~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Durham, how many calories are you aiming for per day? Just make sure it's not the standard 1200 calories that fitness pal suggests!
Why? That's exactly what I'm sticking too (I'm not breastfeeding) x
Fitness pal advises 1200 calories as standard. Everyone needs different intake, as it depends on how much you weigh, your activity levels, age, amount of exercise you do etc etc. you need to know your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) based on the above. That's the calories you need to "maintain" your weight. In order to start losing fat healthily, you would normally have a deficit of about 300 calories per day.

As an example, based on my lifestyle before pregnancy I was on just under 2500 calories per day, as I trained (cardio and heavy lifting) twice per day, four-five times per week. If I wanted to lose fat, I would have had to reduce that to approximately 2200. If I went with what fitness pal advises (I.e. 1200), I would have been starving myself!!! Not sustainable.

This is just my advice based on personal research/experience, I am not a nutritionist by any means :)
Ah, fair enough. I've just used an online calculator and based on my age, weight, height etc I need 1700 a day to lose weight and 1300 to lose it fast, so maybe I am staving myself? I'll probably adjust my targets tomorrow after I've weighed in. Thank you :)
Durham I'm also using my fitness pal and my oh is using it to gain weight. I like how you can record things easily.

I did wonder why no matter how much I wanted to lose it was always 1200 and did think it was a steep drop from daily recommended. I might do the calculation like you did Durham. It's only suggested my oh eat 2300 cals a day and he wants to gain a stone or more. Not in fat as such though.

Orion have you tried moving him up a teat size? With you saying he takes 20-30 mins a bottle. Although it sats 3 months on them you can go up at anytime if you find he's taking a long time to have a bottle or he's falling g asleep on the bottle. I agree he is having enough milk hun. Like you say it may just be his pattern hun. He may start to go longer when he's a few weeks older hun xxx
Sorry to all suffering with colicky babies :(

Re periods with my son mine came back pretty much straight after i finished post partum bleeding was gutted as I was breastfeeding!! Hoping it wont be the same again!!

Ive been steadily losing weight since giving birth haven't weighed this week but im lighter than pre pregnancy now. Albeit not as toned or lean as i was which im hoping to start back working on in a couple of weeks! My muscles feel non existent!
No problem Durham. If you don't eat enough calories, it can actually be harder to lose fat.

Good luck! And don't forget, your activity level might be higher than you think - all the running around you are doing after your son ;););)
Button, I've put fat on since giving birth! My muscle mass has disappeared.

I really want to get back to working out but I'm not sure I can actually do anything...I am soooo tired!
Sorry for moan post but agggh the heavy bleeding stopped but it's back!! It's just like I have short spells of heavy bleed with clots and then it fades again.

I still feel fine but it's horrible not knowing what's going to happen when I stand up :(
Anyone else cry a lot in first couple of weeks?? Finding breastfeeding so draining and surviving on little sleep ( know not alone here) xx
I've had baby blues last 4 days but finally feeling better today!
Was not a nice feeling! I was tired the first few days though which didn't help but now baby is so good I'm getting 9 hours sleep a night. I keep googling to see why I'm having to wake him for bottles. I've been told to enjoy it while it lasts though haha! Xx

Hope your ok Karen! Xx
Karen, welcome to the club.

My health visitor is coming over tomorrow morning to speak to me about how I'm feeling....as I'm feeling really down/shitty/pissed off. Purely due to the lack of sleep. I'm lucky to get two hours of uninterrupted sleep in any given night.
Elliot is the bleeding when you are feeding LO as breastfeeding contracts the womb and expells blood?!
Karen, welcome to the club.

My health visitor is coming over tomorrow morning to speak to me about how I'm feeling....as I'm feeling really down/shitty/pissed off. Purely due to the lack of sleep. I'm lucky to get two hours of uninterrupted sleep in any given night.

Yeah I haven't had more than two hours at any one time since three days before she was born, it's so exhausting! Would love a night off lol!! Hope you're ok :( it is so hard x
Button, no it seems to not really be linked to when I feed, from what I can tell. Think I'm going to have to call someone in the morning as id like them to at least check things out so I feel I can relax. It's odd though due to it not being consistent at all, it's hard to explain to them but sure a heavy period doesn't involve sitting on the loo and clots dropping out??? I don't know maybe they do and I've just been lucky with periods on the past. Sone of the clots are quite large I'd say, but then again I feel otherwise fine!
Thanks for the tips for the dry skin will look into both of them.

Elliot I'm on my second period currently and mine are like that I have 3-4 days of heavy bleeding with clots and can feel it gush put occasionally I thought I had an infection but it turned out I never had a period this heavy before even after my son that I can remember but I did have the foil put in at my 6 week check with him. This time I'm not using anything as were using condoms when we dtd and I will be taking the pill as back up soon. I'm hoping they return to what was normal for me soon and hope they do for you soon too hun.

Hope you can get something to help your little boy out soon jessie. It must be awful :(

Congratulations lucy! If I remember rightly you were team yellow? I remember guessing on your 12 week scan girl! Sorry to hear your induction took a while to get things going hun but bet you a very glad to have baby in your arms now!

Durham I feel you hun. I have days where the thought of my oh going to work fills me with dread as lily still won't let me put her down very much and will scream and scream til sges being held and then my son is constantly trying to get my attention and it turns into a day from hell. He goes to bed at 7.30 every night but is constantly in and put of the living room after he goes to bed begging for things like drinks and food ( I do allow him drinks and a small amount of food but he will continue to want constantly til 10pm). Ive found getting them both out the house helped. I stick lily in her pram and him walking beside me. She falls asleep and me and him talk and perhaps get some treats from the shop etc.

Belfa if he's projectile vomiting at times it could be trapped wind he's not quite brought up and once he's sick like that it brings a lot of the feed up and then they are hungry again. My son was very much like this.

Glad your feeling better blueeyes and hope your legs heal soon. That will be good for next time if there's a plan on place so it doesn't happen again.
I hope you start to feel better down there soon it mustn't be nice so hope it gets sorted soon xxx

Yep you are right we were team yellow but suspected pink. Most people were right though spent almost 5 days on and off the monitors and baseline was up and down so was then convinced we were having a boy as was naughty lol and still was a girl which destroyed the heartbeat theory for me.
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Thanks ladies, it's great to be over this side at last.

Did anyone else having trouble getting baby to feed in the start, I've managed to BF on 3 occasions, once since I've been. Home, was more relaxed, prob not helped that I slept 3 hours in 3 days. I expressed but didn't find it comfortable but gave some formula last night as was worried she was hungry. Don't think my milk fully here yet either. The thing that's worrying me is she is barely interested in my boobs or bottle and falls asleep. Good thing was a nice pooey nappy. Anyone else like this in the start, she is almost 2 days old.
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Lucy congrats!

My little one would not eat much at first, seemed to be latched forever but she would fall asleep after a few minutes.

But now she seems hungry all the time ��. Keep going, but I did the same as you and topped up with formula as worried she was not getting enough.
Lucy- Maggie was similar and didn't show a lot of interest and if she did would quickly fall asleep but it's hot gradually better. She's still a bit hit and miss but haven't topped up with formula (I'm clueless with that at the min and cleaning bottles etc!!) and although slow to get weight back up she's been happy and well and getting what she needs based on dirty nappies! At four weeks today and she's nicely continuing to gain now.

Stick with it and sure it'll improve and you'll feel better about it. Get all the help you can from mw or hv or any groups.

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