***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Hello ladies, I'm joining you in tri 3 now :-)

Wow larly that video is amazing!! Will I get to see movement like that? Or will I not at all with anterior placenta? Feeling regular gentle movements now, but only been able to feel her a few times from the outside xx
Blue eyes: I've started to get movements like that this week with an anterior placenta. Xx
No idea blueeyes. Never had an anterior placenta so not sure. Fingers crossed u will, just may be at a later stage x
Loving feeling her move anyway, but would be lovely for OH to feel/see her move xx
Tri hopping. I think it may depend on baby's postion. I've had anterior placenta in both pregnancies and my son used to move around like that but this one doesn't.
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28 weeks today :) less than 12 weeks till baby arrives & still gotta move & be settled in that time :shock: freckle wide awake already :love:
Cant believe im 27 weeks today!... where has this pregnancy gone. Officially in Tri 3!!
Thanks jessiecat its been a crazy few weeks and ive been poorly. Also booked my wedding this week so im getting married march 2016 lol. Getting as much planned and prepared before the baby comes lol
Wow you will be busy!! How cute will baby look in a teeny baby outfit though!

Having a bit of a funny turn at the minute I'm lying on the sofa trying to let it pass, just feel a bit off and I feel like I can't breathe properly even though I'm breathing fine. I don't get panic attacks but feel like I'm having to realty focus on not panicking about breathin and how much air I'm getting. I know there's extra pressure on our lungs but I've not felt like this before. Anyone had anything similar?
Tri hopping but jessie I have been having this the last few days its been awful i really feel like air isnt going round even though I'm breathing okay.
Glad it's not just me, it's very stressful isn't it! With baby lying transverse I didn't expect my lungs to be under as much pressure. It seems to have passed now but I'm making a conscious effort not to think about breathing as then I become aware of it again.
Baths are great in pregnancy aren't they! I've never been a bath person I liked a quick shower to get the job done but now I love a good long soak :)
Do u think its just because of the space getting smaller Jessie? Ino my app said i will be gasping for air at this stage. Anyone with another lo think this pregnancy is flying by?
Hope everyone's having a nice weekend
I'm thinking about packing my hospital bags soon as been told I will have baby before due date
I'm thinking of having a hospital bag incase just I go in a labour bag and a baby bag
Could be Cers, its happened a few times today but it seems to start when im just sat doing nothing? It's not as if its after lifting/walking upstairs etc.

And yes definitely flying by!!
Jessiecat I have had that recently too, feels like I can't get a enough breath in and my heart is beating very fast, it comes on suddenly and can happen any time, it makes me feel quite anxious, but I think by the sounds of it it's quite normal. I have low blood pressure so that makes me feel a but light headed sometimes, also read low iron can make you have palpitations.

Hope everyone's ok. I've had a bit of a baking weekend. Made shortbread and fudge for boyfriend for valentine's yesterday and made scones today.

Managed to do a bit on the treadmill and swim today, however now having to sit with warm wheatbag on my back.

Got this week off work and planning on doing the babys room xx

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