~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Milk doesn't usually come in until day 3 so don't worry too much at the minute Lucy.

I appreciate why my friends with children are often late. Had to get to a Dr's apt for 9am but was dropping Lucian off at my mums on the way so I didn't have to get him in and out the car etc. He woke for a feed at 6.30am so by the time I had fed him it was time to get up and get ready to come out. X
Yes like others have said day 3 you usually wake up with rock hard boobs when milk comes in, I'm sure it was button who said some people would pay to have boobs like that lol! I found with my so he was very sleepy in the first few weeks too, he had a touch of jaundice which makes them sleepy.

I had the worst night sleep ever last night! I fed lily at 9pm and put her to bed as it was earlier feed than usual I expected her to wake about 11-12 for a feed but she didn't. My son woke up at 12 and cried about everything.anaged to get him to settle around 1 then lily woke for 2 hours at 2am! So I've only slept since around 4-8am. And I've got to take my son for school dinner at his big school today. I was so cranky at 3 am it was untrue but my oh hot up with me for a bit of support which was nice xxx
Baby will suck and feed lots(and fall asleep) to stimulate your boibs to bring the milk in and produce enough milk for her. A lot of woman worry their babies aren't getting enough milk as their baby fusses at the boob and cries but these are cues for milk stimultion, crying, head bobbing on the nipple and even licking it! Giving formula then inhibits the cues which then wont produce the right milk as you are missing a feeding session by giving formula. Dont worry as long as there is poos and wees its completely normal.

Its so hard at the start the sore nipples and constant feeding but it gets easier trust me.

Haha and yes caseysmummy it was me I gave pamela anderson a run for her money!!
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Bless you Caseysmummy. I am feeling the sleep deprevation today too. Up at 1, 3 and 6.30 and couldn't go back to sleep like I usually would because of the Dr's. Out with SIL this afternoon and her 2 kids... running on fumes. X
I saw every hour during the night.... Yawn!
I had a down day yesterday, is anyone else really bored? I can't see me lasting until I go back to work in March.

I need to start dieting too, I'm almost back to prepregnancy weight but I've changed shape and needed to loose 2stone to begin with.

Thank for the advice on projectile vomit, he did it again last night. It's mostly with expressed milk as he doesn't burp as well with it x
Hi everyone, been reading but dont seem to get time to post
Sorry to see some are suffering with colic and feeding problems, i can really sympathise!

Im really hoping for some advice on breastfeeding, ive reached a point were im debating if i can continue. My boy is two weeks old and is hungry all the time. He has a sleepy period during the day but from 7pm it turns into a feeding frenzy, its like constant. He becomes very unsettled regardless what u do until around 2am and then needs to feed to fall asleep. We have one feed around 6am and then another mad feeding session on off till 11am. If i just had him i could maybe manage but i also have a nearly 2 yr old toddler who is up looking breakfast at 7am and need changed etc. Im worried how im going to manage with the constant breastfeeding and looking after my toddler alone when hubby goes back to work. I cant help but think if i used formula i would get more of a stretch and be able to do more with daughter.
Also hes a complete mummys boy but i suspect thats cos im a milk machine. He just cries when his daddy has him and settles instantly when he comes back to me. I think my hubby is feeling that and is having no bonding time with him. My hubby is v hands on so i think hes struggling with the limited role he has. Cos of this i feel i cant go out myself or leave baby at home with daddy, i even have to rush getting ready for bed at night cos he screams until im back nursing him :( Does anyone have any advice? Bf is becoming more stressful but i feel so guilty for thinking of switching to formula.

Second issue we are having is sleeping in moses basket and crib, he hates it. When u put him down asleep within 5mins hes awake and crying. When i put him in awake he cries. He seems to prefer his bouncer and car seat and sleeps well in these but im aware its not good for him to sit in for lengths of time. We are currently cosleeping which works great as im getting sleep and is easy for bf however im so anxious of sid's and creating bigger problems in future. Any advice how to get him settled in his crib and moses basket?

Sorry for moan but i when i asked mw & hv for advice i got a poor response, wasnt worth my time :(
Thanks for reading x
Breastfeeding is hard at the start and very demanding, hence demand feeding but honestly it doesn't last forever and they will go longer and your boobs will produce what is right for them etc. You just need to get past the 6 week mark as up to then there are massive growth spurts and constant cluster feeding. Its all natural and nothing anyone is doing wrong baby knows what it's doing with regards to milk and feeding its unfortunately just a matter or riding it out.

For dads try getting them to skin to skin maybe after a feed where they are more content at the time or after a bath to help with bonding. Also let you OHs smell get onto there blankeys or sheets(stuffing them inside his top etc) all that will help. But babies just want mummy at the start as 1. They have the food and they smell that and 2. They recognise your heartbeat as comfort from the womb.
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Its hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel but from experience having my son and feeding for 14 months i can assure all feeding its so so tough at the start but get past 6 weeks and it gets so much better I assure you.

Edit to say bf also can reduce sids risk due to frequent waking thats a natural process to reduce it. So dont knock to waking too much, its natural not something anyones doing wrong.
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Sorry to hear all the breastfeeding issues. Like button said it does get easier. My little boy constantly fed until 6-7 weeks like button said then he seemed to settle and was quite happy and content between feeds.

I formula feed lily and she still doesn't settle with my oh too much atm at 10 weeks but i think it will get better in time.

I'm so tired already feel like a zombie. Been to school dinner with my little boy bit no could just crash but he's still on the go and full of energy. I'm not sure where from as he was awake til 4 this morning. Hoping early to bed for us all tonight. Ive been to hobby craft and treated myself to some crochet bits. Need to crochet myself a bag now as I've got lots of stuff! Xxx
I'm finding it hard too here's hoping. So emotionally as well as physically demanding and results in so little sleep. Been close to quitting twice and only been going 9 days!!
Coming to join you ladies on the dark side.

Lucas Alexander born 16th June (was due 4th June) at 03.31 weighing an impressive 7lb 10oz.

Also breast feeding and feel like will need your support at some point. Will have a wee read back to get to know you all a bit (obviously know some of you anyways - Waves hello!).

Just to say in case you wondered, I was(have done my training) a breastfeeding support worker.
Welcome Pismo. Sorry to hear you all having problems with breastfeeding. I am thinking about suplimenting with formula as not got quite enough expressed milk for him. He is a hungry little man. Would rather do the odd formula feed and carry on expressing than have to give up completely. X
Welcome pismo and congratulations :)

Ladies, button is right :) it does get easier. This is from my limited personal experience :) sore nipples do ease off. It was agony in the first two weeks, but now they don't really hurt. Only a little uncomfortable at times. I found that cluster feeding is not constant, just growth spurts. I also find that if he cluster feeds, he sleeps a little better in the night!

My HV came over this morning to talk to me about baby and how I'm feeling as I've been quite upset when I saw her at the clinic the last couple of times. I spoke to her about zero sleep, and how we think baby gets upset tummy. She has suggested eliminating dairy for a week or so. So I'm going to do that. Not really a problem as I never used to eat dairy that much anyway, but unfortunately got addicted to Cheerios after giving birth. Wierd.

We are going to the NCT nearly new sale tomorrow. Hoping to pick up some clothes for the little man. He doesn't really need anything, but going to the sale just to get out of the house :)
Congratulations pismo! Beautiful name.

Glad you got some ideas to try bigbee. Hopefully they will help little man sleep better for you!

Yay Pismo congratulations!! And he was born on my birthday :)!! X
Another one struggling with breastfeeding. My nipples are horrendous, baby is so hungry and a feed doesn't ever seem to satisfy her - she needs topped up with formula every time. I had a delayed start to BF'ing due to being in hospital so long with infection followed by a spinal headache (due to epidural that went wrong). So emotionally I am finding it hard to stick it out when she seems so content after a good formula feed vs BF.

Otherwise am settling into family life a bit better. Baby seems to sleep quite well if fed properly. Getting 3/4 hours at a time overnight. The first night we were home she did 12-6am and we got a bit overexcited thinking this would be the norm haha!

Husband back to work on Wednesday and I am dreading it already. He has been amazing and I have no idea how I will cope all day on my own!

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