~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Orion my Dr said at lily's 6 week check it was growth spurts as I asked if it could be colic and he said a lot of people confuse it with colic. That's if he's not windy anyways hun. Xxx

Thanks for the reply. J is growing fast - hes put on 2lbs since birth, 3 weeks ago. He's moved up a size in nappies and clothes. It totally makes sense that it could be growing pains. He brings up his wind nicely, and doesn't do the lifting legs etc as if he's still got wind or an upset tummy.
Orion we have this too!! We're at 4 weeks but he was a week early am I know you went over so probably about the same. He will have everyhjng he could possibly need and still fussed and cries. Occasionally I have found just lying him on the carpet can help and I wonder if all the cuddles have over stimulated him? It will only settle him for maybe 5 minutes before he wants picking up but it's enough for him to wind down a little.
So pleased for you and little Aria Durham!! Thats such great news :)

Flosi i was pooping myself this morning and most likely went scarlett when i walked in the room but I managed to stay and talk to ladies and im so glad i did!!
I'm such a pansy but so helpful to know I'm not alone. Might have to just bite the bullet next week! Ha ha even got a wobble about going to the HV clinic in two weeks! But needs must, just put on my big girl pants and a brave face!! ��
Orion, we get that too. He has been awake for 4 hours this evening, just fussing and wanting to be fed!

Durham, very pleased for you and aria ;)

Flosi, did you say "flight"? As in "an airplane flight"??? Wow.
Don't worry about going to a group. Most women there will probably be in the same boat. I went to one last week, and found that everyone was alright. We just chatted about baby stuff really... Was nice to get out of the house.

Maybe you will end up making some friends from the group? Plus it will get easier once you've been once or twice :)
Orion we have this too!! We're at 4 weeks but he was a week early am I know you went over so probably about the same. He will have everyhjng he could possibly need and still fussed and cries. Occasionally I have found just lying him on the carpet can help and I wonder if all the cuddles have over stimulated him? It will only settle him for maybe 5 minutes before he wants picking up but it's enough for him to wind down a little.

We thought he was over tired so try to leave him in his Moses basket to fuss for a bit. Sometimes he settles himself, sometimes not. Tried everything, which is why i thought I'd mention it on here.

He's finally asleep after a good 4-5 hours of fussing in between feeds, nappy changes etc.
Yeah you might find he settles down soon for a week or so and then it will start again. And usually you find they've put on a good amount of weight after it or their length has grown etc.

Glad ladies are enjoying getting out and about. Ive got health visitor tomorrow and going to ask if there's any stay and play groups that I can also take my son too so he can play also he's such a good icebreaker as he will talk to most people in a setting like that and hasn't got any of my shyness thankfully. I will sit quietly usually I'm so bad as much as I want to talk my shyness takes over and I can't bring myself to start a conversation.

Ive sorted all my washing and managed to tidy up a little bit this evening. Just got to put it all away and sweep and mop and clean the bathroom tomorrow. It's like a never-ending battle keeping my house clean atm! Xxx
Glad to hear things are going well durhamchance that's great news!

I feel like I've hardly been in the house this week so far, looking forward to some chill time today. We have our 6 week check this morning (actually 5 1/2 weeks) and after that I'm going to get organised with some things - need to ring bank to organise an account for Emelia, need to ring vicar to book her christening and need to organise picking up the photos from her newborn photo shoot - so exited for these

Is anyone looking at getting baby swimming lessons? I'm hoping to book onto a water babies course in September, it's expensive at £150 for 10 lessons but I think it will be worth it, I want to build up some confidence for us both
Bigbee, it wasn't a plane flight, I ment that we went out and about just me and Olivia. No back up! He he.
Thanks for the congrats everyone :) well it's defo not easy having a newborn and a 13month old everyone is super tired but we're getting there! It's amazing how quick you forget things!! I feel like I've never done this before lol! Xxx
Great news on Aria's hips Durham :)

We we're up hourly in the night so I'm one tired mummy today. Other than breastfeeding support group it can pretty much chill though until school. Going to put the kettle on...
My dads coming to visit today, can't wait in many ways as not seen him since Christmas BUT and this may sound silly not sure how I feel about feeding in front if him :s stupid I know really, think I'm just over thinking and it's not a big deal at all but just feel a little anxious.

HV today as well so fingers crossed for weight gain again!
My dads coming to visit today, can't wait in many ways as not seen him since Christmas BUT and this may sound silly not sure how I feel about feeding in front if him :s stupid I know really, think I'm just over thinking and it's not a big deal at all but just feel a little anxious.

HV today as well so fingers crossed for weight gain again!

I felt like this with my son when I went to see my dad. My son started crying, I said I need to feed him and my dad said we'll feed him then! After that I never worried about it again
Elliott that's not silly at all. I lived with my dad when my son was born. I used a muslin to cover up just so I felt more comfortable at first and slowly got used it.

Glad to hear about arias hips Durham that's brilliant news!

You sound busy Ellen. My weeks have been super busy until this week. Bar a couple of appointments and the housework it's lovely to chill out.

Ive got the health visitor today at some point not sure what time as she didn't tell me. Might ring up and find out or I'm house bound for the day which doesn't bother me usually but with my son at home. I like to have a plan b of somewhere to take him if he's getting too bored and stir crazy lol l. Lily slept from 11-5 last night but I'm still tired, feel like I'm never caught up. Right going to put my mountains of washing away! Xxx
Ounces she's "on" and feeding it's ok it's just the getting started and finishing where I'm feeling anxious and I guess exposed !
So it seems my breastfeeding problems may run deeper than just thrush.
I exclusively expressed yesterday but my boobs and nipples are in such a state that the milk had a fair bit of blood in it and it was coming out like strawberry milkshake :(
The HV thinks there may be a deep internal tongue tie so we are going to get that checked tomorrow and he's going to be referred as he may have some damage in his head or neck from birth which could be another reason that he can't tip his head back or open his mouth wide enough to get a good latch. we're still using nipple shields but I'd really like to ditch them as they apparently stop him completely emptying the boob plus theres all the sterilising etc.
Oh Jessie you're not getting an easy time with this, I hope they get to the bottom of things soon and things get a bit easier for you both. X
Oh jessie you poor thing. I hope you can get to the route of the problem soon so that figure it out hun. Your so strong for sticking with it hun.

My hv did the edinburgh score today with me and she said I was borderline score for pnd. I have been feeling down more recently but really it more about zara than anything else, I feel like I'm coping most days and when I'm not its usually because my little boys been in his badgering mood and has zero patience. Today's been a bad day emotionally but I'm getting through it and hoping tomorrow will be better. Xxx
Thank you both, we'll get there eventually. He's gaining weight well so that's making it worth it.

Caseysmummy sorry to hear that. Have you had another councilling session since your first one? I can imagine PND would be hard to judge because you're also grieving right now and will have all of the normal emotions with that. I hope they can help but unfortunately it will still be a long process. It will become easier to live with though Hun , it really will and you're doing amazingly x
That's what I thought. I don't feel down about anything other than wanting zara back so I do think it's just grieving.

I'm soo bored both children sleeping and I have nothing to do! Xxx

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