~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Definitely Aldi are the best!

I've been reading but not posted much in here. Hayden is 2 weeks 4 days now and an absolute milk monster. He's up to 6oz and wants it every 2 hours last 2 days. I've changed 2 of his bottles a day to hungry baby and he's been much less stressed today and still drinking full bottles of regular formula in between.

He had such bad nappy rash too, broke my heart cleaning his bum as he was screaming in pain. He's been given steroid cream and it's clearing up quickly bless him!

Other than that he's Been brilliant and being a mum is amazing!!

My bleeding has nearly finished now also and I start my pill on Wednesday! Even tho I needed IVF I've heard it's easy to fall pregnant second time round! Xx
Hello all! I thought I'd finally head into 'Baby and Toddler'.
Baby Albie is just gorgeous....really hogging him (even hubby said so this evening! Haha!). I'm still persevering with the breastfeeding, it is still quite painful on the old nipples and totally empathise with all you ladies, however having done it three times before, I know I can do it and this early stage is the worst. You have to do what is right for you and not be tough on yourselves.
It looks like my c-section scar is healing lovely unfortunately though, it looks like I may have an umbilical hernia!! Just what you want with a newborn to nurse and tend to!! Been to the docs but they're all reluctant to confirm one way or the other until my tummy swelling has subsided. I hate waiting, am no good at it at all! Oh well....least Albie seems to be thriving and so far seems very settled- phew!
Belfa- I too am obsessing over my lochia/discharge, mine is already pinky/yellowy with a slight odour- TMI- not very pleasant- will keep an eye on it! Recovery after childbirth is about as glamorous, if not worse than, pregnancy!
I agree with aldi. I have found them better than pampers as long sleep on his side and was leaking out of them.

Had an argument with OH this evening as things have been building up annoying me for the last couple of weeks. Feel much better getting it out. X
I'm another firm believer in Aldi nappies, fab value for money too!

It's early days for me but still bleeding here although looks more like a bloody discharge than an actual bleed.

Colettypie - that sounds like a lovely nights sleep. Super jealous :) how old is your LO now?

Scotcher - I know what you mean about things building up, but glad you feel better for getting it out of your system.

Caseysmummy - congrats on the new puppy!!

Lucas, for the last few days, has been wide awake from 6pm onwards and not settling in his crib at all. Feel like I'm being.used as a dummy as my nipples are constantly in his mouth the whole time too. Got so bad that we got the steriliser out and everything ready to offer a formula feed, not done it so far but still tempted. Would worry about how full my boobs would feel if a skipped a breastfeed though.

Isn't it funny how you get a preference for nappies - I've liked pampers the best so far lol. Hated the Asda nappies and am using Aldi now and find them similar to pampers but I found pampers a bit more absorbent. Far too expensive though so will only get them when they're on offer or when we're gifted them.

Glad I'm not the only one with discharge / bleeding woes. Thought the bleeding had stopped then I started spotting again.

Alex is up to 5oz now and just gunned 2 bottles within 1.5hrs. Was reluctant to let him have the second bottle as his wind gets bad at night. I really can't decide if I'm right sticking to Aptamil or if I should try something else x
Belfa- when I first tried formula I bought a little bottle of each Aptamil, SMA and Cow & Gate. He seemed to like and be the least windy and sick on Aptamil. I have wondered about Hipp organic but have heard mixed reviews and it is the most expensive.

Do you use powder or pre mixed bottles? I am mixing with breast milk in the same bottle so using pre mixed as easier to do that with than powder. X
We use the powder and make it with the perfect prep machine but I have ready made bottles for out and about. I do have infacol for him but can never find the bottle when I need it so he doesn't get it before every feed. I was considering getting gripe water and wonder d if you could mix it in the bottle? I express milk for him too but my DH is convinced he's more windy a couple of formula bottles after a BM bottle.

I have put on 2kg this week! Have been eating chocolate like its about to run out. I actually have nothing to wear either so had to go to H&M and buy leggings and long tops as I'm starting to look way too big, I even have a double chin now. Must go on a diet x
Lol I know the feeling Belfa. I was lucky and lost 2 stone by the time I gave birth but have put 6lb on in the last couple of weeks as have eaten chocolate until it has come out of my ears. I know lots of new mums who have craved chocolate... blame it on stress and hormones.

Going to try and be good as of tomorrow and go for some walks in the nice weather. Can't do proper exercise yet as only 5 weeks after c section and my scar is still not properly healed yet.

Debating getting a perfect prep as don't think it will be long until I am fully bottle feeding as my supply is not keeping up any more. Would people recommend them? X
Yes it's amazing! We picked one up on the way home from the hospital as we found the prospect of making the bottles the long way too daunting. I have made one bottle up the long way and don't know how people cope lol x
We went and bought the perfect prep after about 4 days, it's amazing!! 2 minute bottles is what you want at 3am :) xx
Perfect prep was purchased the day after we started introducing formula.... Hopefully we will get some use out of it eventually, as hv suggested dairy free diet as baby was gassy. So I'm trying that.

I've not weighed myself but I know I've put on a fair bit of fat. Boo. I feel gross but cants stop eating! Going back to the gym this week!

Hope everyone is doing great :)

Haven't been on here much in the last few days as was busy updating my cv. Partner will be out of work in the next few weeks.
Hi girls

Had a busy week last week so no real time to post but I have been reading.

Bigbee I'm sorry your oh is going to be out of work, are you going to be able to manage? Do you think it will take him long to find something?

Things are well my way, I'm really chuffed this weekend I realised I've been bf for two months! My original goal was 6months so I'm 1/3 of the way there although if it keeps going like it is Id love to do more than 6 months I'm really enjoying it. I'm one of the lucky ones though and haven't had issues. Keep going girls! I did have points where I wanted to buy formula but after 6 weeks things just fell into place and its been so much easier!

We had a busy week at home last week as its sheepshearing time on the farm. It meant Lo had to go to nanas a few days so I could help, I missed her loads and not getting her back until 6pm each night meant I didn't get loads of awake time with her. We've had a few weddings and things to so she has been spending time away from me but it's all over now and I'm so exited to not have to leave her and spend all my time with her
I went and bought the perfect prep and would recommend it too!

How weird - HiPP organic is the cheapest in my supermarket! I tried aptimel and cow & gate. Found cow and Gate made LO really constipated. She seemed good on aptimel but decided to just try HiPP when I fully switched to FF - as it was cheaper and had heard HiPP was good. And she has been doing well on it ever since.

Pismo - Anabelle will be 3 weeks on wed! I saw a friend Yday who has a 6 week old and I couldn't believe the difference in them! Scary to see how much they change so quickly.

Finding my LO is just so unsettled early evening still. But going by other's comments this seems quite common. We put her down at 10 last night and she slept till 3.30, back down and and then up again at 7. So she does sleep well once we get her to bed but finding we can't get any time to ourselves as a couple in the evening as she just goes a bit mental! Tho I guess she is only (nearly) 3 weeks and once we get her in an actual routine she might get better xx
Hi girls

Had a busy week last week so no real time to post but I have been reading.

Bigbee I'm sorry your oh is going to be out of work, are you going to be able to manage? Do you think it will take him long to find something?

Things are well my way, I'm really chuffed this weekend I realised I've been bf for two months! My original goal was 6months so I'm 1/3 of the way there although if it keeps going like it is Id love to do more than 6 months I'm really enjoying it. I'm one of the lucky ones though and haven't had issues. Keep going girls! I did have points where I wanted to buy formula but after 6 weeks things just fell into place and its been so much easier!

We had a busy week at home last week as its sheepshearing time on the farm. It meant Lo had to go to nanas a few days so I could help, I missed her loads and not getting her back until 6pm each night meant I didn't get loads of awake time with her. We've had a few weddings and things to so she has been spending time away from me but it's all over now and I'm so exited to not have to leave her and spend all my time with her

Was your LO going longer between feeds at 6 weeks? Is that how it gets easier??
Is anyone else exhausted!? My little guy feeds constantly all evening and goes to sleep about half 10 until 1. After that he wakes up hourly for a feed. I've been expressing once a day so I have a decent freezer stash but I wasn't going to introduce a bottle until he was 6 weeks and he's only 2 1/2 weeks now! He definitely uses me as a dummy too as he suckles for a few seconds and then falls asleep but won't let me put him down! My first baby wasn't like this at all! I know it will pass as he gets older but I have a 19 month old who needs my attention too. My house is driving me up the wall too as I just seem to have no time to sort it out! My hubby is great but he's really busy with work etc so I don't expect him to come home and clean! Sorry for the moan just needed to let it out!
Our little one fed 3 times last night, 10pm, 1.30am and 4.30am little guzzler, doing formula at night does give us half a chance. I managed to express 4oz this morning. Hubby didn't like the tommee yippee bottles so got some Phillips avent ones but they gave her the worst wind ever, you could hear the air going into her, then would have to wind her nearly an hour after, so back to tommee tippee now.

For any of you looking at getting the perfect prep, check out Amazon family, it was on offer, 25% off when you spend £60 I think. We got it for £47. Haven't used it yet though.

Just waiting for HV to turn up, first appointment.

I'm craving chocolate but doing ok as not had chance to even look in fridge let alone pop to shops to buy stuff, lol. Going to rejoin slimming world on Thurs, hopefully try get back on track. I seem to want milk by the gallon too. I've lost just over a stone since giving birth so hoping to keep it up.
Hi girls

Had a busy week last week so no real time to post but I have been reading.

Bigbee I'm sorry your oh is going to be out of work, are you going to be able to manage? Do you think it will take him long to find something?

Things are well my way, I'm really chuffed this weekend I realised I've been bf for two months! My original goal was 6months so I'm 1/3 of the way there although if it keeps going like it is Id love to do more than 6 months I'm really enjoying it. I'm one of the lucky ones though and haven't had issues. Keep going girls! I did have points where I wanted to buy formula but after 6 weeks things just fell into place and its been so much easier!

We had a busy week at home last week as its sheepshearing time on the farm. It meant Lo had to go to nanas a few days so I could help, I missed her loads and not getting her back until 6pm each night meant I didn't get loads of awake time with her. We've had a few weddings and things to so she has been spending time away from me but it's all over now and I'm so exited to not have to leave her and spend all my time with her

Was your LO going longer between feeds at 6 weeks? Is that how it gets easier??

Yep that's right. At four weeks I felt I was feeding constantly like every hour or so but after 6 weeks she started to settle and now feeds every 3.5/4 hours during the day, she goes to sleep at 10 and sleeps until 3 then sleeps again until 5.30/6. We have a battle before going to bed at 10 but feeding wise it's so much easier, she seems a much more efficient feeder. It's so tiring in the beginning even if you don't have issues like sore nipples so I can understand people wanting to switch to formula but I'm so glad I battled through those early weeks - cookies and big cups of tea saved me I think
That's so good to hear, it's people saying that sort of thing that is keeping me going with breastfeeding! We go on holiday (just in UK) just after she's six weeks old for MIL's 60th so hoping she will go longer between feeds then :)
For those of you using bottles, which do you prefer?

I tried to give Lucas a bottle of expressed milk using tommee tippee bottles and he juse couldn't cope or that's how it seemed. I gave up in the end as felt like I was forcing it down him.

Desperately craving chocolate but the only stuff we have in.is something ds won in a school raffle and would feel uber guilty if I tucked into that! But have managed to get down to my pre pregnancy weight.

Oh gosh I thought I was mad with how much chocolate I've been craving. Ive ate a ton of it this past few weeks.

I'm thinking of trying Dr browns bottles as lily's still very windy so thought might try anti colic bottles. Will it work on a baby who already has colic and help it go. I'm gutting my house today. It's doing my head in the mess it's getting in now!! My hv said do am hour a day but I think before I do that I need to completely get rid of junk. Xxx

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