~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Charlie I have only heard of that in relation to helping them poop if constipated x

Yeah me too up until I looked on nhs website earlier.


Hayden normally has 5oz of milk but hasn't been finishing recently as he's been wanting it more often. I've just given him
1oz of cooled boiled water and 4oz of milk and he's guzzled both so think he is hydrating himself well. I've got the fan on, my house is so hot! :( xx
Hey ladies, I can finally join you all! Isaac Henry arrived at 10.41am today weighing 8lb 4oz - just scraping in as a June baby! Just a day late so didn't keep us waiting too long. We're home already - wanted to see DD and the hospital was unbearably hot! Little man latched on and fed from both boobs while we were still in hospital but hasn't really taken much / anything since - bit worried about him getting dehydrated....
Also got a very grumpy baby here. Got fan on full and stripped right down and finally stopped screaming. Ive given lily some cooled boiled water. When I had my son I was told to offer it between feeds bit now it's only if constipated or hot like it has been today. My friend is giving me her baby swing soon so hoping it will help as she hates her bouncer and I'm refusing to put her in her sling in this heat as I may actually melt. Ive had enough today. Between lily and my son I could cry it's been hell today.

Congratulations nomad! Xxx
Yay nomad!!! Congratulations :) lovely to see you made it to be a June mummy!!

Congratulations Nomad, great to see you crept into June.

finally our little lady is asleep. Gave her a nice bath to make her feel better and she is now passed out on my lap. She looks shattered.. Shame mummy and daddy are too lol.

Our bedroom showing over 25 degrees tonight, but strangely feels the coolest room in the house.
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Mines 27.5 at the moment. It was 28.9 before tho! Suns gone here so I've opened my blinds to air the room out so hopefully it drops! I've just read if you hang wet towels in a room and have a fan going it will cool the room down quickly so if anyone is after a quick cooling room there's a little tip :) xx
Lovely thick head of hair there Karen :) she looks so alert too.

Lucas has given me 48mins of peace all morning and is still fussing now... Was hoping to get a nap in as had a rather sleepless night.

So who is actually following the 'sleep when baby sheep's advice?


If you slept whenever baby slept when would u eat etc?? Sophie rarely goes down to sleep in day, sleeps on me, can't get anything done, she definitely won't go on play may or vibrating chair when awake, just cries, this normal at 3 weeks,?

Not sure but it's exactly what Lucas has done today, two 45mins naps and unsettled/wanting boob when awake. Has reduced me to tears twice already. I just hope it means we'll have a settled night.


Aw Sophie has been a nightmare tonight! Crying all the time then really fussy when on boob! Feel like she's so unhappy!
Charlie I have only heard of that in relation to helping them poop if constipated x

Yeah me too up until I looked on nhs website earlier.


Hayden normally has 5oz of milk but hasn't been finishing recently as he's been wanting it more often. I've just given him
1oz of cooled boiled water and 4oz of milk and he's guzzled both so think he is hydrating himself well. I've got the fan on, my house is so hot! :( xx

Thanks for that tip! Alex has been taking the same as Hayden so we're about to try some water x
El1en and coletteypie thanks, glad to hear you've both healed well, mine is still far to sore to think about sex. Not sure coletteypie as the consultant never said, all they said was I had deep muscle sutures and on the outer stitches. I did have a couple of stitches spilt at a few days, been told I may have to have that but cauterised if it doesn't heal fully on its own :-(

Elliott sorry it was a too much info but, basically it hurts so much when I go for a poo, but it eases it slightly if I press a clean maternity pas against the wound/stitched area whilst going.

Congratulation nomad :-)

Sorry to hear you've had such a rubbish day caseysmummy.

26.7 in here with all windows open, I've just got her down in Moses basket with a vest on and a sheet instead of a blanket

Mines still 27.5. I've got him in his Moses basket with just a vest on. Haven't got a blanket or sheet on him. He's in his sleepy head pod. I can't sleep though, I'm so paranoid about how warm it is for him :( keep checking on him and I'm never like that.

He's so sleepy, he's due a feed but seems quite happy fast asleep! Xx
Nomad, congratulations! Welcome to the club.

Blueeyes, sorry you're feeling uncomfortable. I was seriously constipated for about 5 weeks, I was advised to hold a pad down there too... I had a third degree tear, so felt like stitching was going to pop!

Went for a 2.5 hour walk today, baby woke up on the way back when we were 30 minutes away from home, so ended up carrying him. He was a bit hot, poor thing!!!

I then developed quite horrendous pain on the inside of my right leg/hip. Feels a bit like what I had at the end of my pregnancy. Was painful to move today!!!! Boo!

My bits are still a little sore when I go for a wee. Feel a bit bruised. Sorry for tmi, but anyone else experienced this? Physio said it was normal????

Also, another one here with a baby who LOVES cuddles. Much prefers to sleep on me than his bed. I really don't know what to do any more. Can't get anything done during the day, and am really sleep deprived. :( :( :( Any suggestions will be welcome! He is 6 and a half weeks.
Bigbee - I had a 2nd degree tear and, although only just two weeks pp, it still feels bruised although the stitches don't bother me any more. Also still constipation here regardless of what I eat/drink. Is it normal?

After our hard day yesterday we did have a fairly settled night, down at 11.40, feed at 3.30, 5 and then 8 - so not too bad :)

Bigbee - I had a 2nd degree tear and, although only just two weeks pp, it still feels bruised although the stitches don't bother me any more. Also still constipation here regardless of what I eat/drink. Is it normal?

After our hard day yesterday we did have a fairly settled night, down at 11.40, feed at 3.30, 5 and then 8 - so not too bad :)


Pismo those feed times are the same as we had last night, how weird! Dreading today being as bad as yday- if not worse as hotter!!
How's everyone's little ones coping with this heat? She's been so warm today, that she's spent most of her day in just a nappy. Also been feeding loads, which I guess is normal to quench her thirst, so pretty much been sat with my boob out must of the day! Xx
How's everyone's little ones coping with this heat? She's been so warm today, that she's spent most of her day in just a nappy. Also been feeding loads, which I guess is normal to quench her thirst, so pretty much been sat with my boob out must of the day! Xx

Same! Just in nappy, went out in car and she was soaked with sweat when we got home, I felt so bad- air con didn't help her!
Just a nappy and vest here, our house is quite cool downstairs so have spent most of the day indoors. However our bedroom is currently 27.9!! God knows how any of us will get comfortable in that heat.

are we sure breastfed babies don't need any boiled water too? I just keep worrying that Lucas will get dehydrated...

I'm worrying the same pismo, she is feeding little and often instead of longer and frequent in this heat. Was given a little dress for her and it works nicely in this heat just with a nappy. We've all been coping better today though.

Popped to get little lady weighed and she is now 7lbs. So just over her birth weight, really pleased with that.
Our little man doesn't seem too bothered by the heat. Is in just a short sleeved vest and nappy as he screams if he is in just his nappy. Went out earlier and put shorts and t shirt on him. Put him in the front with the airbag off though as is cooler with the aircon on.

I would usually be out in the sun as much as possible but it was too hot even for me today. Glad I am not still pregnant though. X

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