***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Eeek it's nearly time!!!
Nervous! I've come to terms with a long hospital stay but a c section is very scary (even though I've already had one lol). It's just such a strange bought thy his is my last night in my home for quite a long time and then when I rerun I will have a baby and life will be so different. In a way it's like the end of an era, the end of it being just 3 of us. Lots if exciting things to come it's just quite a surreal feeling knowing I'm shutting the door on my current life and will return home to a different one.

Hope you're all ok xx
Hello no sleep thanks to horrific heartburn :( Im going to give birth to chewbaca at this rate if the hair theory is correct!!

Ouchy and yawn :(
Button - if the hair heartburn theory is correct I'll be have a very baldy baby! Hope you're feeling ok.

Jess- hope you get settled ok today, exciting times! X
Morning everyone, only 1 week to fully cooked! :shock:

Good luck today Jessie, I hope your stay in hospital is comfortable, keep in touch, looking forward to baby news x

I'm going to have to book yet another doctors appointment, I'm still struggling with a cough/cold and I'm deaf in the ear that is fighting infection. I wouldn't be able to breathe properly if I were to go into labor at the moment.
Hello ladies, sorry to hear some of you are suffering with different things, im now two weeks post partum and physically back to my old self (bar the saggy skin on my tummy). I couldnt believe how quickly the spd had gone! I walked without any groin or back pain after 2 days as i was wheeled about before then because of my section. I cant believe your almost there now! it seems to have gone so quickly. Ive had an eventful few days, I was nearly readmitted due to high blood pressure as my blood pressure has been between 140/90-164/93 which is high for me, so they put me on blood pressure tablets even though im under the treatment line so i dont have to suffer as everyone keeps saying ive been through enough but if im honest its caused me more stress ( i have no symptoms so wasnt suffering). hey tried to put me on a tablet that meant lily would have to be monitored for hypoglycemia respitory distress etc, so i said i wasnt taking it as im not risking lily! so they swapped me to nifedipine which is safer and can cause no harm to lily but they were giving me really bad headaches that paracetamol would shift, so im going to speak to my gp on wednesday at my app. Lilys drs told us they had been keeping an eye on her sodium and potassium levels as they suspected she had a hormone inbalance but tests had come back normal so far but were sending some blood to Birmingham to rule it out completely ( we get the results back today) Then saturday i broke down about everything thats happened it all just got to me and i really want lily home now with us as its so hard to leave her there when we leave. But yesterday was finally a good day we went to see lily and she was wide awake for an hour and a half, she had just had a bottle, we changed her into a bigger sleepsuit as hers was getting a little small then she still seemed hungry so we gave her an extra 10ml of milk and she scoffed that down and she sat looking at me for around 20 mins and still seemed hungry she was due her next feed in an hour so the nurse said to wait til then so that she would still finish her next feed and that we could give it her by bottle again (we were alternating between tube and bottle to save her energy) she woke up half hour early for next feed and she wolfed it down again then fell asleep in my arms properly just before we had to leave. Until yesterday she only was only ever awake for half an hour to have her feed then would go back to sleep once he tummy was full and you would have to wake her for her next feed so was amazing to see her awake and now she is on more bottles than tube feeds its a step closer to coming home as once she is fully off the tube for 24-48 hours she can come home!! She's still so little and its quite scary at times but i cant wait to feel like her mum properly and do everything for her myself! If i post a picture to the group on facebook will it only show in that group? i havent put anything on facebook but would really like to show you ladies a picture of how shes come on but dont want it on my newsfeed just on the may mummies group? xxx
Hi caseys mum great to hear from you. Im glad little lily is thriving away. It's amazing how strong those little babies can be!
Hope u are all keeping well

You mentioned a facebook group did i miss the may mummies facebook group lol.

I've a question for u girls. I know that the babys head is free at the brim of my cervix and this morning i cud really feel baby pushing down there. I was a previous section with my little boy and right where the scar is i cud feel the head pushing... i dunno if this is because its a thinner layer of skin ot what have any of u experience this?
Caseysmummy, good to hear from you! Glad lily is recovering! She is a little trooper. Hopefully you will be able to take her home very very soon.

If you post the picture to the Facebook group only we will be able to see it.

Cers, if you message mayflower, she will be able to add you to the Facebook page :)
Morning ladies, thank you for all the well wishes, my appointment isn't until 3 in a way I wish it would come round fast because I have so many questions and at least then we should get some answers.
Il update as soon as I'm out of the appointment but I'm expecting it to be a long one.

Caseysmummy so good to hear from you!! I loved reading about Lily bein awake an staring at you sounds like she's really getting there with her feeding as well. Have they given you any idea of when she may be able to go home?
Glad to hear you're feeling better physically, mentally will obviously not be as easy but don't apply any pressure to yourself it's a long process and all your roller coaster of emotions are completely normal. It sounds like Lily is keeping you busy which is good. Lots of love, keep updating us. I don't use facebook so won't see but if you post a pic of Lily here I'd love a little peek :)

Cers could baby have dropped/engaged? I have no experience though xx
Thanks Bigbee. Yeah jessie i was thinking that god knows. But ive another scan on Monday now to see and midwife app tomorrow to see if any change in position ...

Jessie whens ur section booked for ? X
That's brilliant ladies thank you. Not sure when she will be able to come home dates wise buti know once she's not needed her tube for 24-48 hours we will be invited to stay in the family unit fora couple of days before bringing her home so looking forward to that. Good luck for today jessie! Im having trouble posting pictures on here but if I post on to the Facebook group I don't mind if one of the other ladies would post it in this thread for me although I'll try again first xxx
Went for my consultant appointment today my BP wasn't too high but protein++ in my urine and not so good blood results (consistently falling platelets) will be induced tomorrow and I can't stop crying. I am so worried I am eating everything. My bags are packed but I just don't feel ready for the baby. I don't know how I will cope. :,(
Ah sephorah try not to worry hun. I know its stressful but you will be in such good hands xx
Well I've been admitted with plan to section at 39 weeks. Il then be in to recover from section so I'm looking nearly a month in hospital!!
I better get comfy.

Sorry to hear you're having a tough time sephorah il be thinking of you tomorrow x
Hello no sleep thanks to horrific heartburn :( Im going to give birth to chewbaca at this rate if the hair theory is correct!!

Ouchy and yawn :(

I've been having it so had for weeks that it makes me vomit and I couldn't sleep or eat most things! So I had enough and went to the gp and he prescribed me something for the acid which I take one of a day and my heartburn has gone! May help you too it's worth a try anyway to ask x

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