~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Yeah i would definitely put that to be thrush symptoms for sure, Im sure jessiecat had it i wonder of she could help you with what to look for?! Random stabby pains and white spots are the main ones i know i would get to the gp for some treatment my love. Maybe have a look at shields while you combat the pains?
Yea I had it for nearly a month, it's nasty and hard to get rid of and unfortunately sees the end of a lot of breastfeeding but stick at it if possible, you'll be so glad you did when it's gone!
I found he worst pain to be he hour AFTER a feed, the stabbing and burning was so intense! My nipples we're in bits as well and I couldn't even shower without a bikini top on because I couldn't handle the water on them.
You need to go to the gp and get cream for you and bystander for baby, you'll both need treating. However, this treatment wasn't enough for me, so I went back and was given same again but also a tablet to help shift it and by keeping up with cream and babies treatment we finally got rid.
A few other things we were doing to help the healing were: lots of topless time, lots if washing (no soap in boobs), alternate thrush cream and Lansinoh, and throw breast pads away as soon as they wee damp, thrush likes wet and warm places,
It's stubborn and you really have to commit to getting rid of it but you'll be so pleased when you're on the other side. You have my sympathy though, it really is agony xx
Thanks girls, Jessie im impressed you were able to preserve with bf, that all sounds horrendous.
Went to out of hours gp last night as mw was useless, was just palmed off. So basically gp said it could be thrush and has given me a gel and pain killers. I asked him to check my lo and he said hes never seen a baby get thrush from mother and that the white spots are normal not thrush related. Although baby seems ok im bit worried now hes getting no treatment. I didnt feed last night or this morning as i just couldn't face it, my nipples feel raw. Baby seems well settled on the formula so im debating do i continue bf or not, feel so conflicted and guilty about it. Im in so much pain, my little girl snuggled up for a cuddle and i squealed in pain, felt so bad for doing it but i just cant stand any touch. Has any one else made the transition from bf to formula? x
The doctor is wrong, it's not baby getting it from the mother, when a baby is born they have not yet developed certain bacteria so things like thrush develop easily. It is then passed to the mother not the other way round! Baby will need treating, I managed to get rid a couple of times but because it was more stubborn in baby he just kept passing it back.

It's hard persevering because it's agony and trust me I know I cried into a pillow when he fed to stop me from screaming but if you want to keep breastfeeding you can beat this. Formula will give your nipples a rest whilst they recover but be careful not to mess your milk supply up too much. Help is out there to help get over though you will need to see another doctor and once it's gone you'll be so glad you did.
But there is no shame in making the swap, as I said I understand how so many women do because every feed is like someone cutting your nipples off. Just think about what's best for you and your family and go with it guilt free.
Here's hoping I debate every single day whether to switch to formula... Hubby must be getting fed up of the daily debate lol but he's encouraging me to keep going... But you got to do what's best for you, a stressed mum can't be better than formula?? You've done the crucial first few weeks xx
Here's hoping, it's more important that you are both happy and healthy and if that means a swap to formula then you shouldn't feel guilty. As Karen said, you have given breast milk for the first, most important, weeks.

I also have the debate daily although my OH won't even let me entertain the idea of switching :(

Had our first visitors today, the in laws, and it went surprisingly well. No unwanted advice or comments made. In fact they were lovely :) got some gorgeous boy gifts too.

You BF ladies are doing very well, I can only imagine how difficult it must feel at times.

I'm becoming a bit obsessed with my discharge. Bleeding has stopped and I have a rainy yellow discharge which I can't decide half of the time if it's pee or not...If I whiff it I think it smells urine like but I'm really not sure. Anyone else the same? Please don't tell me it's pee!x
Could be discharge or urine Belfa. Would just keep an eye on it by wearing a panty liner if I was you. Can't be any more help than that.

I stopped bleeding about 2 weeks ago but have had pinkish discharge when I wipe the last few days. Am only 5 week after c section so maybe have pushed myself a bit hard or could be start of my period. If it is the first period I am dreading it as am not on any birth control yet and when I am not my periods are horrendous. Anyone else had their first period yet? Was it horrible? X
I'm still bleeding - feel like it's become heavier in the past week (maybe because I am more mobile and been out walking again). Even still not fun, wish it would stop already. Tho my stitches are way more comfortable now. Think that's them healed.

I think I have hit the holy grail of newborn sleeping. Baby has started enjoying baths :-)! So she had one about 9.30pm, dressed and cosy. She did a bit of whining - so worked out she might still be hungry. Put her down at 11, then she slept till 4.45!! Up for quick feed and change and back to sleep till 9am! Feel so refreshed this morning ha!

Here's hoping I switched from BF to FF last week. I started combi feeding (as she was too hungry) - so gradually introduced. And then got it down to one BF a day before stopping completely. I use HiPP organic and she seems fine on that. I used aptimel in the hospital when I wasn't well and couldn't sit up and she also seemed great on that but I just heard a lot of good things about HiPP. Well done on getting so far with BF - don't be hard on yourself if you have to either combi feed or totally switch to FF. as long as you and baby are happy then that's all that matters xx
I'm still bleeding too Collette, so bored of it! Think it's getting less then increases again, think it is because I'm more active now but still annoying!

That amount of sleep sounds like a dream! Jealous!!
I'm coming up five and half weeks now and still bleeding :( it's really getting me down especially as I'd had signs of it reducing but then came back which was suspected period but I don't think so now. Thinking of calling doctor as still haven't got app for six week check and concerned as bleeding is still bright red and at times quite heavy :(

Moan over. Sorry. Feeling a little low
Don't envy you girls still bleeding properly. I was lucky aa mine was stopped after 2 weeks and was never particularly heavy. Was told that could happen though as had a c section.

Cleaned my scar yesterday and a small patch of it was bleeding so got to keep an eye on that. Already had one infection so don't want another one.

Can't believe my boy is 5 weeks today... don't know where the time has gone. X
My bleeding seems to have eased, then I think it's gone and a bit more appears. Never had loads though.

My little lady's cord must have bled a bit today, doesn't look infected or anything but dropped off really quick, about day 3 I think. Did anyone else's LO's bleed like a week after falling off? Going to clean it up later, just waiting for some boiled water to cool.

Also poor thing seems to be suffering with bad hiccups, like it causes pain, seeing her poor little body when she gets them and she really cries sometimes with it, the midwives acted as if it's normal but she gets them ages after being winded and sometimes after waking from a sleep..
Apparently hiccups are normal and there is nothing really to do to get rid of them but they get less as they get older. I know what you mean though, they look so violent though in such little people. You just wish you could take them away for them. X
Apparently hiccups are normal and there is nothing really to do to get rid of them but they get less as they get older. I know what you mean though, they look so violent though in such little people. You just wish you could take them away for them. X

You do feel for them when there isn't really anything you can do to take them away.

Has anyone used sainsburys size 1 nappies? Can I say what a load of poop they are the worst nappies so far, don't even fit her properly coming loose at the back leaving huge gap at her bum, typically got no other size 1 in the house and she is too tiny for any of the size 2 nappies still.
We use aldi nappies ive found they are by far the best, no leaks and keep her dry etc and the price is fab!
Hello ladies. Lily's 12 weeks tomorrow and I've bled for 5 weeks and had 2 periods, it's crazy this last period I've bled for 2 weeks almost, it's a joke! Never had period so bad.

Nappies I love aldi they are the best. We've been using up what we were bought. So just finished a box of pampers which I'm not too fussed with and then got a pack of little angels to use still.

Lily kept me up all night last night I'm shattered. Oo and we've got a new puppy! A little baby yorkie called Bella. Shes beautiful. I couldn't resist her! Xxx
I will be converting to aldi once she is in the next size. There's one right by my mum's . Don't wanna stock up on too many size 1 now as reckon she could go up in 2-3 of weeks. Hubby bought an emergency stash from tesco express. Never using sainsburys again.

It's gonna be interesting whether my periods settle at all as barely got them before cos I had high fsh. It would be nice if they did. Least we got our little miracle munchkin.

Enjoy your puppy caseysmummy x

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