a much better day today and she's back to her normal feeding. Makes me feel worse about the jabs, she screamed at the time and it's obviously had an effect, needs must though I guess. Someone suggested feeding while she is being injected which I will definitely try next time

Didn't think I would get out today as the weather was so awful this morning but it's lovely outside now so going to get a little walk in before tea, I do love summer evenings
Elliott I totally feel the same. I love my baby girl to pieces but I seriously miss my old life. Miss the freedom of just popping out whenever I want and just chilling out. Am constantly waiting on baby waking up and crying all the time. She's still only 3 weeks so I know this will settle but I am totally finding it hard. I had an amazing social life pre baby and am def finding it hard to know I am missing out on those things. Is terribly selfish to even think that way but is hard to forget how easy life used to be!

I will just need to learn to adapt and incorporate baby into my new social life!!
Elliott - I often.get a pang of sadness when I think about how much has changed and how little time me and OH spend together. I just keep reminding myself that this time will pass, things will be easier sooner than you think and you'll find you miss this stage a little. It's normal to miss your past life a little but you don't have to give it up - you'll settle into a routine and find that you're able to continue doing most of those things, just with a little.more planning :)

El1en - glad your LO is back to normal and you've all had a better day. Weather here is super humid so not enjoying it much, LO is currently asleep on my lap and is like a little heat box! Super sweaty :D

Hello ladies. Your all doing so well with bf it does get easier I promise. Lily's been so grumpy all day. Nothing has made her stop whinging all day. Apart from when she slept on my sister for an hour earlier. It's been very frustrating and I completely relate with you elliott. I'm currently missing my time with oh as my son would go to bed at 7pm and we would have the night to ourselves to enjoy each others company but lily is polar opposite to my son and is quite unsettled most of the day and evening and shes getting worse throughout the night too and wants to be held by me and 9 times out of 10 only me 24 hours a day. I'm completely in love with her buy by gosh I find her a little diva at times. I think it's quite normal. I'm trying to cherish every day as I missed my son being so small so badly after a while. And she will be my last baby so making the most of it.

Charlie what beautiful pictures. You've made me so tempted to get some done now. Xxx
Well feel a bit better today after a tearful emotional night last night. DD pretty much cluster fed from 7am to 10am then cried pretty much constant until 1pm when hubby was finally able to watch her so I could nap. Also told hubby he needs to tell me to nap as think that's why I've felt so rubbish and to make sure I eat, though did make a huge batch of salAd to graze on next couple of days. Tomorrow is hubby's last day off with us so feeling nervous as reality starts Monday. I wonder how I'm going to get anything done.

Charlie those photos are gorgeous x
Elliott I can totally relate to how you feel and I have found this Last week I am getting back to normal just have to plan a little more. I also had quite a change with other stuff in my life just recently, which under non baby circumstances would have been amazing, but with baby is still amazing just a little more difficult to juggle!

I cannot imagine life without Olivia either, but it is a very quick change that will take a little longer to adjust too.

Is anyone else getting upset by post baby figure? I know I will not snap back into shape, but nothing fits me right, I still look pregnant, but that really annoying first stage, where you cant tell if pregnant or just fat!! I cry almost everyday about it, and is really starting to get me down.
Elliot I also feel a bit like this. I love our daughter to pieces but miss having a cuddle with my hubby on the sofa watching TV just the simple things when it was just us x
Elliott I can totally relate to how you feel and I have found this Last week I am getting back to normal just have to plan a little more. I also had quite a change with other stuff in my life just recently, which under non baby circumstances would have been amazing, but with baby is still amazing just a little more difficult to juggle!

I cannot imagine life without Olivia either, but it is a very quick change that will take a little longer to adjust too.

Is anyone else getting upset by post baby figure? I know I will not snap back into shape, but nothing fits me right, I still look pregnant, but that really annoying first stage, where you cant tell if pregnant or just fat!! I cry almost everyday about it, and is really starting to get me down.

Yes! I know it'sonly been 4.5 wweeks but I feel massive. Hardly anything fits and even the things that do u can'twear bbecause of boob access. I don'twwant to have to buy a new wardrobe! It's so annoying. .
Thank you, it's nice to hear I'm not the only one. Had a mild meltdown last night with her feeding it seeking to want to feed every half hour to an hour, starting about 7pm, by midnight I was just sat crying. OH was good though and stayed calm and he got her down just after midnight and only just feeding again now!! (05:15). Obviously woke up confused and panicked that it had been so long ha can't win!
Aw flossi I'm sorry you're feeling so rubbish about your figure. I was lucky and only gained 1.5 stone in pregnancy but I'm really stuck trying to lose the last 1/2 stone, I think it might stay until I stop bf. It's right on my tummy/hips so I can only get in to a couple of my size 10 pairs of jeans and it's getting me down as I'm stuck wearing the same two pairs all week. I'm trying to start walking more and more and want to start swimming but I think this 1/2 stone needs shifting with diet work which is just too hard while I'm bf. I'm doing better and eating more salads and not having quite as big portions but I love cookies and cake. I'm managing to limit myself to 2 chunky cookies a day with a cuppa but when I'm bf I honestly think I could demolish 2 packets! I then have a sweet craving after supper to which isnt helping. Grr it's frustrating
el1en I can sympathise. I'm breastfeeding and I'm ALWAYS starving!! I also have sweet cravings after everything I eat. I just had I stop all dairy as it seems baby is allergic so that may help as I can't have choc and cake as easily as before but I was having a bar if chocolate every meal! Also il eat lunch about 12 and by 2 I'm famished! Needless to say I can't shift the extra stone :(

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