~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Matalan have some really good one belfa. Good price too. My friend told me to get this corset type things as helps muscles and everything go back. It scares me too as even though my son was born overdue and 8lb 15 my stomach was a lot bigger this time although combined they didn't weigh as much as him. There was two lots of water though. I only got a few small stretches with my son. I got more on my thighs than my tummy. But they completely popped everywhere around 25 weeks with my girls. We know we aren't having anymore children so I've even considered a tummy tuck ( I don't think I'd ever be able to afford one and the thought of recovery fills me dread after my section) but I like to think it's an option xxx
Thanks I'll have a look! Was it a belly bandit you were recommended? I can see my stomach also collapsing in half from a deep stretch that goes down from my belly button. My mum has the same but she's a size 6 so doesn't affect her!! X
My stomach is just disgusting! Its gone back how it was its flat again etc but the skin is just yuck! Looks like crepe paper all wrinkly and don't even get me started on my belly button! Having 2 big children/bumps has ruined my skin and ive no idea what to do with it lol I'm fine with it as it gave me my beauties but still it's not the best.
My 'apron' as the midwife called it is not nice. I weigh around 2 stone less than I did when TTC but don't feel like it because of my belly. Can't wait for the 6 weeks to be up so I can start doing some pilates to try and strengthen the muscles and tighten them up. I have another 3-4 stone to loose too ideally but have no motivation to diet at the minute. All I want to eat is chocolate.

On the knicker front I found that support knickers helped recovery but I bought them in a size bigger than normal to make them more comfortable. Still did the trick.

Bet some of you girls look better than you think you do. The stretch marks are just your tiger stripes proving what a wonderful thing you have done carrying another life inside you and bringing them into the world. Be proud of them. X
My belly also looks terrible, as well as loads of stretch marks I have scars from the blisters and a mark from the biopsy from the pemphigoid gestationis :-(

What's everyone's babies sleeping in? I know they also say babies should be in one more later than you, but I've put her to bed tonight in just a vest as our room is 23 degrees, she's got a cellular blanket folded in half (the aldi one). I checked her when she fell asleep and just now when she woke for a feed and she feels just right, not hot but not cold.

My belly also looks terrible, as well as loads of stretch marks I have scars from the blisters and a mark from the biopsy from the pemphigoid gestationis :-(

What's everyone's babies sleeping in? I know they also say babies should be in one more later than you, but I've put her to bed tonight in just a vest as our room is 23 degrees, she's got a cellular blanket folded in half (the aldi one). I checked her when she fell asleep and just now when she woke for a feed and she feels just right, not hot but not cold.

Our room was over 24 degrees so put her in long sleeved vest and swaddled in giant muslin. She has been happy enough.
Aww we have just been discharged from the midwife, defo feels a little sad as they were there back from my reduced movement days up until now. Especially after my 5/6 day stint in hospital. Guess it's good though as we are all doing well. Little lady almost back up to her birth weight too which is fab.
Wish i was still with the midwives, my breastfeeding woes have returned :( i dont know whether his latch is to blame or what, but my nipples have become very sore again. His feeding hasnt increased any more so i dont know whats changed. It feels more nippy during feeds and have some pain after wards randomly. He also seems to struggle more, coming on and off the breast and getting frustrated. I keep relatching him when that seems to be the problem but nothing improves. Feeling fed up today, close to giving up on it just seems so complicated :'(
Sorry to hear you're fed up. Are there any BF support groups locally you could go to?
I dont think so. I tried ringing midwifes there but just an answer machine, probably wont get speaking to any one today. I havent fed in may 40 mins or so and im still getting wee random sharp pains in my boobs. Its got to point im dreading putting him on again
Wish i was still with the midwives, my breastfeeding woes have returned :( i dont know whether his latch is to blame or what, but my nipples have become very sore again. His feeding hasnt increased any more so i dont know whats changed. It feels more nippy during feeds and have some pain after wards randomly. He also seems to struggle more, coming on and off the breast and getting frustrated. I keep relatching him when that seems to be the problem but nothing improves. Feeling fed up today, close to giving up on it just seems so complicated :'(

Are there no maternity support workers ? They have them down my way but not sure if it's just a local thing. Just imagined it was countrywide but maybe not. They come out to your house and everything if you need them to. Hope you get it sorted x
Could possibly be the start of thrush, check in his mouth and look for white spots etc?! You can ring la leche league (LLL) team and they search for people in your area to give support/come see you etc

Also ladies join breasfeeding support groups on facebook they are so so good i post so much on them.

I know its hard but keep feeding as much as you can they have so many growth spurts until past 6 weeks but you will get there i promise xx
Here's hoping your NHS GG&C aren't you? Do you want the number to the infant feeding support line? They're very good, I called them yesterday about A's projectile vomiting, they'll come out to help you with latching x
Wish i was still with the midwives, my breastfeeding woes have returned :( i dont know whether his latch is to blame or what, but my nipples have become very sore again. His feeding hasnt increased any more so i dont know whats changed. It feels more nippy during feeds and have some pain after wards randomly. He also seems to struggle more, coming on and off the breast and getting frustrated. I keep relatching him when that seems to be the problem but nothing improves. Feeling fed up today, close to giving up on it just seems so complicated :'(

Sophie has become very fussy too, coming on and off and wiggling around lots so maybe it's just a phase they're going through?? It does seem like harder work at the mo, especially when she's tired, keep going!! Xx
I second what the ladies above have already suggested. Sometimes it's so difficult to get to the support you need that a Phonecall or Internet chat becomes really valuable.

Just remember you are doing a fab job and have already tried to correct what you thought the issue might be so well done! It's ridiculously hard and I find that taking it feed by feed really helps - I bought a tin of aptamil this morning.just incase.

Discharged from the midwife today, Lucas now weighs a whopping 8lbs 5oz. (he's ten days old and was 7lbs 10 at birth!) do despite wanting.to.give up daily with breastfeeding it's seems I may be doing something right.

Ladies with tears, how did you feel two weeks after? Still feeling like someone has booted me between the legs whilst wearing steel top capped boots.

Taking it feed by feed is really what in doing, have a tin on standby too but trying my best to see it out but its so hard.

Button i wondered about thrush as i get sharp stabby pains at random times. Lo has two white spots in his mouth which has really been there since beginning. I asked mw on Monday to have a look and she said it wasnt anything to worry about. Does that sound like thrush?

Belfa im in Ireland so dont think i have access to that. But thanks for offer, glad u got help when needed.

Thanks for all your replies, will maybe try mws again in morning and hope their in on a sat, they only seem to be in between 9-10am. Found a bf group locally which meet on a thurs, if im still at it by then will def go along. Need as much help as can get with this.

Does anyone recommend any bf groups on fb to join? x
Taking it feed by feed is really what in doing, have a tin on standby too but trying my best to see it out but its so hard.

Button i wondered about thrush as i get sharp stabby pains at random times. Lo has two white spots in his mouth which has really been there since beginning. I asked mw on Monday to have a look and she said it wasnt anything to worry about. Does that sound like thrush?

Belfa im in Ireland so dont think i have access to that. But thanks for offer, glad u got help when needed.

Thanks for all your replies, will maybe try mws again in morning and hope their in on a sat, they only seem to be in between 9-10am. Found a bf group locally which meet on a thurs, if im still at it by then will def go along. Need as much help as can get with this.

Does anyone recommend any bf groups on fb to join? x

Ah I thought you were in Scotland for some reason lol!

Someone in work thoroughly recommended a breast feeding group as you get support and a good chat too so hopefully it works for you x
I've really found the bf group helpful. Gets me out of the house, meeting people, most importantly people bf so it's easy to feed there, everyone is at different stages done new to it all and some others six months plus so wealth of experience, knowledge and stories to share. I've been the last two weeks and felt better after each meeting. Hv and peer support there too so can check random questions I've thought of with them. Strongly recommend.

Ha ramble done!
Wow I did it!! Went to first mum and baby group! Have made new friend also, but good grief did I feel like a right wally when I first got there!!

Glad I did it and now to keep going and try talking to a new person each week

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