~ * May and June 2015 Babies * ~

Congratulations Coletteypie!!

Jessiecat, how is sleeping in the crib going now? We are cosleeping too, he feeds to sleep and then has a good 4/5 hr sleep. The wee monkey loves it and goes mad if we put him into his basket. Im just paranoid we are getting into a bad habit x
Still a bit hit and miss. If he had 6 feeds in the night he might go in his brib for 3 out of 4 of them. Tbf I could probably get him to settle the last couple if times if I stroked his head and shushed him but my motivation isn't as strong at 5am and I give in to what's easiest.
Still, he point blank refused to go in his crib so it's all improvement and I'm just following his lead a bit.
Go with the flow, they're too young to learn bad habits at this age :)
I agree with jessie, if it helps here's hoping I co slept with my son until he was 2 it took a week to get him on his own bed and now he only jumps in if he wakes up top early I.e 5am and cuddles me to go back to sleep til 8 or 9. I actually enjoy this as he's the best smuggler ever. Xxx
Hia can I join you ladies?

Baby Anabelle born 10th June :)! She's the perfect little bundle at 7lbs 11.

Both still in hospital cos of wee infection but hoping to get discharged today!

Congrats!! Glad you both are well x x

Lily is very bright eyed this morning and very happy so much so we had our first smiles! And she finally fit in her first pair of socks! Sges graduated to newborn clothing! Xxx
Congratulations, Coletteypie!

Ahhhh, caseysmummy, lily is soooo adorable! Actually looking at the camera :)

Question. Anyone got a chicco next to me? We currently use a crib for night sleeping, but I am debating whether to buy a chicco. The crib just seems too narrow for my boy :( he flaps his arms around a bit too much , and he is not a fan of swaddling.
Awww Caseysmummy she's really getting bigger :)

Bigbee we have the chicco next to me, it is quite big, a lot bigger than Moses baskets and cribs I know the guidelines say to take them out around 6 months but baby would fit in for a lot longer!
Can I be added to the list please. Luca Jon born on 11th June at 3:34 pm weighing 8lbs exactly :) so in love with him!
Congratulations Kelly! Enjoy the new addition!

Jessie, I'm going to have a look at one properly tomorrow. I've seen them in the shops before but never paid close attention. Can you use sensor mats with this bed???
You can't use a sensor may without a little adapting whih is a shame. The bottom of the crib doesn't have any holes for the wires to come out and obviously we didn't want it coming out of the top so I asked my mum to open the seam a tiny bit and sew round it so it doesn't fray but means the wire can go out the bottomn now.
Thanks Jessie. Is it a good buy? I can get mum to do what you have done to fit the sensor mat, I suppose.

Can the baby roll/wiggle onto the big bed, or are they quite secure in the chicco?
Why the pictures don't show you is that the chicco isn't a actually level with the crib it goes about 3 inches lower and there is a side of about the same size seperatong the 2 beds so no chance of baby ending up in your bed but also it's not as easy to just pull baby across like the adverts make out you still have to sit up and lift baby out. We find it's a bit hit and miss whether he will go in it because he likes to be on or close to us and in there it's still seperates enough that he desnt know we're cosleeping, it's very muh a seperates bed pushed up against ours.
Bigbee I have a snuzpod and you can put the sensor mat underneath it. You can also put the side up and down so I have the side down when I'm waiting for him to fall asleep but then I put it back up when I'm going back to sleep as I'm still paranoid my duvet will end up going in it
Been signed off by the midwife today and had first visit from the health visitor who is lovely. Coming back in 2 weeks time to weigh him etc. and then after that I can go to the clinic to get him weighed. Talking over with her what happened with his birth and stuff made it all come flooding back and left me a but emotional but hope I will feel better later after lots of baby cuddles.

My little man now weighs 5lb 12.5oz at 3 weeks old.

I have only had Lucian in my bed on 2 occasions in the morning when I am dozing and my OH has gone to work. I put him on top of the duvet to make sure he doesn't get covered with it. X
Hi, late join as things have felt mad!! Had Sophie on 10th June weighing 7lb 8. Breastfeeding is improving I think but she falls asleep quickly so never know when she's had enough! Sleeping at night is a nightmare at mo, she'd sleep after a feed no prob if she could stay there, but as soon as moved she wakes x
Congratulations karen. It's normal for baby to fall asleep during a feed. What I was told was to tap their back or bump lightly or sit them up and if they wake put them back on if not they've probably had enough as breastfed babies feed little and often hun xxx
I use to tickle maggie's foot, or OH would if I'd managed to get myself in a position that I didn't have a hand free! Use to just stir her to go back to sucking if she'd nodded off but was still "on".

She still falls asleep but not quite as much or as quickly now.

And congrats Karen :)
On a different note. Mini rant.

Ahhh in laws! Never use to phone now always are, I know it's just because they care but I'm not sure what hey expect us to have to say??? We'll tell them anything of note or that they need to know. Also they want us to go stop there for a family do that's next month and I burst into tears at the thought when oh told me. Really can't face it!
Driving me mad... every night at 2 we have a fight to go to sleep. He goes down fine every other time but 2pm the last few nights he just won't settle. He is fed, changed and burped yet I have to either hold him or constantly rock his crib to get him to go to sleep and as soon as I stop he starts grizzling. Very frustrating. Any tips anyone? X
Morning ladies, sorry I've not been about as much recently, the pair of them really keep me busy! Plus me and Aria caught a cold last week and are still suffering with stuffed up noses :(

Sorry babyscorcher, no tips, just sympathies as Aria often does the same to me. She was up at 3am this morning and didn't settle until 5am. I do find its worse if I change her nappy though, so I only do that in the night if it's dirty now x

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