~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

We've coped a little better today in the heat. We've had the fan on constantly and after her feed at 9.30 this morning she slept til 2. She's going a little longer between feeds now she's on 4oz every 3.5 -4 hours now. She's been in a thin dress a nappy all day and she's had a bath and sat in her bouncer in her nappy and a muslin over her she still feels warm but it's 30 degrees in our living room. But have the fan in her direction and she's sleeping. My little boy was at nursery all day so with her sleeping I've finally got back on track with my house. I finally feel like I can relax and keep on top of it ( although I need to get through our horrendous washing pile still ... getting there slowly!)

Bigbee the only way I usually get things done in the day is if I use my sling but I've refused to wear it in this weather it's far too hot! Have you hot a swing I've heard they're meant to be good hun.

Going to have a cool shower now both kiddies are sleeping. Right now it sounds like heaven! Xxx
Pismo, fibre helps, apparently. But for me, nothing worked!!! I had never been constipated before, so that was a massive shock! Drink loads of water :) it will get better.

My stitching didn't really hurt, it's the front of my fanjo. Just feels bruised. Almost 7 weeks after birth! I reckon my hips are out of alignment. Must visit a physio...

Caseysmummy, we have a swing... No point though, as he hates it. He also has a couple of bouncers and a baby gym. Hates them all. Although he did sit in his bjorn bouncer for 10 mins this morning, so I managed to express! I did have to bounce him with my foot. Oh, did I mention, he also hates his car seat. And the pram, unless he is asleep.

Sorry to hear you are all suffering in this heat. It's inly 24 degrees in our house. Probably the only time I feel glad that we live in Scotland!!!
P.s. Seriously, caseysmummy, you're a hero! How do you manage two kids and housework? I'm pleased with myself if I unload/load the dishwasher, and maybe eat something. My partner is great though, he cooks, which helps. If I had to make dinner every night, I'd have probably crumbled a loooong time ago.
Hello everyone. My fifth daughter Crystal is two weeks old today. She is totally gorgeous and I'm smitten but never felt so tired in all my life. She is asleep all day and awake all night! Anyone else having this problem? She is feeding well and getting her wind up etc, I am feeling desperate for some sleep! Xx
Bigbee - I agree, I am not sure how all these mummies with younger ones manage. My 8 year old is fab and does a lot himself, can easily be entertained or can wait until I have finished what I am doing with Lucas. So to those with younger 'firsts' I salute you!!

Julie - Sorry to hear the lack of sleep is getting to you. Are you breastfeeding? Is your OH able to take up some of the night feeds to help you sleep some? I can only offer the age old 'sleep when baby sleeps' advice which we all know is useless as nothing else would ever get done. Sending you virtual hugs...

Bigbee I agree with the bruised feeling. My stitches are fine and healed now - but I def feel a bit bruised at the front, especially when I use my pelvic floors (like peeing). Must just be all part of the healing process. Fun never ends!

Agree with Pismo - no idea how anyone with a young child is coping with a newborn. I am stressed out enough!!

last night was a tough sleep. Worst she has slept since being born so am putting it down to heat. Our bedroom was 25 as well - I know a lot of you were much worse!
I was lucky yesterday as my son was in nursery and lily slept luckily. But now going to keep on top of it by trying to do an hour a day. My little boy is 4 so he can entertain himself a little when I'm doing things.

This past 2 days when lily is sick it makes her scream. Does this sound refluxy with the wanting to be held all the time and sleeping for short bouts of time etc.


Had to share this as finally my 12 week old is smiling more and is interested in having playtime now. This makes all the hardwork worth it.

Bigbee I've persevered with the bouncer and she will now sit and be bounced for longer and longer and managed to get her to sit in it without bouncing for 30 mins yesterday. And she will sleep in it. It's taken about 4 weeks of putting her in it between feeds and to rock her to sleep and it's starting to pay off finally. But she also hates the play mat and her bed still. If I'm honest Ive finally caved and let her co sleep if she's really unsettled but always try the crib first it's more a case of how long she lasts now. Xxx
Hey everyone i never seem to get on here enough! What with my 5 yo and working my own business im always on the go now! Can i just say baking in 30 degree heat is just hell!! Lol

Hope you all are doing okay and Los are behaving hehe
Ps. Caseysmummy lily is soooo beyond cute!! We are getting smiles and playtime and its jusy amazing to see ♡
Oh button i don't envy you baking. Ive been eating cold meals all week to avoid switching on the cooker!

I know I love the smiles :) today was the first time I managed to catch one on camera. Today she has been very smiley which makes such a change as she's so grumpy usually and always crying so was lovely that every time I talked to her she smiled. Proud mummy moment! I still can't believe how in love I am with her xxx
Cluster feeds!!! Arghhhhhhhhhh.

Every evening since Lucas arrived has involved being sat breastfeeding for AT LEAST 4 hours. I know many have it worse but it's so frustrating.

Is it normal?

Hi, how's everyone doing?

I don't get on here as much now as is like too.

I feel awful, got mastitis, so as well as one very painful boob I'm aching all over Abd going between shivering and sweating, feel terrible. Went to the doctor this morning and got antibiotics and told to keep feeding from it even though it hurts

Ouch blueeyes, sounds horrid. hope the antibiotics kick in soon and you start to feel better.

Cluster feeding is very normal Pismo. Even my ds feeds more little and often in the evenings and he is bottle fed. He seems to be going through a little patch of being really grizzly and uncomfortable for about an hour or so just before bed. Takes me and OH a good few attempt after him falling asleep on us to get him down. Behaves like he either wants a bottle or has has but only has a little bit of either. frustrating so hoping it is just a phase. x
Completely normal I'm afraid Pismo, just make sure you recognise when he's actually feeding and when he's asleep as he will make you dire very quickly by just using you as a dummy. Just go with it for now, have drinks and snacks at the ready and something good on TV.

Blueeyes mastitis is horrendous!! I really feel for you it feels like death doesn't it. It hurts but the sooner you clear that blockage the sooner you will feel better so feed feed feed xxx

Well my 6 year old is throwing his guts up, such violent projectile that it made his nose bleed :( 2 episodes of sickness since going to bed I'm just praying that's the end of it and it's just something not sitting right in his tummy the poor littl man. I also don't want the entire house to get a sickness bug :( I think we're in for a long night.
Right I'm finding it really hard to keep on top of the bf. My little girl has formula at night to lighten the load but I express during the night and once in the day. Anyway my breasts are now at that stingy stage where they hurt and I don't feel I'm producing enough milk. She cluster fed for 4 hours last night and I was melting in this heat, she is battering my nipple too as treats them like a dummy. Anyway I had to sleep a couple of hours as my head was banging in between this time hubby gave her an expressed feed instead of formula as said she was still hungry but didn't tell me so I get up 2 hours later and feed her again when we were supposed to. Anyway now lm all tearful and feel like giving up because I had everyone telling me our baby was hungry all day yesterday, the 4oz I had expressed that Hubby gave her last night would have covered us if we went out today now got no backup. Bloody hormones.
Morning ladies

Oh blueeyes I'm sorry your feeling poorly, any better this morning?

And how about you jessiecat? Hope your little boy is better.

Well after feeling great about bf at the start of the week the last 2 days have been awful, every time I have tried to put her on the boob she has just screamed at me. I don't know if the fact she's had a dummy to settle her has confused her or if having her injections has messed her up a bit. I sad managing to 'trick' her by giving her a few sucks on the dummy then taking it away and shoving the boob in but last night oh had to give her some formula as she was just screaming at me. She fed from me fine during the night so fingers crossed she might be back to normal today, we had been doing so well :(
It is so hard and demanding- both physically and emotionally but everyone says how easier it becomes and enjoyable. I've been told so many times they get more efficient and go longer between and that's keeping me going! You're doing great! Xx
Its true karen honestly the start is so so hard but if yoi can battle through it, it becomes worth it and much more enjoyable. My LO sleeps through now and goes at least 4 hours between feeds and she is 7 weeks. She is on for a feed and off, done! No sitting for hours like the start. Chins up ladied you are doing something AMAZING!
I take my hat off to all you bf ladies! Your all doing amazing!!

Has anyone had a photo shoot done for their baby? We had one done for Hayden when he was just under 2 weeks old. We got the pics yesterday, have to share a couple with you all :)


Can't wait to have a couple put on canvases! I have 30 pictures so won't be so easy to choose ;)

I've enjoyed a lay in today! Hayden went 4 hours last night and then OH has taken him since 7am this morning :)

OH is out today and tonight 'wetting the babies head' I dread to think the state he's gonna be in haha! I've told him to stay in his friends house! Haha xx

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