~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

What a truly awful night!! Liv would not settle, was awake and crying from 9 until 1. Nothing consoled her, thought it may have been colic again. But then showed signs of being hungry, so BF until 2. I thought gone to sleep, tried to put in cot at 2.30 and dead on 30 mins later she was crying again. OH had her for an hour then before he went to work. She was sleeping put down in cot again and 5 mins later crying again!!!

I really don't know what os wrong with her, she must be tired (I know I am) x any tips or suggestions greatly appreciated xx
Oh gosh sorry to hear of the terrible nights ladies. Flosi from being on here I've found its quite common for baby not to like sleeping in their crib even if they had from birth. It's hard but perseverance is the only wag to get them back in their own bed and also she may be going through a growth spurt and wanting extra feeds and being more unsettled. I hope it passes soon for you hun. I know how awful sleepless nights are!

Baby scotched sorry no tips other than maybe try swaddling the rocking and putting him back to bed. I find lily sleeps better swaddled.

Elliott I know what you mean although I'm quite close with my in laws so get on with the quite well but occasionally have our moments.

Durham sorry to hear you've not been well. Hope you feel better soon.

Lily's still doing well. She feels like she's shooting up now but I feel she's going through another growth spurt as she's continually hungry. Not draining bottles but wanting one more often. Were having the odd smile too... better than the evils I get if I put her Down lol xxx
Flosi hope you're feeling ok, Maggie has had odd spells like that for seemingly no reason.

Went to baby clinic, cried at hv for no reason she only asked how I was doing! I panicked I think being surrounded by mums that looked like pros and I had no clue what was going on, Maggie was tiny compared to all the other babies!

Good news though...she was 7lb 14oz last Wednesday and 8lb 5oz today ��

Now just have to convince hv's I really am ok just a bit emotional still at times! X
Oh dear Elliott. Know what you mean though. Hv came out to me for the first time yesterday and I got a bit emotional recounting my birth story and talking about Lucian being in SCBU. She kept dropping hints about PND but I am pretty sure it is just that I have issues over the birth that are still bothering me.

I still swaddle Caseysmummy and helps the rest of the time. Just seems like 2am is the time he likes to be awake and irritable. Not helped by my OH snoring on the other side of me. X
Just got back from Dr.

I have an infection at site of stitches, but Olivia is fine just a blocked tear duct!
It is so hard when they seem to cry for no reason, you, change , feed, wind in continued rota and still no let up.

Don't worry Elliott I cried at my MIL yesterday because she suggested she could look after Olivia if I wanted an hour to go see my horse, and some me time. Trying to pull myself together to go to baby group this Friday, but the thought is filling me with fear, which then makes me cry again!!

I have BF clinic tomorrow but not sure how I feel about it.

No wonder people only tell you the joyful bits about becoming a mummy!!
Oh ladies bless you.
Babyscotcher I'm still very traumatised at my birth it's very hard having baby whisked away before you've really had a chance to say hello. Over time I'm sure it will get easier to remember it's just the shock you feel from it all doesn't give you chance to come to terms with it very soon.

Don't worry elliott hv are here to help she will just want to make sure that if you need any help that you get it but I'm sure they expect a little bit of tearfulness from us new mums in the beginning it's very hard work looking after babies. My son announced that when he's a daddy he wants 4 babies! I said good kick to him lol!

Hope you feel better soon flosi as much as we want some me time its hard to be away from baby too.

Me and little man are busy today were trying to get all the housework done. So far we've washed and steralised bottles and washed up and cleaned the hob. I'm on my own with kids today while oh is at work so trying to keep him busy til bedtime so he won't be bored and start to play up. Xxx
Glad to know I am not alone. Thanks Caseysmummy.

Think the worst bit for me was that when in hospital on the prenatal ward I had only just got my head round the fact I was going to have an early induction and have a baby sooner than I was ready but was lead to believe that at almost 37 weeks baby would be fine to going hard and fast into labour to having c section and then not having a baby to show for it when I went back to the ward as he had been whisked off elsewhere. Just all a bit overwhelming.

Now he is home it is amazing but hard work and haven't really had a chance yet to working thru all the feelings I had after the birth. Will get there over time tho.

Those of you with babies a few weeks older... have your little ones started going a bit longer at night between feeds yet?

Lucian is starting to be a bit more awake during the day now so was expecting a bit more sleep at night. Xxx
Babyscotcher my hospital have a meeting once a month that you can along to a discuss your birth. Perhaps ask of your hospital offers a similar service. Slightly different but I had a section with my first and really struggled with the fact that my husband held him before me (might sound selfish but I had always wanted him to come to me first). It's very difficult to come to terms with how things go in and after labour especially when you spend so long thinking and planning for it.
It's very hard babyscotcher. With me loosing a baby also they didn't put me on the prenatal ward they gave me a labour room closest to the neonatal unit so I was lucky to be do close to lily really. My hospital has a maternity building so nicu and the labour ward was on top floor and prenatal was downstairs. I hardly slept still as I wanted to be with lily all the time so midwives would take me down to lily at all hours of the night and day as they wouldn't let me walk due to my section. When I think back to the while first week its like a blur and gives me anxiety and a slight panic attack l, my councillor is going to help me come to terms with what happened. I'm going to have relive it soon as they've had an investigation to see why they weren't prepared for zara being stillborn despite me having a scan before going to theatre ( they honestly had no clue until she was pulled out,they said they saw her heartbeat) we think it was lily's they kept seeing. I found writing it down step by step what happened helped me a little bit also. If you ever want to talk about it I'll happily listen hun.

Lily is 10 weeks now. She sleeps 10-6 most nights now. I'm not sure how we did it. She just started too. But my son was the same. We had a bath together last night it was lovely she was so relaxed with me holding her and loved kicking her legs around xxx
Thanks guys. You have all been a great help. Going to get out and about a bit more as been given the last clear to drive so hopefully that helps.

Can't imagine how hard it is for you Caseysmummy to have to relive that and to be in your situation. My thoughts are with you. X
Hey ladies! Ive been reading just never have a chance to message!

We are a bit poorly with colds :( boo!

Hope everyone is doing okay, especially those suffering with lack of sleep etc

LO is now 4 weeks and sleeps 11-6 shes a really good sleeper i cannot fault her. My poor boobs are fit to burst in the morning though haha!!
Oh dear button. Colds can't be fun. Glad to hear that your little one has started to sleep longer. He seems to slowly be getting longer between feeds though. Getting closer to 4 hours between the 2am feed and when he wakes up in the morning. Slept 3-7 this morning which was nice. X
It's hard at times but I do feel it's getting easier to cope with day by day. The flashbacks aren't quite as upsetting anymore so I feel like I'm progressing through it. I love both my babies very much and I can feel zara with me everyday and feel very lucky that they were identical as I will see zara everyday in lily and will see her grow too. I'm glad he's sleeping better hun. It will come with time.

Hope you feel better soon button xxx
Hey ladies! Ive been reading just never have a chance to message!

We are a bit poorly with colds :( boo!

Hope everyone is doing okay, especially those suffering with lack of sleep etc

LO is now 4 weeks and sleeps 11-6 shes a really good sleeper i cannot fault her. My poor boobs are fit to burst in the morning though haha!!

Sorry to hear you've had colds. Though I'm so jealous of your sleep, especially as you're breastfeeding it's reassuring to hear that much sleep is possible on breast milk. We're still every 2 hours day or night.

Oh and colic has hit hard :( third night of screaming, last 2 nights have been 3 hours :( tonight we're an hour in.
Button, colds suck!!! Hope you recover soon... So annoying.

Jessie, I am with you. We are still 2 hour slots too :( I am going mad. Went to see the HV today, and she is coming over on Friday to talk to me, as I have been a bit upset during the last couple of visits. DEFINITELY see to the lack of sleep. I can only imagine how you manage with another child too!

Caseysmummy, ahhhh... A bath with Lily - how lovely :) we've had one together, and baby loved that!

my partner was told today that he will be out of a job in about 6 weeks. He will be doing reduced hours (Fridays off!) until then - so will get to see the baby more, so that's at least on positive.
Oh Jessie and bigbee. In the same boat with the colic. She just sounds so distressed which is not so bad tho time of night but 2 in the morning and I don't seem able to cope.

Makes it worse that she has been so q
Quiet all day
Oh gosh i feel bad posting about getting sleep knowing babies are upset and and not sleeping :( I'm not doing anything special, maybe her being a bigger baby help? My son was and still is a great sleeper still so maybe just a lucky gene lol?!

Colds do suck she is so so snotty and had a funny chokey moment when feeding earlier with all the mucus :( was awful!!
Jessie I was told rocking/baby swing was a good thing to help with colic also a warmed towel on the tummy helps relieve gas, or a flannel in the bath does the same. Also have you tried having him on his front over your arm and swing him gently, this helps get my Lo get burps up?
Button bear I have been so wondering about the lucky gene with sleep my son was the same as lily down to how old they were when started to sleep more. It's very weird.

Sorry to hear about these babies with colic. I'm not sure what to suggest though. I know I've had nights with lily where she's cried for hours and not known what to do. Is there anything the gp can prescribe to help babies tums? Xxx

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