~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Evening ladies, not been on much as I don't seem to get many minutes to myself anymore!

Belfa- that sucks, are you expressing and throwing the milk away then? That must seem such a waste.

Elliott- I do the same as Ellen. Sudocreme after dring her bum thoroughly. I keep makeup remover pads with my nappies to dry her off with.

Aria has her first follow up hip appointment tomorrow. I'm desperate to see if there's an improvement in her hip angles. I feel so much more empowered now though with all the research I've been doing, the consultant won't know what's hit him when I start with the questions!

Is anyone else struggling with colic? Over the last few days Aria has been more and more unsettled from late afternoon. I've started using infacol, but she's so difficult to wind in her harness. It's getting so I can't put her down for several hours in the evening now, she just screams :(
We dry as best we can but what we have just seems to leave fluff then on her bum :( will keep working on technique to endure it doesn't become anything bad. Thanks
We use sudocrem as well. We use cotton wool balls for washing, and flat cotton wool pads for drying. I use wipes at night though...easier.

I'm also going to try water wipes. Apparently they are much better than any "sensitive" ones.

Oh, I too have had a few bad days crying about my rapidly changing life!! It's hard. I was working in a very male dominated industry, fast paced job, loads of responsibly bla bla bla. Had a great social life, did loads of sport.. Now I am a mom!!! And I am only just starting to come to terms that possibly I will never be on time again. Ever! What the f*ck! I now try not to think about it and just enjoy my beautiful baby.
We've got water wipes but not used them yet. We're just using cotton wool pads.

And bigbee I could have written that last bit you put nice to know I'm not the only one x
Had my baby, Luke born 7.28pm weighing 9.9lb. Born via section picture and details to follow
Tasha!! You made iy! Bless you having to wait so long, you weren't forgotten about here. Congratulations xx
Hi ladies could I be added to June mummy please! I had my little girl yesterday at 1009am after a rather fast labour! Her name is Evelyn Marie Baker and she weighed a gorgeous 6lbs13oz :) x x x
Congratulations on your little boy Tashawink :) xx

Welcome syndilou

Hope everyone's having s good morning xx
Tasha!! Yay you're here congratulations my love :)

Went to my first baby group this morning. Actually really enjoyed it ladies were lovely and got speaking to a few, one had a teeny baby too :)

They have weigh ins with the hv who is there too which was fab! Lo also now weighs 10lb 7oz!! Goooooo my boobies haha so so happy :)
Congratulations tasha and syndi!

Exciting to see more babies joining now. Had an awful night sleep last night lily cried from 3.45 til 9 even though she'd been fed and changed throughout that time. She wants to be in my bed and cuddling but don't want to risk it with her being prem. I think she's missing her cuddle buddy now as she's hating being alone at all and has been the same on and off since birth. Ive got a cracking headache from lack of sleep. Little man's at nursery so may try to nap I'd I can but I have 4 baskets of washing to put away! Lol xxx
Caseysmummy, get some sleep! Never mind the washing.

I'd love to get some naps in, but little man is chilling on my chest. Again! As soon as I put him down, he kicks off.
Think I'm going to try. Will sort the washing when my little boys in bed later if need be I'll stick lily in the sling and aim to get at least half put away! Xxx
The same time every evening, J is so unsettled. He's fed, changed, not too hot, had plenty of cuddles, I'm pretty sure it's not wind...he just won't give in and sleep. Why does this happen like clockwork every evening? It's like he can tell the time!
Orion my Dr said at lily's 6 week check it was growth spurts as I asked if it could be colic and he said a lot of people confuse it with colic. That's if he's not windy anyways hun. Xxx
Hey glad to see that nearly everyone os back together sorry I have not had chance to catch up fully.

I hope everything is going well for you all.

I have a quick query, I might be being really silly. But I really want to try and meet some other mums in my area, so think that mummy and baby groups os the way forward. However I am absolutely petrified of going, I don't do groups of new people anyway, but I feel that I will be judged, watched, criticized etc etc. I know in my heart of hearts ot wont happen but the same thing happened today, I took my first solo flight and I was so worried about it I started getting clammy and sweating. I made myself go through it and it was fine, but I then spent the whole journey home crying.

Is there anything I can do to try and get rod of this anxiety
Aww flosi I think I know where you're coming from this this! Firstly yay first solo trip done!!! Massive achievement and I'm assuming all went well ultimately. I also get hot and bothered about things even just when mw or hv are asking me to strip Maggie down to weigh and then dress her again!

I'm just making little goals each day to achieve and not thinking beyond that. I feel chuffed then if I reach my goal.

As for the group environment, you certainly won't be the only one feeling like that, if I was in your area I'd be turning up feeling the same! You now your baby you've been doing a great job so feel confident about that and power in through. Bet it'll go better than you imagine. Worse come to worse you can leave, but I'm sure it won't come to that! Xx
Well done on getting out to groups ladies, we had recently moved when I had Blake and I knew nobody here. I now can't go out without seeing someone I know just from going to the baby groups :) I've not been with Aria yet, but that because I can't drive yet.

Aria had her first follow up hip check today and it was great news. Her bad hip has improved by 9 degrees and only has 3 to go to be classed as normal :yay: They are really impressed as the expected improvement is more like 5 degrees. She might only have another two weeks left in the harness. The doctor said she might only need a harness at night after that.
Thanks Elliott!!! I'm the same with the HV etc. Seems really silly, my husband keeps telling me I'm doing a good job, just feel very insecure! But nice to know I'm not alone.

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