~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Yay Maggie now weighs 7lb14 :) 4lbs more than birth weight and what she was on Friday so I think that's reasonable weight gain :)
Ellen, I've been thinking about asking my partner to take baby to water babies. I'm not great one water, so thought he'll enjoy it better with his dad.

Jessie, what a shame! At least it sounds like you guys are getting to the bottom of you boob problems :( fingers crossed for you! Xx

Caseysmummy, sorry to hear about boarder line PND. Do you get any help from family/friends during the day? Just to help you with housework etc? Or do you find doing it all yourself takes your mind off Zara? Thinking of you, mate. Must be extremely tough right now xxx

We had a weigh in today as well. Baby has put on exactly 200 grams in the last week.
Time for me to be in here! Baby Hayden was born 10th June 2:18pm 7lb9.5 after a csection :)

He's amazing! I've not been able to sleep yet and he's keeping me on my toes! I look forward to reading all about your little ones :)

I can't believe I'm writing in here, it took over 4 years but he's here! :)
Charlie what a beauty!! Congtatations I hope you get some rest soon xx
Congrats Charlie he's lovely!

I was only up twice last night (2.30 and 4) so feeling good this morning. It's oh's birthday tomorrow but he'll be out with the boys tomorrow night so I'm busy Preping a slow cooked lamb curry (his request) and birthday cake for our little celebration tonight :)

not long until Father's Day now either, What's everyone planning? I'll be cooking another special meal and I've got oh a card and the shaun the sheep movie. Hopefully it will be a nice day and we might get out and about somewhere to
Loving his outfit Charlie!

El1en, Alex only wakes at 4pm otherwise has been sleeping through until last night when I think he was up every 1.5hrs and taking a 1oz of milk each time - hope that was a one off as he started breast milk during the day yesterday.

I didn't plan anything for Father's Day as I didn't expect to have him by now so I bought a card and photo frame from paperchase online yesterday and will order a photo from asda x
Congratulations charlie, he's beautiful.

It could be a growth spurt belfa. Lily does this occasionally, it's so tiring but does pass until the next one lol.

Lily slept well last night, but I feel shattered I'm fact I'm finding more sleep is making me feel worse God knows why. We've got injections today!

I forgot about father's day.. not sure what I'm going to do when is it? Xxx
Next Sunday caseysmummy, 21st I think the actual date is
21st June caseysmummy. We have cards sorted but cant seem to find the right gift.

Congratulations on the new arrivals x
Ahh I've got a little time left then.

Lily's had her injections and also had an oral one for rota virus which I understand is new (2 years). It was awful bless her. She liked the oral one but screamed with the actual injections she was much worse than my son bless her. Then had a whole palates on whether she could have calpol if she needs it at all. Long story short she can have 1.25ml every 4 hours if needed which hopefully she doesn't xxx
How's Lily been Caseysmummy?

Well I don't know what happened here last night but after cosleeping for the past month because baby refused to be put in his crib, I tried again and baby slept in it!! It wasn't a fluke either as he's let me put him down In it after every feed ( hourly since midnight!). So for all those babies who won't sleep unless on your chests or by your sides, just keep trying! I'm just hoping it wasn't a one off night and that he's just decided he's ready!
Lilys been fine actuallythank you jessie, a little bit of a runny tummy from the the rotavirus one but it was only a couple of nappies, but shes had no temp as of yet (fingers crossed it stays this way). Thats brilliant hun, maybe hs happy enough being right next to you but having his own space too hun, glad you have managed to succeed. Lilys better with her carrycot at night now, its just daytime, i cant get her bto stay in her bouncer or carrycot, she has to be held unless your in the car.

we've got another meeting at my sons new primary school today to meet the teachers themselves, his teacher came to meet him yesterday but apparently he freaked out and his key worker at nursery struggled to get him in the room as he was hysterically crying, were not sure if it was because his friends had gone outside to play or whether it was abit of shyness (hes usually not shy at all), so they recommended that we definitely take him today. They also told the teacher about whats happened regarding Zara as my son openly talks about her at nursery that shes a beautiful star in the sky because she was too little ( we told him she was a star and he came to his own mind that she was too little). Im just hoping the lady with her baby twins doesnt go with them as its breaks my heart, i know i cant avoid it forever i just want to keep away from it until its less painful, but will do it for my boy as cant let him down.

oo i managed to start fathers day shopping yesterday also! Got my OH a star wars mug as he loves starwars need a couple more bits but one thing will be online as going to get him a key ring for with Zaras name and date of birth on etc. ive got a necklace and feel bad he doesnt have something xxx
Glad Lily has been ok and how lovely of your little boy to talk about Zara like that. What a sweetie pie he sounds.

I am officially the worlds worst mummy today. We ha our appointment to check for tongue tie today so we rushed to there earlier and all was fine so that was good, today has been a hard day though as baby woke hourly through night and was really difficult this morning so when we got home baby was fast asleep in his car seat so I put him by the sofa and just shut my eyes. He was already fidgeting so I thought I'd be up again after 5 minutes. Well apparently not, we woke an hour later for me to discover that I'd missed my other sons assembly where he was collecting a special award and had been telling me about it all week :(
I feel utterly shit! It was so important to my son and I missed it. I have to pick him up in a minute and explain why I let him down.
oh jessie your definitely not worlds worst mummy! it happens hun and you didnt do it purposefully, just explain to him that your really sorry and perhaps make it upto him by doing his favourite tea and letting him stay up to watch a favourite movie he wants to watch with you with some popcorn and sweeties or maybe take him to do something special tomorrow as a reward for what he did hun, xxx
Thanks Hun.
We're doing our own special assembly for him when my husband gets back and I'm doing him favourite dinner and currently letting him play Xbox. I'm a real sucker to anything he wants right now lol. I shouldn't have missed it though.
I think fathersday and mothersday gifts are odd. We always just used to make, then buy (when we were older) our parents cards. We never bought gifts. And my dad never had to make a special effort for my mum on our behalf, or vice versa. So my hubby won't even be getting a card until our son can pick one out and at least scribble in it! And I won't get anything or expect anything for mothersday. Really dislike how the shops try to squeeze money out of every possible event in life when it's a day about just saying thank you - thank you for being a good dad/mum.

Just the way I was raised I suppose. You don't need a card or gift to show how you feel. Just saying it is enough.
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Hia can I join you ladies?

Baby Anabelle born 10th June :)! She's the perfect little bundle at 7lbs 11.

Both still in hospital cos of wee infection but hoping to get discharged today!

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