~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Congrats Pismo. Lovely name.

Well slowly improving on the breastfeeding, hubby topped up a formula feed a few hours ago as my nipple was so sore and she wasn't latching but got a few feeds behind me now. Slowly feeling more confident.

My hubby is too scared to sleep so ive come downstairs with LO and will let him try and sleep. When I woke up at 3am he hadn't slept a wink, kept looking over at every little noise. I never thought it was possible to love someone as much as our perfect little lady, we are totally smitten x
Thinking of all you lovely ladies struggling with bf. It can be so difficult in the first few weeks but it does get easier. I keep worrying if Luca is getting enough! He's settling and having wet and dirty nappies but sometimes he has just like 5 minute feeds and then goes to sleep. My first would always do long feeds so this is new to me! Any one who has the same? He tends to cluster feed from 6pm until midnight ish and then will feed every couple of hours generally.
Lucyboo have you thought about getting a sensor may? Would it help your OH relax?

Breastfeeding is tough, we're 6 weeks in and JUST started to get the hang of things. We had thrush for 3 weeks, bleeding nipples, I was expressing pink milk because there was so much blood! We've turned a corner though an the best advice I can give is to just get trough it however you can. We used nipple shields for a month and as much as I hated them, it enabled us to continue. Baby will now go on fine without but barely opens his mouth so I'm having to re teach him how to latch but we're getting there.

Oh and my 6 year old was talkin to him yesterday and he SMILED!!! His first smile and it was for his big brother it was so special! He looked like a different baby, his face lot up and he jut beamed! Makes it all so worth it!
Aww that's brilliant jessiecat, lily's smiles are still so rare atm she's grumpy more than smiling like now I've fed her changed her played with her and she slept for 15 mins and is now crying again. I'm at a loss as I can't get anything done at all.
Casey put her in the sling! It always works here when he doesn't need anything but just isn't happy, then you can get stuff done!
That's what I did in the end hun. My little boys gone to play with his cousins and she's fast asleep now. Done my jobs and even had chance to make some cream horns. Xxx
Is anyone else experiencing exploding nappies?

Had one the other day and I put LO straight in bath, it was every where and then another just now and it was all over her bouncer and I threw clothes and everything in the bin.
Hi ladies just checking in, I'm glad everyone is loving life with their new bundles! Evelyn is defo keeping us on our toes! She is an easy baby during the day sleeps most of the time but my god as soon as it hits 7 she never seems content!!! She seems to constantly want feeding (I'm formula feeding due to unable to commit with a 13month old as well) I swear she has a bottle in her mouth the whole night! I must of blocked all this out with my first as it's hit me like a tonne of bricks lol! X x
Hi ladies
Hope you're all well. Can any of you help me out.......
I'm a bit worried after all the complications I've had.....,,,,,,,,,I've had bright red fresh blood this evening, not heavy but not light either. I've been bleeding every day since birth, (22nd may) but the last week it has just been light amount of pale pink ish and this was fresh bright red. Could it be my period starting? Or is it cause for concern? I'm breast feeding if that makes any difference?

Thanks Xx
Blueeyes did you do something different, lifting or walking etc? I had that last week after a lot of walking.
Flosi my first had loads of explosive poos but none so far this time round.
Syndilou sounds like a good case of cluster feeding there. How does that work with formula then? Do you just feed on demand until satisfied? Xx
We've had exploding poos this week. I tool her nappy off when I thought she had finished and she continued too poo all over the changing mat and her clothes. Had to bath her afterwards. When she was in hospital if you weren't careful and held the nappy or a paper towel age would poo right over the cot onto the floor lol!

My period started like that blueeyes. There was no gap between the bleeding after birth and my period. It literally had just tailed off and the restarted again. I went to my out of hours gp then to my gp to get a swab to check for infection as I had an infection with my son and it was similar symptoms. If your worried I would see your gp a call hun. As long as there's no large clots (they say golf ball size) or not soaking through pads quickly you should be okay hun.

Syndi could your lo be going through a growth spurt. Lily's constantly hungry during them. Is it like this everyday with no let up? Or just for a few days then she calms down. Xxx
That's a good thought actually Jessie. The midwife did reassure hubby today as she had to pop in and check some itchy bumps that appeared on Marcie. They have gone now though.

Has anyone's babies gone a fair while since doing a poo? She hasn't been now in almost 40 hours, obviously when mw popped in this morning we mentioned it but said it can be normal, but that was 12 hours ago, just wondered when I should get her checked out, her poor tummy sounds gassy and she is grizzly so think something happening. Can't believe her stump just fell off already too.
My LO can go two days without pooing. I'm nit too worried as still soft when she does, and Dr didn't seem concerned. I think fairly normal if formula or combi fed.
On a nice Father's Day note first, I just got oh a card and he's been jealous of the nice posh water bottle I treated myself too whilst pregnant to keep me drinking lots of water and to take yo hospital do he now has his own haha! Didn't want to spend a lot just a little gesture really.

Blueeyes - I've been similar! Up until a few days ago bleeding had really reduced then all changed and got quite heavy bright red bleeding. I called the post natal ward and they said it could well be period but to keep an eye on it. I had no other symptoms, no pain or temp etc. had some quite large clots mind but nothing beyond the size of "normal". Since realised that when I get these clots and the bleeding gets suddenly worse it really co-insides with a big feed! I know feeding effects it but it hadn't really or not to such an extent until this week. Was scared because I had retained placenta but now not really sure if it's period, just post birth bleeding or other.

It's eased again now. Feeding or not. So not seen anyone about it.
Bigbee my fellow sleep deprived sufferer where are you?? I have good news! Everything I've read said a breastfed baby will come through many growth spurts and be able to take more milk around 6 weeks. Well I've been giving baby as much milk as he'll take and last night he went 4 hours!!!!!! I've not had more than 2 since before I had him. There is light at the end of the tunnel, I'm only a week ahead of you but that week seems to be a big difference. Hang in there x
Milk is in - OOOOOUCH!!!

Any tips on how to stop the 'full' feeling all the time, my boobs feel like they are red hot!

Just want Little man to feed all the time so that they empty slightly...

Blueeyes did you do something different, lifting or walking etc? I had that last week after a lot of walking.
Flosi my first had loads of explosive poos but none so far this time round.
Syndilou sounds like a good case of cluster feeding there. How does that work with formula then? Do you just feed on demand until satisfied? Xx

I literally feed on demand but sometimes she'll take literally a dribble more and suddenly be satisfied!! Ive had to resort to a dummy to slow her down a little as well she is such a guzzler! I've got my health visitor tomorrow so I'm gunna ask her for some advice!
We've had exploding poos this week. I tool her nappy off when I thought she had finished and she continued too poo all over the changing mat and her clothes. Had to bath her afterwards. When she was in hospital if you weren't careful and held the nappy or a paper towel age would poo right over the cot onto the floor lol!

My period started like that blueeyes. There was no gap between the bleeding after birth and my period. It literally had just tailed off and the restarted again. I went to my out of hours gp then to my gp to get a swab to check for infection as I had an infection with my son and it was similar symptoms. If your worried I would see your gp a call hun. As long as there's no large clots (they say golf ball size) or not soaking through pads quickly you should be okay hun.

Syndi could your lo be going through a growth spurt. Lily's constantly hungry during them. Is it like this everyday with no let up? Or just for a few days then she calms down. Xxx

I do think she had a growth spurt which added to it! Seeing as she's only 13 days old she started at 6lb13 and when weighed Thursday she was 7lbs4!!!! A little worrying but apparently nothing to worry about lol x x x
I'm not sure how EBF ladies do it but I go for a shower and massage them then express x
Pismo, me too. I feel like I've had implants they are so heavy lol.

Well had first poo explosion today after not going for 2 days, luckily I was holding her at the time but I literally had a handful,:lol: glad she is going again though.

Last night my little lady would not settle, was literally screaming the house down for about 3 hours, and only went quiet if I paced the room 10:30pm-1:30am.. I was getting a bit upset as she wouldn't latch again, even though it wasn't long since I fed her, was convinced her tummy hurt, then the cord fell off so I thought that may have been sore, in the end thought I'd chance a bottle of formula and bam... She settled.

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