~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Thanks ladies. Bleeding hasn't been as heavy today, so may be you are right and it was just from doing too much.

Hope all mummies and babies are well xx
I have a poorly girl. I think just a cold, but cant breathe well runny nose, wont settle,
It is so hard seeing her this upset
Sorry to hear some of us are having a rough time of it... It is still early days for all of us and a certain amount of settling down is needed.

Lucas was on my breast from 9.30 till 11.45 last night, he drained both boobs and then just wanted it for comfort. Plus he wouldn't go in his crib for love nor money. He finally settled on my chest at 12.20 until I managed to sneak him in at 2.30 after a feed.

Emotionally quite drained too, thought I had missed the blue but it seems they caught up with me.

How did you ladies cope once your OH went back to work? Seriously dreading it and feel tearful whenever I think about it.

My DH never took leave which he only announced he was doing when I got out of hospital. I was okay initially but the blues caught up last week as he was taking my car so I was stuck in the house as I live on a farm so off the beaten track. I have the car this week though and am determined to get out!

Alex is now up to 4oz and he's wanting that every 2-3hrs rather than 3-4hrs now so I'll see if the health visitor thinks he needs more but I don't want to over do it as the projectile vomiting seems under control now, touch wood.

I have I paid wisdom teeth and they've been agony over the weekend and are giving me ear ache too, hoping I can see the dentist today - that'll be another course of antibiotics.

The most upsetting thing that happened to me over the weekend was discoveri g that one of my dogs had peed on my changing bag. It was my only birthday gift and isn't supposed to go in the washing machine but I had to wash it 3 times and there's still a lingering smell :( x
Sorry to hear some of us are having a rough time of it... It is still early days for all of us and a certain amount of settling down is needed.

Lucas was on my breast from 9.30 till 11.45 last night, he drained both boobs and then just wanted it for comfort. Plus he wouldn't go in his crib for love nor money. He finally settled on my chest at 12.20 until I managed to sneak him in at 2.30 after a feed.

Emotionally quite drained too, thought I had missed the blue but it seems they caught up with me.

How did you ladies cope once your OH went back to work? Seriously dreading it and feel tearful whenever I think about it.


I'm dreading OH going back too :(
I just managed to express 1fl oz haha! I'm finding getting my head around this expressing stuff tricky! I'm terrified of "contaminating" the milk and things! And if I do it at wrong times or too much then I'll end up with too much milk.
And I struggled when it was coming up to oh going back to work. It was ok though, you can get yourself into a routine and also look forward to him coming home too! The days seem to go so quickly he's back before you know it ! (Don't get me wrong though at times I just wanted him back but it's been ok and felt chuffed when I made it through my first day!)
I struggled to adjust when oh went back to work. He was off for over 8 weeks and he went back reduced hours to help me to start of with but since he went back full hours I've found it got me back into routine. You do look forward to when they come home. I'm so tired today lily's been up on and off all night bless her. My mil has just taken my little boy to nursery for me (I'm so greatful for her atm). So I'm bouncing lily in her bouncer and she's finally drifting off again. I'm just going to chill out for the rest of the day I think. Is it possible for lily to be spoilt already? She cries if I'm not in her eyesight (even if my oh hold her) I'm finding it very overwhelming as my son was the complete opposite of this.

Sorry to hear about your changing bag belfa would febreeze get rid of the smell at all do you think? I know how it lingers in had to rip up some carpet after my puppy was house trained fully.

Elliott could you pump your other boob whilst feeding lo? Not 100% sure how your meant to do it as with my first I ebf and with lily I only expressed really as feeds on the actual boob we're few and far between with her being tube fed.

Flosi if her nose is blocked you could try some snuffle babe to unblock it, it's just saline water but worked wonders and can be used from birth xxx
Hi ladies, hope yous had a nice weekend. We're still bf here too although we used a couple of bottles of formula when visiting family over weekend, i don't think i will ever be able to do the whole public feeding thing, im too embarrassed.

My little man is still refusing to sleep in moses or crib, i think its cos hes completely flat. So to get him to sleep at all during day ive resorted to using a bouncer which he likes. Will keep trying the crib though.

Hes really stuffed up and nasally too, especially at night. We're using saline spray too but not working yet. Hes gets bit distressed by it at times and panicky, hate seeing him so bad :(

Can i ask how everyones own recoverys going? I had two big grazes but no stitches but god did they hurt! Also had terrible bruising and swelling down there too. Im nearly 3 weeks on and feeling its improved but for the past week ive had some greeny looking discharge and itching. Mentioned it to gp and was given thrush cream but i dont think its helping. Ive never really had thrush before so cant say for certain thats what it is. Im worried its maybe an infection? At moment its occasionally itchy but feels more irritated and sore. Maybe its normal, having had a section before i dont know how im supposed to feel after norm delivery?! Hows everyone else doing?
I'm dreading OH going back to work too, he goes back on wed. Can't believe that Anabelle will be 2 weeks old! I only manage to get up and washed and my own breakfast with his help by 10.30am never mind how I will do all that on my own!

Is anyone else having night sweats? I wake up soaking! I googled and seems fairly common but I have never heard of anyone mention it before. So so sweaty! During the day I am fine just night.

Here's hoping that's horrible :-(! I had an episiotomy and am recovering okay from it. Is only now becoming comfortable to sit on fully without watching what I am doing! It does sound like those of us with stitches/cuts heal better than the ladies who tore which I thought would be the other way around.

I defo had a case of baby blues towards the end of next week. I would get upset over anything and everything. The stress of breastfeeding defo made it worse. I've more or less moved forward with FF and finding that I am so much happier now the decision is made. Still beat myself up over it but no longer the teary emotional way I was last week. Feeling much more like myself again.

Hope everyone is doing well x
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Yes for the night sweats!! Its awful i tell you i have to change pjs most nights lol!!

Sounds like a possible infection or maybe you just need a pessary for the greeny discharge my love?!

Recovery for me was fine i had a couple of stitches and some bad bruising/swelling from my ginormo baby haha but i was up and about fine pretty much the next day with no pain which i was thrilled about. As i had an episiotomy with my first and that was agony for weeks!!
OH going back to work is not as bad as it seems. Although I have been on my own in the day since the start as my OH didn't get any time off.

Get into a routine and by the time you have sorted everything ot is amazing how your day passes by!! You are too busy to worry about them not being there xx

Thank you for the recommendation. I have got the Calpol version of the drops so see how it goes.
I got a pessary in the box with cream but over phone gp didn't seem sure whether i should use it. I havent used it yet and to be honest im nervous sticking anything up there again lol. Will maybe have to just give it a go. Ging to ring gp again and see what they say.
Interestingly the mw thought it sounded like thrush and asked was i using always pads which i was. According to her she sees a lot of women end up with thrush or irritation from them, something to do with the plastic backing.

I had night sweats too....woke up feeling disgusting most mornings.

My hubby is back to work today. So far ive survived with newborn and toddler although i need a wee and shower and look like shit lol.
Bloody good job I didn't have plans for today! Baby been on boob pretty much constantly since 1pm! Feeling so fed up sat here not being able to do anything! Argh!
Discharged from mw....wee man has gained 7oz since thursday! Feeling rather proud of my boobies! Gives me a bit of motivation to keep going, especially when im feeling like a glorified cow lol
Belfa, annoying about the changing bag.

HH great your LO been discharged.

Had the 5 day check today, our little lady has lost 9% of her weight so need to up the feeding. Decided to order an electric pump, it's 50% off in Baby's r us for the electric lanisoh, She seems happy mixing boob and bottle so hubby can help out. The manual pump is hard work. Doing ok with the healing too though stings like mad when I pee so keep a bottle of water to pour..

Hope everyone else doing ok x
Ahh night sweats, I'm so glad that's a thing!! DH actually commented on how soaking my hair was the other day. Went out in the car by myself and have ended up being out all day - I loved it. Alex was good too, especially when I spilt half of his milk all over him.

He's gained 10oz this week. I think my milks drying up as I just can't keep up with all the expressing x
Belfa mine was the same and I slowly weaned lily off it as I thought at least shes had some to give her a good start. If you want to continue expressing try to pump at least once I the night as that's when it helps up your supply I think.

Here's hoping I would maybe see your gp as definitely sounds like an infection hun. Hope you get it sorted soon hun.

I think I need to put lily up an ounce for definite on the milk as she's hungry constantly. I need to put her repeat in to get her some more bit I keep forgetting. Was meant to put it in today but didn't. Will ring up tomorrow I think. Xxx
So it's almost half seven and baby is still just crying unless on boob! What do I do?!?
Is she cluster feeding Karen? She could be going through a growth spurt and having one of those days when she's on the boob constantly - I know that doesn't help!

Thanks Caseysmummy, I will do another around midnight and see what I get but I've gone from getting 6oz a session to 2oz but if I don't get my quantities up in the next 48hrs I'll take the hint and stop there. DH is also convinced the projectile vomiting only happened after breast milk but I'm not too sure!

Coletteypie I had a 2nd degree tear and was still feeling sore last week. We went for a big walk round Mugdock country park last week and I was really sore and waddling by the end of it. I rested for the rest of the week and feel like I'm back to normal now, think my stiches have dissolved and the bleeding seems gone but I don't trust it not to have a panty liner on.

TMI but on the subject of bleeding, when it gets to the very end is it supposed to be an orangey colour? I expected it to be a dark colour like the end of a period x
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