~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Oh dear girls. I feel for you with the babies with colic. I consider myself lucky that my little man seems to have escaped so far. I remember my brother having it though and the only way to get him to sleep was driving in the car or rocking him. Baby massage is supposed to help too.

Finally cracked the bath thing tonight. He has screamed the last couple of times as he hates being naked (nappy changes are traumatic however we tried him in the shower with me tonight and he seemed to enjoy it. Feels like an accomplishment. X
Don't feel bad, button. It is what it is :)

Our little man screams when we change his clothes. Apparently the trick is to cover their body with a cloth, as babies hate being naked. What I find with nappy changes is that if I feed him first, then change, he doesn't mind. However, if he is a little hungry and I change his nappy then he screams the whole place down!
Lily wasn't keen on a bath to start with. The last 2 she hasn't cried though it's as if she's finally excepted them. She was much happier with me holding her in the bath. Only thing I changed was I dont wash her hair before she gets in. I wash it after she's been in for a little while. I'm also splashing a little water on her face so she doesn't become scared of having water on her eyes. I used to dry my son as soon as he had water on his face and he's terrified of having his hair washed incase he gets water on his face now. So hopefully by doing it now she's not going to be scared when's she's older!

Babies do hate being naked! Good tip for the cloth over them I will try that.

Lily's got really dry cheeks and hands anyone got any idea what I can put on them to help moisturise them. Ive tried oil and it doesn't penetrate deep enough to get into the dry skin. Just sits in tip really xxx
I do the same with water on her face, she loves the bath only if she has her flannel over her and water always on her!

Re dry skin i recommend coconut oil yhe purr natural version! Its fabulous stuff.
Aveno is great for dry skin and very natural. Quite expensive though. Have look online for free samples of it as I got one and you need such a small amount it actually lasts quite a while. Or aqueous cream which you should be able to get from any good pharmacy. Both soak in a lot better than baby oil or lotion.

Good tip with the cloth thing. Will give it a go. X
Hi ladies, my beautiful daughter was born yesterday afternoon after a 5 day induction, 6 days late, an amazing 1 hour 5 min labour with about 15 mins of gas and air. 6.lb13oz. She is perfect x
Thanks for all the sympathies got colic ladies, it's pretty tough. Sorry you're going through it too Flosi. We're going to try different over the counter treatments today to see if anything helps. In terms of calming him nothing works at all but we try desperately to reassure him that everything is ok. It's pretty heartbreaking though.

Still only 2 hours for you too bigbee? You're not getting any longer after a bottle? Button maybe you're right about having a big baby, she can obviously hold a lot more milk, maybe that's it?
What does your boy weigh now Bigbee?
Mine was 7lb 10 born and now just over 10lb
Maybe slightly off topic but thought I'd ask....

Any one had a period yet ??

I started bleeding quite heavily yesterday evening having for the last few days had only a little and it more mucus like, this was bright red with some clots (nothing bigger than 10pence piece).

I was a bit scared as it was to the point that I didn't like getting up and feeling it coming out (sorry). The midwife I spoke to went over things and said it might be period coming back!! Even though I'm breast feeding she said it could happen but to monitor and call back if gets heavier. I had retained placenta so concern is if it's anything left behind but I feel generally fine otherwise. It's eased slightly overnight.

Just wondered what other people's experiences were. Thanks x
Morning ladies, can I join the colic club? :( I've been using Dentinox in feeds and was managing ok, but I ran out yesterday afternoon, so I used gripe water instead. She couldn't bring anything up. Then she threw it all up in her basket, then she screamed for nearly 5 hours :cry: Blake took full advantage and turned into monster toddler, trying to destroy the house while I was stuck trying to consol Aria. At one point all three of us were crying. The plus was that she exhausted herself so much she missed a night feed and OH escaped his turn. I was up with her from 3:30 to 5:30 though :sleep: I cried again this morning at the thought of being alone with both of them again all day :(
We bought tommee tippee anti colic bottles at the weekend and they seem to have helped.

Alex has been a good sleeper but had a difficult night last night. He's had a lot of projectile vomiting, I think he's looking for a bit more milk but can't yet handle the increased volume - it that's even a thing?
Hi all,

Sorry I haven't posted for quite a while, been feeling a bit sorry for myself and didn't want to just moan to you all.

Quick update on us. LO is doing well, apart from bless her she's really been suffering with colic about the last 5 nights. It's so distressing as there's just no comforting her until it's passed. Been using infacol before breast feeding and the bouts don't seem to last as long since using that, but it hasn't stopped it all together.

My blisters are much better and have totally cleared on my back, thighs, bum and tummy, just my legs left to completely heal. No longer using the steroid cream for it and have been discharged from the consultant. Because it's so rare he's putting full details on my medical file do that I would start treatment in tri three if I get pregnant again.

LO will be 4 weeks tomorrow and I'm still very uncomfortable from episiotomy and forceps. Saw the doctor this week as really thought it should be a lot better than this by this stage. A couple oft stitches had come away and she explained the line hasn't healed properly, she said I need to give it another few weeks (to 6 to 8 weeks pp) but that I may need to go into hospital to have it cauterised :-( love my little one to bits but feeling so fed up with the pain/discomfort down there.

LO is still feeing every 2-3 hours during the night and takes quite some time to settle in between, so like a few of you I'm shattered. During the day she'll go 2-3 hours as well unless she's awake for a while, hen she'll feed hourly!!

Hope everyone else is well xx
Thanks for the tips for the dry skin will look into both of them.

Elliot I'm on my second period currently and mine are like that I have 3-4 days of heavy bleeding with clots and can feel it gush put occasionally I thought I had an infection but it turned out I never had a period this heavy before even after my son that I can remember but I did have the foil put in at my 6 week check with him. This time I'm not using anything as were using condoms when we dtd and I will be taking the pill as back up soon. I'm hoping they return to what was normal for me soon and hope they do for you soon too hun.

Hope you can get something to help your little boy out soon jessie. It must be awful :(

Congratulations lucy! If I remember rightly you were team yellow? I remember guessing on your 12 week scan girl! Sorry to hear your induction took a while to get things going hun but bet you a very glad to have baby in your arms now!

Durham I feel you hun. I have days where the thought of my oh going to work fills me with dread as lily still won't let me put her down very much and will scream and scream til sges being held and then my son is constantly trying to get my attention and it turns into a day from hell. He goes to bed at 7.30 every night but is constantly in and put of the living room after he goes to bed begging for things like drinks and food ( I do allow him drinks and a small amount of food but he will continue to want constantly til 10pm). Ive found getting them both out the house helped. I stick lily in her pram and him walking beside me. She falls asleep and me and him talk and perhaps get some treats from the shop etc.

Belfa if he's projectile vomiting at times it could be trapped wind he's not quite brought up and once he's sick like that it brings a lot of the feed up and then they are hungry again. My son was very much like this.

Glad your feeling better blueeyes and hope your legs heal soon. That will be good for next time if there's a plan on place so it doesn't happen again.
I hope you start to feel better down there soon it mustn't be nice so hope it gets sorted soon xxx
Thanks casey, my periods were never like this! Hoping it's not the new norm!! Will hopefully be back on pill or similar soon if I can just not have periods that would be great!!! :)
Yeah I know what you mean hun. I hate them. I was on the mini pill before I got pregnant with the girls and I didn't have a period for 6 months the whilst on that xxx
Baby J weighs 12lb3oz at 5+4weeks old - he eats every 2 hours without fail! I'm trying to stretch him another half an hour but instead of feeding I just spend my time soothing him, so I don't get any extra time for myself anyway. By the time he's fed, winded, changed and soothed, he might nap for less than half an hour before he wakes up hungry again. Plus we have to fit in baths, changing his clothes, some time for cuddles and chatting...exhausted!

HV said he's too young for hungry baby formula. And also said not to give water unless he's ill.

Otherwise we're all doing fine. Finally recovering from csection and feel able to do most things now.
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How many ounces is he on orion? Could you possibly put him up an ounce? Is he draining every bottle? Lily was doing this and I put her up to 3 ounces and she's almost ready for 4 I think as she's hungry sooner xxx
He was on 150ml bottles because I didn't realise how much he had gained! It puts him onto the next ounce theoretically according to my formula feeding guide. Something we were thinking of doing anyway as he is finishing the bottles. It takes him 20-30 minutes to eat, but he does finish them. Except for in the night as he is hard to feed due to being sleepy, so I make smaller bottles to avoid waste.

But even last week when he wasn't finishing the 150mls consistently he still wanted feeding every 2 hours. He used to kick me every 2 hours when he was in my tummy so maybe that's just his pattern.
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Thanks Casey, we do go out most days, even just for a walk around the supermarket just to get them both out. I've resorted to Peppa Pig on Netflix this evening and it's given me a peaceful few hours.

Orion, I wouldn't know what to suggest, every two hours must be so hard. He's taking a good amount too, I would have expected him to go longer by now.

I've got my 6 week check in the morning, it's a bit early but I'm desperate to start driving again! My insurance company require my doctors approval before I can drive and this was the earliest appointment I could get.

Is anyone else dieting yet? I've put on a stone and was overweight before getting pregnant so I started last Friday. I'm using the 'my fitness pal' app on my iPad and phone to calorie count. My first weigh in is tomorrow morning, I hope I've lost some!
Congratulations Lucy :)

Jessie, baby was 8 lb when born, yesterday he weighed 9 lb 10 oz. He 4+6 today. And yes, it is still two hour sleeps if that!

Sorry to hear about all the babies suffering with colic :( so horrible!

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