***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Any news NM?
I know willow it's crazy isn't it! I have about 2 weeks eft before they will bring baby out, it's really hard to get my head round.

Thanks Cers I've come to terms with the fact that il be going in so I'm just on autopilot preparing. Monday is coming round really fast though!!

Does anyone else think they will miss being pregnant?
I'm so ready to have her now but I will miss being pregnant for sure, its just lovely having her inside and ive grown her and to feel her move etc! This probably will be our last as well so a bit more on the missing being pregant for that reason too.
I think I will miss pregnancy to a degree... This is definitely my last and it's strange to think that I won't experience this again, although this has by far been the hardest of my pregnancies so I think it will be a while before I miss it! Lol
Atm i can't say i will miss being pregnant but in about 6/7 months time i will lol. Not being able to eat what i want and being able to be a tad lazy always has its perks lol as well as people doing things for you lol... Most importantly though i will miss the movements and kicks of reasurrance lol. Although im sure my LO will be full of tears to make me aware that he or she is perfectly fine and vocal lol x
Ladies how can I get baby out of my ribs? His bum is on my right side, head on the left and both feet pressed up against my ribs. It's woken me up and I'm now sat upright in bed tryin to physically push him out of there. So painful!
Ladies how can I get baby out of my ribs? His bum is on my right side, head on the left and both feet pressed up against my ribs. It's woken me up and I'm now sat upright in bed tryin to physically push him out of there. So painful!

Oh no, it might not work ifyou have a stubborn little one! But have you tried getting on all fours to see if that makes him flip his limbs the other way?
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Morning ladies

I'm really on the fence about missing being pregnant. On the one hand I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired! I've been ill so many times during this pregnancy and can't wait to get something of an immune system back. I want to eat runny eggs and drink wine! I want to walk to the shops without feeling breathless and I want to sleep through the night without a great pillow between my legs lol! :lol:
On the other hand I will miss feeling LO move, I'll miss the attention and sympathy from everyone around me and I know I'm not planning on doing this again. It's almost sad that it's nearly over now.
So got a bed early this morning will start induction thread later
Glad you're getting sorted Nm, will keep an eye on any posts from you :) good luck x

I'm just having an in laws sulk (they're still here but I'm having a lazy lie in and OH seeing to them). I shouldn't complain as could be worse it's just little things. They say they want to help financially, not that we are needing it its just because they gave money to OH step sister, but then let us pay for meal out for five of us, they keep saying I must be really patient to not make Craig do all the things that need doing around the house, I love our house and nothing major needs doing, they dissed from nursery as we thought they would that we are having a girl, father in law just keeps moaning about family name not carrying on and says nothing nice, doesn't like the car I've now got and I should stop now as sure anyone has stopped reading haha! Rant done. I know they mean well but I just don't enjoy being around them much :( oh and I should apparently be bigger and not exercising!
Hey everyone, I've more been stalking this thread than posting as my tapatalk wouldn't let me sign in a lot but now I'm down to the last 3 weeks I'm back and starting to get excited/nervous!! Hoping for a water birth but this may not be possible as I had a pph with my daughter and the midwife said it really depends on different things but I will be using the pool as pain relief for the labour part anyway like I did the first time! Hope everyone is keeping well xx
Elliot that sounds frustrating, I have no time for people who force their opinion on you and what anyone else thinks is unimportant!

I hope nm and Jen are getting on ok.

Kra0 congrats on being full term! A water birth sounds lovely I hope it all works out for you.

Last day of freedom for me!!!!
wow its so brilliant to read about babies on the way :) been in and out of hospital myself with preeclampsia symptoms than HELLP symptoms. Have consultant appointment tomorrow will talk about induction. My first 1 was induced and let me tell you that experience was very bad hoping all goes well this time around.

Love & luck to all
R u doing anything nice on ur last day of freedom jessie?... sephorah how are you keeping? How far along r u? Kra0 congrats on being full term. How have u been keeping?
Elliott sounds like in laws are a pain!! Don't worry about what they say. If you are happy and comfortable doing what you are doing carry on!!!

I have folk telling me I should be around the horses, and I should be taking it easy when walking the dogs etc but they don't understand that anything has changed and cannot fend for themselves!! I do sometimes wonder how mankind has survived this long if we are all supposed to shut down and be house bound!!
Hey everyone!

Wow cant believe we have babies on the way and people reaching full term!! Yay for babies arriving, its mad thinking we all came together way back in September hehe!!

I feel blah, bump is stretched and sore, lower back is killing me and my flower feel 3 times the size lol!! 5 weeks to go..ahhhhhh
Thanks, as ever venting on here has helped and you girls have made me feel a bit better. Excitement of full term and babies on the way has helped. Also think I e managed to order some yoga/pj type bottoms that could be good for coming home and a nursing top I love as well so could be a winning combo :)

Glad I'm only working 2 days this week, hospital bag will be packed my end of the week in time for getting to 35 wks. Just starting to worry still about lack of anything to help "down there" cope with what's to come :s.
R u doing anything nice on ur last day of freedom jessie?... sephorah how are you keeping? How far along r u? Kra0 congrats on being full term. How have u been keeping?

I am good but have a bad pelvic pain, does anybody suffer from that? and backpain which is a killer. OVer worked myself yesterday and ended up in hospital at 2 am, poor hubby had just returned from Notts, 3 hours driving and took me straight hospital. :roll:

Not long to go now, fingers crossed
Hello all...

Sounds like lower back and groin are a common pain right now!!! I think I have a bit of SPD now...my groin hurts when I stand up and try to walk. I'm alright after I take a few steps, it's just the initial stationary-to-mobile position.

Still need to pack my hospital bag as well.

Jessie, good luck for tomorrow. Keep in touch! :):):)

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