~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

I use a mix of tommee tippee and the Philips avance (purple label ones - anti colic) and prefer the Phillips one. She doesn't gulp as much. I've moved to teat size 2. What size are you using Pismo? Maybe your wee man needs a slower flow teat (assuming you aren't on size 1!).

I'm somehow 3kg down on pre preg Weight. But my tummy is pretty much a lost cause. So I'm lighter but all my nice clothes way too tight around the tummy now sob sob. I do have muscle wall separation (midwife told me), does that get better by the end of 6 weeks? Or is it game over forever? xx
We were using the TT bottles but he seemed to struggle to open his mouth wide enough for them - a bit like his struggle to latch on to me. We're now using NUK bottles as he likes their dummies and the teat is similar to the bottles we had in the hospital.

Bigbee I know how you feel with your OH. My husbands firm is going in to administration so he was told today that he's loosing his job. He used to be self employed but took employment for security and his employers bought in to what he was doing to now it's all a big mess! Think I'll have to go back to work too which I feel awful about as it affects the person covering my mat leave too.

Coletteypie I think you can improve the muscle but with exercise (sorry :lol: ) x
We are using the slow flow teats but the faces he was pulling and the occasion retch/dribble had me thinking he wasn't coping with it very well. It could just be that he is a fussy little monster and prefers my boobs...

Which facebook breast feeding groups are the best?

Love this girl x


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She's cute Karen, so much hair.

BF mummies, any of you suffering from itchy nipples, not really painful, just itchy, not sure if it's the heat or I need to let the air to them a bit. I don't think it's thrush. Thing is it's too uncomfortable not wearing a bra.
I can't believe how much hair she has Karen! She's mega cute.

Lucy I got the expressing, I think it was residue milk so I washed my boobs after each session x
That's a good thought Belfa, hadn't thought of that.
Karen, that's some eyes haha she is sooo adorable! Beautiful eyes and hair :)

Yeah, belfa... My oh works on contract basis so no job security. I was contract before I went on maternity leave so don't actually have a job to go back to either. Our industry is dire at the moment. Boo!!!! Never mind. It is what it is.

Our little man has had a blocked nose for days now. It's worse in the night :( hate seeing him uncomfortable.
Lovely thick head of hair there Karen :) she looks so alert too.

Lucas has given me 48mins of peace all morning and is still fussing now... Was hoping to get a nap in as had a rather sleepless night.

So who is actually following the 'sleep when baby sheep's advice?

Hi all

Hope everyone's well. We're doing ok. Still breast feeding, I keep listening to everyone who says it gets easier at 6 weeks, I could just do with a bit longer between feeds at night as I'm shattered. Not expressing just purely breast feeding, so not like I can get boyfriend to do a feed.

A bit late to join the conversation about nappies, but also another vote for aldi ones here and have tried aldi, sainsburys, tesco and pampers.

My bleeding has near enough stopped now, the occasional light bit and little but if discharge. Still very painful to go to the loo after episiotomy, so still have to hold a clean pad against myself when I 'go'. Is that normal to still be hurting 5.5 weeks on?

Sorry to hear about your OH work bigbee. Hope you get something sorted soon

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Aw Karen she's beautiful! How cute

I like aldi and tesco nappies. I mainly use tesco but that's because there are massive queues in our aldi and I can't be bothered

Blueeyes I can't really say what's normal but after my episiotomy I was pain free by 4 weeks, I did do a really long walk at 5 weeks and ached a little when I got home but it was a long walk, generally I felt fine at 4 weeks. I had sex at 4 weeks to which did really hurt, 8 weeks now and sex is finally pain free. I feel for you still having to hold a pad there, I hated doing that

We've got Emelia's first jabs this week, I could cry thinking about it :(

I spent yesterday building a crib for her, she's way to long for her Moses basket and her cot doesn't fit in our room. I've bought one from John Lewis which oh wasn't happy about money wise but I figure I got the Moses basket for free and the cot for £30 so £70 on a crib isn't extortionate, especially when I'll have another baby at some point
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Blue eyes - I'm nearly 3 weeks pp and my episiotomy pain is much better now. I had a mid cavity one - what about you? Not saying it's all rosy down there - no chance would I be trying sex in the next few weeks but sitting/toilet functions is all okay again.

Woohoo I finally think my bleeding is slowing down. Thank god!

Finding the days at home alone really tough. Baby seems so unsettled during the day - is this a phase/normal? She was awake all day Yday and finding her hard work again today. Even getting the time to come on here for 5 mins is hard. She will only seem to settle lying on me - and even then she will start being restless before long. Wanting to pull my hair out!! My mum just came over and was amazing - she went to sleep for her but won't for me.... Ahhhhhhhh!!!
Blueeyes - I had episiotomy and haven't been in discomfort going to loo for a good few weeks (and I don't know what you mean really about holding pad there?? Maybe something I should have done whips!). Saying this in in no way keen to try sex at the minute! Have you got your six week doc app coming up soon??
Lovely thick head of hair there Karen :) she looks so alert too.

Lucas has given me 48mins of peace all morning and is still fussing now... Was hoping to get a nap in as had a rather sleepless night.

So who is actually following the 'sleep when baby sheep's advice?


If you slept whenever baby slept when would u eat etc?? Sophie rarely goes down to sleep in day, sleeps on me, can't get anything done, she definitely won't go on play may or vibrating chair when awake, just cries, this normal at 3 weeks,?
Lovely thick head of hair there Karen :) she looks so alert too.

Lucas has given me 48mins of peace all morning and is still fussing now... Was hoping to get a nap in as had a rather sleepless night.

So who is actually following the 'sleep when baby sheep's advice?


If you slept whenever baby slept when would u eat etc?? Sophie rarely goes down to sleep in day, sleeps on me, can't get anything done, she definitely won't go on play may or vibrating chair when awake, just cries, this normal at 3 weeks,?

Not sure but it's exactly what Lucas has done today, two 45mins naps and unsettled/wanting boob when awake. Has reduced me to tears twice already. I just hope it means we'll have a settled night.

How's everyone coping with this heat and their little ones? We've just finally set up a fan and it's heaven. Hayden has been a bit grumpy today but has been asleep since 2:30pm now so think he's worn himself out. We went out for a walk earlier but it was just too warm for us both, he cried... A lot!
I've just seen someone do a post on Facebook that the nhs are recommending a bottle of cooled boiled water to bottle fed babies, anyone else doing this? Xx
My little lady has been grumpy all afternoon, finally she has settled in Moses basket wearing a nappy and covered in a muslin. We went out earlier and she was ok in town as got a decent parasol and the breeze kept her cool. Marcie has been on and off my boob for 5 mins at a time, guess it's her way of rehydrating herself.

Coletty I have the same, she only settles lying on me most of the time. Of course in this weather it makes her even warmer.

Got few more days at home with hubby, wondering how I'll get things done when he goes back to work. Told him he will prob have to prep me a sandwich, lol. I barely get the chance to go to the toilet. My mum is off a Couple of weeks but I do need the chance to figure a routine for us first. Might get her to come round a couple of times a week. Least I can do something or she can do it for me.
Charlie I have only heard of that in relation to helping them poop if constipated x
So reflux baby + grumpy 14month old + heat = one stressed mummy!!! Thank god hubby is finally home!!!

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